Smoke & Mirrors 2

As Apollo walked to an Alliance car his phone chirped and he answered without a thought, "Apollo." The voice on the line chuckled, "Who is this!" Apollo snapped and it stopped, "A mouse who evaded the cat, and what a show! Your alliance types are so damned predictable and don't bother tracking this call, it's bouncing off of every satellite and ground station on the planet." Apollo stopped and scanned around him, "What do you want?"

"Nothing that hasn't already been done, and your right we did use Dock 13, but don't bother

interrogating the manager later, he's just a naive fool who knows only that he manages a retail warehouse, put in place to sweeten the effect. Your time is best spent on damage control Apollo, the Alliance is looking a little rocky lately, only 56% support for the world's mightiest heroes. Don't

worry we won't take you to court, this bit of theatrics was an orchestrated warning, let Shadow reign." the phone clicked off, he checked his call log, and no record was found and no minutes used. Apollo stared at his phone and trembled with fear and rage.


The hero is fatally flawed, a hero must follow rules, must cooperate with law enforcement, and are subject to the whims of the populous. A villain, however, isn't guided by any such rules, a villain ultimately seeks chaos to meet one's goal. The key is where and to whom the chaos is applied. Shadow smiles as he watched the media frenzy and public backlash to Apollo's botched raid, one in which Shadow carefully orchestrated to achieve this very result. Neo-G popped up a message onto Shadow's personal display, "A message from Tania sir." Shadow composed himself and tapped the accept button on his display. Tania's secure video line filled the display, "Report," Shadow said coolly, "Of course sir. The mission went well and an interesting request just showed up on my desk." Tania replied in a similar tone, but with a subtle smirk, "I see, well go on then."

"The Director of Homeland Security is requesting assistance on developing a division that deals with supers. Apparently the confidence in The Hero Alliance was more precarious then we've anticipated." Shadow smiled, "Indeed. The political and public support seems to be dissolving." Tania's smirk grew into an impish grin, "Yes sir, spectacularly so. How do you want me to proceed with the DHS request?"

Shadow pondered for a moment, "By all means join them, I'll arrange someone special to come to your attention soon, and keep me informed. When this division is ready I'll have their first operation arranged." Tania nodded, "I will sir, Tania out." The screen returned to the news feeds as the secure line disconnected. Shadow sat back in his plush high-back chair with a smile on his face, "Excellent,

this is quite a predicament The Alliance is in indeed."


Tania sat across from Director Tomas Sterling of Homeland Security smiling politely as she sipped her coffee, the Director placed a briefing packet marked top secret on the polished redwood desk with similar politeness. Director Sterling wasn't exactly friends with her, after the Mexico Incident she stole the political show with her swift action, to the ridicule of the dear Director, a point made evermore piercing by the fact the Congressional hearing heaped praise on her throughout the painful four-hour hearing. "You are looking lovely today Governor," he said with politically practiced sincerity. "You flatter me Director, but let's forgo false pleasantries, Tom. I'm aware you hold some resentment over the Mexico Incident, and I regret how the press handled the situation and your

unfortunate ridicule. Which I condemned publicly." He smiled more gentlemanly, "Sharp as always madam Governor, and yes I held some resentment however such things are behind me for a greater opportunity has arisen." Tania feint surprise, "Oh? What may that be?" she said reaching for the packet as he continued, "The President is forming a special military division one which may benefit from a formal Airforce Intelligence Operative such as yourself." Tania smiled in genuine intrigue "And what, pre-tell, is this special division's mission?" In preparation for her role as Shadow's plant, she was indeed an Intelligence Operative and a damned good one with Shadow's training. "To study and develop countermeasures to the Hero Alliance and other supers."

She purposely let her fake surprise show to the Director who saw the bemused and silent sarcasm, but he smiled, "Surely you already know this considering your training and contacts," he said as he lends back in his overstuffed leather chair. "I suspected some response to The Alliance's failure Director, but as you know my clearances aren't what they used to be," she speeds read the briefing as Sterling replied, "A situation which I can change madam Governor " She looked up from a capabilities report of Zeus, "Depending on what Tom?" He turned serious, "On your involvement of course, despite our rivalries Tania, your trained and damned sharp as a razor, and frankly I need you for the program."

Tania was truly shocked by his admission, "Tom, you know I support the Alliance, very publicly in fact." He looked her square in the eye, zero deception, "That's why I need you on the team, it would legitimize the program, and you can't say you don't have doubts on their ability to protect us." She closed the briefing folder, "Yes, I do have doubts, but military action? Tom, you can't seriously believe they're a threat, do you?" He turned his gaze to the folder, "No, but I also believe that if attacked they'll defend themselves. There's also a growing threat of anti-super terrorists stirring the pot, we intercepted a bomb plot just yesterday, their target was a local Alliance lesion office in New York PD H.Q." Tania looked skeptical, "I never heard of a botched attack." Sterling sighed, "Of course not, we're keeping it close to the chest, but hate and fear are infectious, as I'm sure you well know, Major was it?" She steeled, "Colonel, and it's former Colonel, Director, evoking my patriotism in this way is hardly necessary nor appropriate, and very dangerous to your health."

Sterling put up his hands in surrender, "I apologize madam Governor, but my point stands in regard to the Alliance." Her cold gaze bored into him, no more games and she let her real self leave a clear and lasting impression, "It stands," she said coolly, making even the agreement a cloaked threat before easing back into her politician persona, "I will join if only to make sure you don't turn it sideways Director Sterling," He smiled a bit sheepishly, clearly he got the impression that she was very, very dangerous if crossed, "Excellent" he said with a healthy bit of caution. She gave a sweet smile which clearly disturbed him, "However if any operator dies because of your incompetence, I will know, and will systematically destroy your career, Tom." She rose, warmly extended a hand as she placed the briefing folder under her arm with the other, "Good day Director." Sterling rose and awkwardly smiled as he took her hand in turn, "Good day madam Governor."


Tania fiddled with the tiny foam sphere of her wireless microphone back-stage of the theater that served as the stage of her keynote speech. It's been six months since she joined the advisory council, laying the groundwork and working out the training syllabus necessary for new operatives for the black ops agency, being officially code-named "Tier Zero", but she called it internally the "Delilah Project" she smirked as she thought about it, the woman who robbed Samson his unmatched strength, just like I'm going to rob the Alliance of its power. The host announced her and she takes a deep breath and put on her "public face", a warm smile crossed her lips, her lipstick a subtle pink, small stud earrings, a tasteful and plain gold necklace around her neck, a light-colored conservative cut blouse with just the right number of buttons unhooked to be mildly provocative, and a dark professional styled knee-length skirt topped off with "comfortable" heels. As the crowd applauded she walked up the host speaker with a confident grace, she greeted him with practiced a thank you and a polite hug, she then turned to the enthusiastic crowd and blew a kiss as she took the podium.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she motioned for quiet, and continued as the clapping petered out and the audience takes their seats, "Thank you all for coming today, and thank you Senator for the lovely introduction." She fiddled with her notes and composted herself as short applause made it's round across the packed theater, "It's a blessing and an honor to speak at this year's GOP Convention, the last year in a half have tested this nation in ways we never imagined. Challenges we never saw coming, trials and pitfalls, and sobering reaffirmation that this nation still has dangerous enemies. Both without, and within. "But no matter the trial! No matter the seemingly impossible challenge that lays before us! America will stand firm!"

A cheer and applause roared to life, "Stand firm on our foundation that our founders and forefathers laid before us. We must affirm, upon the firm reliance on divine providence the truths of Life! Liberty! And the individual right for the pursuit of our own happiness!" a standing ovation developed like a wave of humanity and Tania basked in it for a precious few seconds before continuing, "We have relied upon to often from government, and from those who promise the world but instead creates slavery. We delegated to heroes to provide a quick fix to the symptom, while we fail to change the cause... As Governor I've held firm to the principles of our founders, and when the disaster of the Mexico Incident struck, I made a call, one that wasn't popular, and one that my peers called career suicide."

A chuckle hovered around the room, "I made the call to put the well-being of Californians ahead of my own, and put in policies that should've been put in place decades ago! I've streamlined out-of-date and redundant regulations! I've locked down the border and struck a blow to the cartels, key money maker, by reforming cannabis regulations, which brings in hundreds of millions in new revenue that goes education and healthcare subsidies which benefits all Californians, we cut spending to frivolous and wasteful programs, and now California is a leader in education! A leader in Immigration Reform! A leader in the industry! One of the lowest in unemployment! And now California's success is spreading to other states, and we are leading the way!"

The thunderous applause and cheering filled the building, "We can do it together, we don't need someone else to do what is right. We don't need Heroes to save the day for every little thing. Let them do what they do best, rise to the threats we can't, and let each of us handle the rest. When someone is hungry, feed them. When someone is broken, comfort them. And when someone weak is being beaten down defend them. Government and Heroes have their place, and each of us has

ours." Applause and words of agreement engulfed the room and when it quieted Tania became somber, playing the crowd with her theater, and evoking an expecting hush to the theater which beamed to the country and the world, "In that spirit of humble duty, one well known to probably our greatest President, George Washington, who never wanted the office. Who was happy to just tend his vineyard and live in the freedoms that the blood of the Revolution paid for... I announce tonight that I won't run for reelection as Governor of California, but serve in another fashion, one which President Hayford will announce later tonight, and it'll be clear why I'm somber before you now."

Stunned murmuring filled the room with whispers, "It was a great honor to serve my state, and I'm eternally grateful for the loving support of those who stood by me and defended me when things got tough. Thank you all, and God bless you and this great nation." As she turned to the host, the silence gave way to an enthusiastic standing ovation as she made her way back-stage. Darlene met her as the audio tech took her microphone, "Governor! You won't believe the massive traffic on social media! The net is buzzing!" she was flustered and excitement radiated from her like an aura, "Really?" Tania said amusingly, "What did Jack say about my teaser?" They walked briskly down the spartan hall to the exit and her armored limo. Darlene looked like she was a giddy twelve years old, "In a word: Spectacular! He's just been boosted, along with you I might add, to number 1 on

twitter, and the pundits are keeping you and the President the top story on every network and cable show on the planet!" Tania gave her famous impish grin, the tide is turning, and the Alliance won't know what hit them.


Shadow watched the news reports on the main screen smiling, the world was a buzz about Tier Zero, and it's mission to effectively replace the Hero Alliance. T.Z. will take over all investigations into the activities of every hero with all the veracity of a Salem Witch Hunt. Oh, how marvelous the sight of the befuddled Heroes! Now we move, now we strike! "Neo, give Talon the green light."

Neo-G smirked, "Yes sir." she punched a command sequence, "Nest to Talon, your a go..."

Talon sat in an armored vehicle, his strike team armed and poised. "...I repeat you are a go." Talon nodded, "Rodger Nest, Proceeding as planned." He turned to his team, "We're a go! Let's move!" The team rose and flung the rear doors open. The team ran from the matte-black Tier Zero armored striker vehicle. Along with three other teams, as they marched up the steps of the Hero Alliance Hall, weapons raised, and into the cavernous foyer. An aid screamed as the armed men stormed in and flung her to the floor, zip-tying her hands behind her back, the receptionist pressed the silent alarms just before she too was restrained Civilian staff scattered as one by one they were thrown to the ground and restrained by the fully armed soldiers.

Apollo rushed into the foyer with Sakura as Talon walked in the building "What's the meaning of this! Who are you!" Apollo demanded Talon displayed the Congressional Order in plain view, "By order of the Congress and the President of The United States the Hero Alliance is to hereby disband all records are to be seized for criminal review by the Senate Judiciary Committee and all personnel to halt all operations and summit to questioning!" Apollo was dumbfounded as Sakura spun up to her ninja stars, "Like hell we are!" She shouted as she let loose the weapons, Talon ducked one and twisted around another, he brought his weapon to bear and fired a stun round witch she dodged as she charged and unsheathed her sword, moments before she could bring it to strike, she was hit by fifteen stun rounds by Talon's guards. She convulsed as the rounds arced electricity across her body shorting out her nervous system as three guards held her down and zipped tied her hands and feet together. Apollo watched stunned at the ease at which they subdued her and at the audacity of the attack. "I hope you'll be more cooperative Apollo," Talon said as Apollo stared at the strike team commander, he nodded as he came around and zipped tied his hands behind his back.

Talon grabbed his arm, "You won't get away with this," Apollo warned, "The public won't stand for it." Talon shoved him forward, "Not only will they stand for it," Talon lend close to his ear, "They will cheer us." he said as he led Apollo out of the hall on toward a waiting armored striker. The press had already gathered, shining bright camera lights and microphones in Apollo's face shouting questions. "What is your reactions!", "Are the allegations true!", "What will be the council's

response? Will they attack U.S. personnel?" Apollo just walked not saying a word, he got a glimpse behind the throng of reporters to see protesters one sign read, 'Heroes destroyed my home, Heroes go home!' and he saw citizens mocking and jeering as he and a line of civilian aids and other heroes were marched to armored buses and vehicles. Behind him, Sakura struggled as two TZ troops carried her by her bound feet and hands, "What's wrong with you! How many times have we

saved you?!" she screamed at the protesters as an empty soda can struck her face along with a, "Shut up freak!" from a man in the crowd.

Sakura was stunned and stopped flailing as she was unceremoniously flung into the striker along with Apollo and several civilian workers slamming the rear hatch behind her. She worked her way from the floor to sitting beside Apollo. After several minutes of silence, she turned to him, "Is this how they repay us for sacrificing for them? For saving them?" she said almost in tears. Apollo laid his head on hers and she began to weep. The convoy of buses and striker combat vehicles drove away as dozens of TZ and FBI personnel walked into the hall and dozens more marched out with boxes of evidence and records. As the crowd of protesters cheered them on and news crews recorded every detail in HD clarity. As Shadow watched with a smile ear-to-ear, "Now we begin Phase Three." he said and Neo-G replied with a yes sir, as she continued her work.