
Somewhere on the outskirts of the village.

A group of five could be seen dragging four unconscious people on the ground. Two of the unconscious people had a dark attire, together with a mask of an animal on their faces. They were a duo of Anbu's who were dispatched to secretly protect the Hokage area that was off-limits to any person except them and the Hokage.

Next to them was the duo of Jounins, who were guarding the entrance to the Hokage office at the time. They were already stripped of their Jounin attire, being left in their underwear.

"Shit...can't we just kill these people and be done with it? I don't understand why we should go to such lengths for them. They are heavy as fuck." one of the men complained.

"Shut your trap if you don't want to die! If the boss heard you, you would be dead meat just now! Moreover, you know that she needs to absorb their blood..." Another man from the group hushed him down and looked behind him.

They waited for Shura and Imino for a long time but none of them returned from their mission. That either meant that they ran into trouble or found something really valuable and decided to keep it for themselves.

'They better not have fucking dipped after all the trouble we went through with the Anbu...'

He looked towards the Hokage Office one last time and just as he was about to turn around, he caught something running towards them out of the corner of his eyes.

"Prepare yourself! Something is coming!"

Everyone readied themselves but let their guard down the moment they saw who it was.

"Ah... it's just that fat pig Imino...See? I told you they wouldn't betray us...but where is Shura? I don't see him."

The members looked at Imino but noticed there was something strange about him. The fatty was running for his life with his quality alcohol but once he saw his teammates, tears formed in his eyes.

The moment he arrived in front of them, a terrible stench flooded their noses.

"Blegh! Imino! Did you sleep in vomit or what?! You smell even worse than you usually do!"

The fatty rolled down on the ground and tried to catch his breath.

"Hah...Hah...I am so glad I found ya...hah...something terrible happened to Shura!"

The gazes of everyone present turned serious as they demanded the explanation.

"Where is he? What the hell happened to him?"

"I...dun know..."

This made the people around him angry. How could he simply not know what happened to his partner? He entered the building with him!

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"Your teammate can't just disappear!"

"Tell us the truth! Did he run away with something valuable?! Are you gonna split it after?!"

The fatty tried to remember but nothing came to mind.

"He simply vanished...I was out cold but when I woke up, all I found were deez documents and blood in the secret room he managed to break into...iz it possible he ran away?"

"That's unlikely. You mentioned there was blood, right? It's highly possible he was killed...but why didn't he kill you too?"

"I dun know, I guess I was lucky. Here, there was no money in the safe, only these documents." The fatty handed them to the tall man and he went through them quickly.

"The hero Naruto Uzumaki has two kids? Good, at least we won't return with empty hands. Now, let's go, the boss is waiting."

They resumed their journey and after a few minutes, they arrived at an abandoned mansion.

"We are here. Drag them inside."

Others did as they were told and dragged the unconscious men into the throne room of the mansion. Inside of the throne room, a young scarlet haired woman rested on her golden throne. Her beauty was mesmerizing and her figure was top notch. No one would have guessed that she was behind the recent kidnappings.

As she slid her slender white fingers across the surface of the throne, she noticed that only six out of seven people returned from the mission.

"Hm? What happened to little Shura I wonder? Did he betray me? Or has he fallen in battle?" her alluring, yet dangerous voice kept her men on edge in both ways.

They wanted to tell her what happened but they were too afraid to respond. The woman in front of them, no matter how pretty she was, was a monster. Day by day, they saw her brutality in her bloody rituals. They know that they can't afford to piss her off.

"Now, who shall answer me?"

The men trembled but none of them spoke.

The woman scanned through them and her gaze fell onto Imino.

"How about you, little piggy? Come forward! Weren't you his partner? Where is my little pawn?"

Imino hesitated but slowly moved towards her with the documents he found.

"Miss Scarlet...He...iz gone...all that was left was a pool of blood...But...I've managed to obtain some intel!"

He handed Scarlet the documents and knelt in front of her.

She scanned the documents and revealed a slight smile.

"Naruto Uzumaki will be nominated as a Hokage next year or the year after. He also has a son that was born six years ago and a daughter that was born recently. They would certainly cost a lot on the black market, don't you agree?" She swept her gaze over her underlings and they hurriedly nodded their heads.


"Y-Yes...Uzumaki Naruto married the princess from the Hyuuga clan. That means that their children have a strong bloodline of both Uzumaki and Hyuuga clan! Their body parts and organs could be sold for a lot. Especially their eyes."

"Their eyes huh...The Byakugan was it? I've only seen a few of them on the market but they were already too old to be used sadly." Scarlet lamented and continued, "Anyway, back to little Shura, I suppose...I liked my pawn a lot, yet he disappeared and all that was left was blood...Are you sure you weren't followed little piggy?"

"F-Followed...B-By whom?" Imino refused to look at her out of fear and simply stared at the ground.


To say that she wasn't angry about their mission would be an understatement, they didn't manage to gain any money or resources they needed. All they got was some useless info and she even lost one of her subordinates. The worst part was the fact that whoever did that to Shura could have easily followed Imino into her base and launch a surprise attack at any moment.

She didn't have time to bother herself with this incompetent pig, she needed to raise the guard around the villa immediately.

"Lord Jashin...Please show me the way..." she murmured and continued, "Imino! Go on a lookout! Make sure no one is around the mansion!"

"Y-Yeah!" He hurriedly stood up and went outside for a smoke.

Once outside, he leaned back against the wall of the mansion and lit a cig.

"Dat woman iz scary...I can never understand what she thinkin about."

Just as he put the cigar into his mouth, he felt a strange and unbearable pain around his chest. He looked down and noticed that a hand was peering out of his chest, holding what remained of his heart in his hands.

"T-This...No way...Iz that...Mine?..."

Boruto crushed the heart in his left hand and moved it to right.


The laser from his index finger sliced through the fatty like a knife through butter. Imino didn't even realize what happened, all he knew was that his life has come to an end.

Boruto looked down at the two halves of Imino's body and took out a scroll.

"Saving it for worse times."

He put the body inside and put the scroll back into his ninja pocket.

After that, he sat down and activated the sage mode. Not long after, he stood up and lurked around the mansion.

'There has to be a leader or something like that. I never heard of this weird organization before, although Orochimaru of the future told me that there were some kidnapping incidents back when I was a little kid and also told me a few details regarding it, it was resolved within a month. The old man probably took care of it. But now that I am here, I will end it quickly.'

He dashed around the hallways and placed some Hiraishin marks here and there.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the throne room, where he could clearly see his targets and most likely their leader.

"It's a woman?" Boruto was confused, from what Orochimaru told him, the leader was a man, is it possible that this is a fake?

He sneaked into the throne room and observed from the distance.

'I can easily dispatch those five as they look like thugs without much experience in fights but this woman looks a bit stronger.'

Boruto opened up his ninja pocket and took out a small needle. He wrapped a thin paper around it and placed a Hiraishin mark on top of it.

'The best course of action would be to dispatch the leader first. If I can do that, the rest will scatter and die afterward, however, I still think that I should dispatch the small fries first so that I can get used to fighting enemies in this new body.'

He threw the needle on the ceiling right on top of the woman who was sitting on the throne, took out a Hiraishin kunai and threw it towards one of her henchmen as a distraction. Fortunately, the "distraction" actually managed to bear fruits.

The kunai hit his target and immediately took one of the men down. Bear in mind that if Boruto didn't have his sage mode on, his small body didn't have enough strength yet to kill someone with the force of a kunai.

As the man fell down, the two people that were in front of the fallen man, stood there in shock and weren't able to react. Boruto used this chance to teleport on top of the fallen man and slit the throats of the two with his small laser.

"D-Damn it! Kill him!" The rest of the thugs finally realized what was going on and rushed towards him with their weapons.

Scarlet just silently observed the kid and couldn't help but widen her eyes. Her smile grew into a grin as she thought, "That's the son of Naruto Uzumaki! Oh, are you seeing this captain Yiro? How amazing." her right eyes started glowing yellow and she made sure to watch the fight between her underlings and Boruto Uzumaki carefully.

Meanwhile, Boruto landed just in front of the trio and began another battle in his small body.

(Pov Change to Boruto.)

A proper shinobi of a Jounin level would be able to counter, maybe even kill me if I did this, but they are only some thugs. They are nothing in my eyes. In my eyes, my opponents looked like they were afraid to even enter the combat with weapons, against a child, even though I was completely unarmed at the moment.

I darted forward untouched and smashed a kick up between one of the men's legs. It was a dirty move, but this way it didn't take much to decapitate him when he clutched his dear balls and didn't protect himself.


I cut off his head cleanly and moved towards another target. The two men who were still left looked at my gruesome methods in fear. They probably didn't expect this coming from a young child such as me.

I could have put on the appearance of someone else but I decided to keep my own face. Many people won't be able to react in time because they simply never would have thought that I am a killer.

I got in front of the next man and cut off his left arm with Chidori, the man's hand fell on the ground while still clutching the blade, his head soon followed.

"One more to go," I said softly, making sure the last man heard me and lost any reason and morale he already had left to fight me. Shaking in his boots, the man chose to escape and ran out of the door.

I picked up one of the katanas on the floor and teleported to one of my Hiraishin marks I put on the walls just in case someone tried to run. I reappeared behind him and pierced his heart with it, leaving him on the ground and watching him in his last moments.

I teleported back to the throne room and all that was left was the woman.

"You are the only one left. Any last words before you die?"

The woman giggled and replied, "Nope! I've seen all that I wanted! Amazing performance Boruto Uzumaki...Lord Jashin will be pleased with it... I am sure he will."

Boruto winced at the name, "Lord Jashin? There are still people that follow that fake god?" a slight worry emerged in his mind. He heard about him. Lord Jashin is something close to a god. A lot of people prayed to him in the past, yet only a few could earn the favor of eternal life and invincibility from him through special rituals.

"Is this woman perhaps..."