Future Regrets

Unbeknownst to Ino, the person in front of her was a clone and the real Boruto was still in hiding. That was also the reason why her Mind Transfer Jutsu had failed since she cannot possess a shadow clone and she received a backlash as a result.

'I will not take any chances. I have to make this right.' Boruto thought.

He was being extremely careful because the Yamanaka clan have dangerous abilities such as Mind Transfer or Mind Destruction.

She also knows how to contact people with her Mind-Body Transmission technique, a technique that was essential in the fourth great ninja war.

'I can't let her use the signs for it or else I am doomed.'

He lightened the pressure on her calf and steadily lifted his leg.

"I have a request. If you comply, everything will be fine. If not, then your family will disappear tonight."

Ino looked up in fear at her assailant who actually turned out to be the six years old Boruto, the son of Naruto Uzumaki.

"A-Are you really Naruto's son?! W-Why would you do this?!" She stood up and tried to withstand the pain in her leg while glaring at Boruto with a mix of fear and hate.

"I am his son. So, will you hear me out now?"

Ino wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to make sure she and her family were safe, but she also wanted to find out what happened to Naruto's son for him to act like this when he was just a little kid.

Boruto knew she must feel scared after what happened but he needed her power in the future. She would be an essential figure in the upcoming war.

"Touch me and read my memories but don't try anything funny, this is just a shadow clone, so no matter what you try, it won't work."

'So that's why my Mind Transfer Jutsu didn't work on him! No wonder! But to know Shadow Clone Jutsu at his age...he must be a prodigy...'

She slowly staggered towards the clone and placed both of her hands on his forehead.

A blue light emerged on top of her hands and her mind was sucked inside of his memories.


It didn't come as a surprise for Boruto to feel anger towards the Yamanaka clan.

Sai was forever loyal to the hidden leaf village. He was saved by Naruto and has become indebted to him, he was also his first friend and helped him when he needed him the most.

The same, however, can't be said about Inojin and Ino.

In the distant future, they sold themselves to the enemy to save their petty lives. More specifically, they sold out information, secrets of the village, and their precious secret techniques.

As a result, the village information network collapsed and tons of shinobi were mind-controlled by Otsutsuki who then in return, turned their brains into mush.

When Sai learned of what happened, he was lost. His family abandoned the village, abandoned him for their selfish reasons. He couldn't withstand the responsibility for what they did and he hanged himself in his home.

Boruto also showed her his death, when Sarada was mind-controlled by Ishiki, he used her family technique on Sarada and stabbed his heart.

It was all their fault, if they didn't sell out their village and instead, remained and fought against the enemy and helped locate Naruto when he was kidnapped, maybe then, Sasuke wouldn't have become depressed and maybe their race wouldn't have been wiped out.

Ino shuddered as his memories flowed into her and couldn't believe what was happening. "No! How could this be?! Me...and Inojin...but how...No! Sai!" Her lifeless eyes looked at the boy in front of her, desperately awaiting his reply.

One word and her family would die. Now that she saw what happened and that it was all her fault, she knew she couldn't fight him back.

She also knew the extent of his abilities and that he could kill them all with one finger. "P-Please...I-I promise this won't happen again...spare us...please!" She crawled towards him and bowed on the ground. "I beg of you..."

"Strip" Boruto responded in a cold voice


"I said strip. What's wrong? Did you not hear me before? Take off your blouse."

"N-No...but..." Ino meekly responded. "It's still hard for me to do it in front of someone else...Even though you are just a kid...You were an adult before..."

"Move it!"

Ino shuddered but did as she was told. If it's for the survival of her family, she would do anything.

She slowly removed her purple blouse and two white peaks popped out to view in a black bra.

After that, she slid her slender fingers towards her skirt and pulled on it. Revealing her black panties and a pair of juicy thighs.

Her body was top notch. She was slender with white porcelain skin and both her buttocks and breasts were dreamlike.

Even Boruto had to admit she was beautiful but unfortunately, his heart already belonged to four other women in his life, also she was married so he had no intention to interfere with that, he just had to directly touch her skin around her chest.

She hesitated a bit before reaching towards her bra.

"Ehm...What are you doing?" Boruto's voice interrupted her.


"Why did you take off your skirt and why are you taking off your bra?" Boruto questioned her.

"What do you mean?! You told me to strip and so I did! I thought that you wanted me to...you know..." Ino blushed and covered herself with her arms.

"I only told you to take off your top blouse." Boruto sighed. "I never mentioned you should give yourself to me. I have no interest in that. Although I admit you are really pretty, you are married and I am only six years old at the moment. Think for a bit before you do something... I am not even able to do that yet."

He walked towards her and placed his hand between the pair of her twin peaks. Ino shivered when his cold hand touched her but didn't dare to pull away.

"I will place a slave crest on you. You will do what I want at any time."

Ino was hesitant but chose to believe him as that was her only option. "I understand."

Boruto nodded and placed a black slave crest on her chest. This crest was Orochimaru's creation. Boruto was interested in it and learned it.

Later, he used it on a few Otsutsuki members to gain intel from them. It was a very effective technique.

He removed his hand from her and the slave crest was absorbed into her skin, completely disappearing from the view. "These are the rules you will follow or else you will die."

Ino gulped and focused on his words.

"You will never run away from the village. You will never betray the village. You will never tell anything about me or the upcoming future without my permission to anyone. You will never tell anyone about what happened today and you will do everything I ask of you."

Ino sighed and accepted the terms. The terms were really demanding and unfair but when she thought about how the crest was named, it all made sense.

"If you decide to ever break these rules. You will die. At first, you will get a warning of pain in your abdomen, and next, your organs will rupture from within you. I don't recommend you to try and remove it either, as it's deeply implanted within you."

"I-I understand...you don't need to be so specific..."

"Dress up and go back home. If I need your assistance I shall contact you. Farewell."


Boruto's clone dissipated in front of her and the real Boruto teleported back into the training ground where he left his clones at.

Ino replaced the flowers on the ground with other fresh flowers and went back home.

'I really need to think deeply about what I did...or rather, what I will do in the future...Sai...I am sorry. I most likely wanted to run away with you as well but you didn't want to abandon the village. It's all my fault.'

She entered the Yamanaka household as her hands were shaking.

"Hey there, pretty. How was your day." Sai in an apron immediately greeted her.

'I feel sick.'

Ino weakly smiled and replied. "It's been better...What about you? Did you find the perpetrator of the recent incident?"

"Nope. But I cooked you dinner. Here, have a seat." Sai pointed at the chair in front of her. As she sat down, she lost all of her strength and laid down on the table.

"Mom, mom! Look what I drew!" Young Inojin ran towards his mom and hugged her. He pulled a drawing from behind his back and showed Ino.

"Hey, sweetie. What were you doing all day?"

'I feel sick. I feel sick.'

He pulled a drawing from behind his back and showed Ino.

"I've been drawing our family! Look, this is me, and mom and dad! All happy."

"Ah how nice! You did a good job!" Ino smiled and ruffled his hair.


*Gu-u-uuuuuph blergh!* Ino vomited and looked at herself in the mirror.

'What will I do? What did I do? What am I doing? It can't be like this...His memories...A destroyed village...people I knew were torn apart, his family was murdered and their eyes were taken, his precious women were killed in front of him as he powerlessly looked at them...'

Ino punched the mirror in front of her and shattered it, making her hand bleed. 'And what did I do? I abandoned Sai, the village, everyone...and they all died...Please, someone, help me...'

*Knock Knock*

"Hey, pretty. Are you okay in there?" Sai knocked on the door after he heard some weird noises.

Ino looked towards the door and started crying.

"I-I am fine... it's just one of those days...when I feel sad... it's alright...just...leave me alone for a bit..."

"Alright. I put the rest of your dinner in the fridge if you felt like eating. Good night!" With that, he returned to his bedroom and left Ino all alone.

'Oh Sai...Sai...Sai! I am so sorry...I won't do it, I promise...I won't...' She wiped her tears away and rinsed her mouth. She left the bathroom and opened the door to the Inojin's room, only to see him sleeping soundly.

"My baby...Mommy will change...Mommy won't let it again...Mommy won't abandon your father again..."


Boruto looked at the numerous scrolls in his hands. Just by mastering one Jutsu inside of it, could potentially bring him a great boost in strength. It would also bring him a step closer to his goal. To the eradication of the Otsutsuki clan. That was his only goal. Other than protecting as many people as he could, he would definitely achieve the ultimate death of that clan.

'No rebirth marks will help you reincarnate. You will die forever.'

He looked at his palm where his mark used to have been and thought.

'My mark must have been special, as other marks simply reincarnated the Otsutsuki member inside of a vessel, my mark allowed me to completely reset a world from the moment of my birth. But my mark came from Momoshiki, so why didn't that apply to him?'

He always wondered how it could have happened and could only guess it had something to do with the connection of his mark with his Jōgan.

He looked at all of the clones present. There were more than thousands of clones gathered. Rest was most likely popped due to the immense training routine.

Without sage mode, he could make at most two of them.

'I can't forget to temper my body so that it's stronger. Although frog and snake sage mode does strengthen my body, it's not enough. It needs to withstand everything they throw at me. Now then...'

He looked towards the clones and with a single thought dispelled them all.

*Puff* *Puff* *Puff*

Boruto readied his mind as all of the thoughts and experiences of his clones for the past months flowed into him. He could definitely feel the pain but it wasn't that bad.

'It's not as bad as everything I've been through. Now then. Let's begin.' He made a bunch of new clones and distributed the scrolls among them.

"Try to learn all of these. But the most important one is this. Make sure you master it without a fail. We need this no matter what." He handed them the last scroll and teleported back home.

'My plan is in motion. Let's see how it unfolds.'