I don't know everything but that might be all i need.

Emperor?? what are you really implying my Ego wouldn't be that big even i know that fact.

But i think its pointless to ask that i have more important matters. Who are you? And be fast you just stopped my suicide that was poorly detailed.


A women walks out with white hair and a stunning face that can nearly not be describe into fragile words.

("Hello emperor just give me some seconds to analyse i just haven't seen you in so long. Its amazing how much you've changed but that emotionless face can never change like expected.

But anyway i know you have questions like what is this place in the great dimensions but that might not matter for 1000 years so I'll give you 4 free answers for anything but their is a exception to get unlimited just propose to me I'm just kidding. I don't want to make this to inconvenient but i won't let you have a library of knowledge either.

So I'll grant you 4 answers and also don't try being a SMART ASS one subject each question".


Understand i won't try anything weird. But do you really know me or was i to complicated/ complex to figure out but that shouldn't really be questioned because I need character development.

(Number one where will i placed?


(Number two what type of level of advancement of technology compared to modern the decade.


(Number Three i want important details from the past 500 years of history.


(Finally Number four who are you and what are our relations.


"Great swift points Number one is sime you will still be on earth about 423 Years in the future.The advancement of civilization is improving rapidly mostly in space Mars and the Moon, are colonized greatly with around 6 billion combined with asteroid mining being there main benefactor.

Simply things are drastically odd having a global Union being created but the countrys still exist the only Taboo is destroying humanities progress of advancement weapon and people are the only progress that can be destroyed legally and same with countries.

Nevermind the last one but you are one of the Supreme deities that ascended to immortality basically you have the power to start the birth of the universe in a single second.

long story but I'll make it simple you lost against the other 5 Supreme deities after 6 Trillion Years of fighting being Banished to the mortal plain".)


. . . . .That was a little to spread out the last part sounds unbelievable but what is happening now? Also i wasn't actually expecting this to turn into reality. But thanks alot like im not



"Don't worry about it just calm down if you are starting to feel stressed. And thank you for such praise that just changed my mood exponentially but Emperor its understandable if you want to quit most people would just tell before its to late".


I don't really care if my motives are not righteous. I just want to have that one emotion over and over again and that is the happiness that i am depraved of.

So lets continue this journey.....


Light quickly surrounded them starting a tremendous shockwave blowing everything away like a Atomic bomb.

But he didn't even flinch showing nothing but a little grin that showed a different emotion while tears came down from his eye's like a fountain. Still not being able to see nothing a sound of crack becomes noticeable just then.

The Dark light polluted night sky Cracked open breaking reality around them. Then a in seconds everthing went quiet while a ginormous crator was the only thing left in the vicinity.

" it's time "