



"Will you shut up?"

"What? I needed it to sound suspenseful. You know how the comics always have those sound effects."

"It doesn't work now. Not in real life."

"Riigghhhttttt. Yeeaahhh. Sure."


"Nothing. Concentrate on where you are stepping. We can't see a thing so you have to be careful."

"I'm surprised I haven't tripped yet."

"Your mind and subconscious know this path, even if you can't remember it. Isn't the human mind so interesting?"

"If you say so."

The ground under my feet felt very familiar. I think I have been here more times than just when we had to run and hide.

"Don't you have any questions for me? You're being awfully quiet."

"I do have questions but you are a part of me, wouldn't you already know the questions even if I didn't ask?"

"Perceptive, as always."

"Besides your memory is as fuzzy as mine. So I doubt you'll be able to answer my questions. Not only that, given your personality, if you could answer, you already would have. Just to show off."

"How do you know me so well? We only just met, according to our memory."

"Simple observation. You seem like that overconfident, cocky type."

"Wow. My host body is something else. Is that how I appear to you? Well, I am confident in my abilities. No one is stronger than me." I could feel myself laughing but I knew it wasn't me. Such a strange feeling.

"There it is." I saw light peeking through a crack in the wall and ran to it.

I was being careless in my hurry to get to the light source, I didn't feel the uneven ground and slipped.

Oh no.

I could feel my body falling down but before I hit the ground with all the jagged rocks, my body felt light and weightless.

"Careful with your footing!" I shouted out, still floating in the air.


"I know, I'm fast right? This is just a glimpse of what I can do. Impressive right?"

"Put me down. I want to throw up." I flailed my arms all around, trying to grab onto something to steady myself.

My arms crossed over my chest in a huff of frustration. "Normally people will go, 'thank you so much for saving me' or 'you're amazing! Thank you!' Not, 'let me down. I want to throw up'. Sheesh, not even a word of thanks."

"Hurry up." I tried to shout but the motion sickness made my head swim and I felt like I was going to pass out from it.

"Fine, fine. Damn ungrateful child."

My fingers snapped and I slowly floated to the ground. Burying my head in my knees, I willed my mind to clear.

"We're wasting time just sitting here. Come on. Ill lead, just focus on not losing lunch ok?"

My body pulled itself up on its own and made its way to the light source.

I looked at the crack, it seemed like it could open with the light entering the room in a semi-straight, vertical angle. Almost like a door.

"So how do we open it?" I asked, running my finger on the crack.

"No idea."

I pressed all along the wall around the crack but nothing happened. Even looking around the place with the help of the light from the crack, I couldn't find anything except rocks of varying sizes.

I can't stop now. Not when I'm so close to another clue.

"You got us in here, can't get us out?"

"I know you're trying to provoke me but it won't work. I too don't have any memories past this."

"Really? That's such a shame. I was about to think you were incredibly powerful. But if even something like this makes you give up then are you really as powerful as you say you are?"

Right on cue, I felt a burning sensation all over my body.

Someone's mad.

"Something like this? It's easy. I won't even have to use magic for it to open. Just watch."

With my hand raised, I touched the crack and felt all along the lines. I did before but this time, I could feel every nook and cranny.

Some parts of the crack were stuck because of a huge impact from the other side. That's why it was so hard to even push it open.

Taking in a deep breath, my body moved so fast I didn't have the time to process it until the wall slammed onto the ground.

"What just happened?"

"I kicked it down, there was no way it was going to open even if you found the lever. It's shut tight. So, what do you think? Impressive, right?"

"Yeah. Impressive."

"Hearing that from you. I don't know why I still don't feel happy. So unsatisfactory. I hate it."

I walked into the room and saw the bare walls, the small empty room, everything destroyed and splattered with blood here as well.


"No memories?"

"No memories," I replied, looking at every corner to try and remember something.

"What about the door? It looks oddly familiar."


My gaze fell on the door right in front of me. It does look familiar but I can't place my finger on what it might be.


I gripped the handle and a wave of scenes appeared all around me, voices full of desperation and panic.

No! Don't! Come back!

I gripped the handle and pulled it open and there was the most bloodied room in the entire house.

Every step I took into the room felt heavy, the air was thick with the stench death and the tile floors were dark brown with dried blood.

"Remembered something?"

"Yeah. This is the room father died in. They took his decapitated head while I watched from the keyhole in that room. Mother was beside herself but I ignored her and continued to look. There was something of a morbid fascination and something rose in me that day. I wanted-"

"-blood. I remember! It's the day I woke up, drawn by the intense desire for blood. That's called blood lust. Hey, I'm hungry. I'm so hungry. Feed me." My voice distorted with every sentence I hissed out.

I know this isn't me but I could feel it without actually experiencing it. I don't know how I just do.

"Don't worry. I'm hungry too." I said, my voice still monotone, empty.

"When are we going to eat then? I've been hungry for too long!"

I eyed the dried blood on the walls and the feeling grew stronger, so strong that I began to salivate but I swallowed it down.

"Soon. Just be a little more patient."