
"Well that a shame." Aurora chuckled, looking at the burnt puffs on the plate. Leo sat on the counter, still sniffling. "Just wait a little bit ok, Leo? I will whip up another batch in a jiffy."

Leo reached out, took one of the burnt Spinach Puffs and began eating it.

"Y-you really don't have to force yourself to eat it, Leo. I am just about to make another one." Aurora said, gathering the ingredients again.

"-s good," Leo mumbled.

"What was that?"

"It's still good." He shouted then shoved more into his mouth.

"Leo! Don't do that! You'll choke." Aurora ran to him and made him spit everything in the dustbin.

"Goodness. You are as much of a handful as Meraki and Kefi are. Well, you are Miss's age so I guess this is expected."


"Oh, don't worry. We can remake the puffs. It wasn't your fault they burnt. Though you should rethink stuffing them all into your mouth like tha-"

"Not that! You know I don't mean that." Leo clenched his teeth and swallowed his saliva, his hands shaking.

"Leo, want to help me make the Spinach Puffs? I even have a spare apron." Aurora pulled out a floral pink one from the drawer and held it out to him.


"Good boy. First of all, take the flour and we are going to make a dough. I'll leave the dough to you while I take care of the spinach, ok?" Aurora asked, folding up her sleeves and Leo did the same and washed his hands.

"Yeah. I know how to make a dough." Leo took the flour and began kneading them.

"From the village?" Aurora asked, chopping the spinach into pieces. She looked at his clothes, he hadn't changed them since his clothes dried.

"Yeah. From working in the bakery."

"So you worked in the bakery too? Amazing." Aurora said, draining the spinach. "Do you have any other jobs?"

"I worked at the tailor's and I even helped to build a house. I learnt how to make cheese and butter."

"So many things? You're impressive. I saw a documentary on how they make butter. It looks like such a tedious process."

"It is. It took so long and my hands hurt so much after making them. But it was fun." Leo smiled at Aurora, then quickly caught himself.

"That's good. It's good to have fun. It's what makes life so enjoyable. Once you forget about all these things, that's when you stop living. And those times suck because you don't know exactly what you've lost. You just feel empty."

Aurora began rolling the dough with butter, using some of her magic on it. "Normally we will have to wait overnight for this to set but I'm cheating here a little."

"And done. Time to arrange them. Help me here, Leo." Aurora said, taking the sheets of puff pastry and arranging the spinach in them.

"How do I do this?" Leo asked, trying to manoeuvre his way around the dough.

"Any way you want."

"And if I mess up?"

"If you make a mistake then we know that that's not the way to do it. Simple. Here, you can do it, Leo. Just don't be afraid."

"Ok. I'll try."

Thirty minutes later,

"Done! Ready to put them in the oven, Leo?"

"Yeah." Leo looked at the pastries he made, many were uneven and ugly but Aurora praised his work, a hint of pride rose in him.

"All that's left to do is wait now."

The both of them stood there, watching the pastry in the oven in awkward silence.

"Leo. I want to tell you this. Mis- Meraki didn't eat you because she knows first-hand how it feels to die, physically and mentally. I'm sure she knew that you didn't deserve to die. And ... I am sorry too."

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anyth-"

"I did. I have been neglecting you this past four days. Sure, Miss is my first priority but that isn't a good enough reason to neglect you. You are still a child, going through a lot. When I saw you today, walking around aimlessly, I realized how unfair I have been."

"Is that why you made these Spinach Puffs today?"

"Yeah. I remember how much you like them the day before yesterday when I made it so I thought, why not. Seems a little like bribery, right?" Aurora said, sheepishly.

"I don't mind this type of bribery." Leo murmured under his breath.

"What was that? I couldn't catch it."


Aurora smiled and placed her hand on his head, "Living isn't so bad, Leo. If you died, you won't be able to see the colourful leaves, the grass under your feet, the wind in your hair and face. You won't be able to eat any more Spinach Puffs either. What will I do then? Who will eat my food?"

"Your food is tasty." He murmured.

"If Leo says so then that's obviously true. Thank you, Leo." Aurora ruffled his hair earning a swat from Leo's hand.

"You say my name too much."

"Sorry. Oh, give me a strand of your hair."

"What?!" Leo stepped back, his hand over his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything suspicious. It's just fro the barrier."

"Barrier?" Leo asked, slowing walking to her again.

"Yes." Aurora waved her hand and pluck a strand of his hair. The hair floated to her and she blew on it, turning it dust before it disappeared. "Now the barrier knows you and you can go anytime you want to, Leo. I won't hold you back here anymore."


Aurora shrugged her shoulders, "I want you to live. If you need money just ask ok? Go and live, Leo. Don't be chained down by revenge like we are. Eat all the food you want, make more friends, sing and dance. Find a new family. Life is too short to be consumed by revenge."

"I made enough for you to take tomorrow if you wish to leave then. If you want anything else then tell me ok? Don't get caught up in this cursed house also. Go and be free."

Leo looked at her then turned his attention back to the oven just as the puffs began to rise.

Free, huh?


"Leo?" Aurora knocked on the door of the boy's. He hasn't come down for lunch this morning which was strange given that he never missed an opportunity to eat.

"I'm coming in, Leo." Aurora unlocked the door by touching on the doorknob and entered the empty room.

Normally, Leo would leave his room a complete mess which Aurora cleaned every day and just run around the garden until lunch then he will come back at dinner.

But the room was spotless, he even made his bed. There was no trace of him anywhere, the room was just ... empty.

Aurora walked to the open window and smiled as she saw the trampled plants.

"Sheesh, that boy. He could have at least taken some money or food." Aurora took one last look at the room and walked out.

"The boy is gone, Miss," Aurora said, carrying a bottle of wine and sitting in front of the sleeping snake. "He was such a handful, you wouldn't believe it. Bothering me when I was researching. Trying to escape. Then he would come and eat everything I made. That kid has no shame."

Aurora took a big gulp of the wine, and reached her hand out, patting the snake's head.

"I wish you woke up, Miss. I wonder how the three of you would banter with each other on the dining table. It will be so noisy but … I wouldn't mind." Aurora smiled as tears slipped from her eyes.


Aurora opened her eyes and looked at the snake. She was there the entire night then the rest of the next day, drinking her hear out. She had fallen asleep on the floor, only waking up after the sun had set.

"Oh goodness look at the time. I better get dinner ready." Aurora stood up with the bottles in hand, pretending to look at a clock. "Come down when you're ready, ok, Miss? I'll be waiting."

" … Yeah. I'll be waiting. Guess that's all I'll be doing."

Aurora speed walked to the kitchen, reaching there before her emotions overtook her.

"Now, what should I make? Oh, I know. Leo likes meat right? I should make some roast beef." Aurora heard the door open and quickly turned her head to the sound.

"Leo? Are you back? Wash up before yo-" She froze when she saw the empty corridor. She grabbed another bottle of wine from the cupboard and took another big gulp, seating on the counter."Ah. What am I doing? I've lost my mind."

Alone again. Like you always have been and always will be.

"Shut up." Aurora covered her ears, willing the voice to go away.

Why? You know what I say is true.

"I don't care." Aurora took another swing, spilling some of it on her shirt.

Can't even drink properly. Do you think you're ever going to live peacefully? Not after everything you've done.

"Shut up!" Aurora threw the bottle to the wall, watching it break into a million little pieces. Red staining the wall.

"Damn." She got up and began collecting the little pieces in her hand. One by one.

Just then the doorbell rang.

Who could it be? I reinforced the barrier, didn't I? Maybe it's someone from my unit?


Aurora fixed her appearance and with a deep breath opened the door.

"Yes?" Aurora saw the boy standing there, covered in dirt and hand full of flowers and mushrooms. "Leo?"

"What are you doing here? Did you forget something?" Aurora leaned down to his height and asked.

Leo looked at her, determination in his eyes. "Hello, my name is Leo Kuri. I am an orphan from the village Tapiox. I wish to be adopted into this family if you will allow it."

"A-adopted? W-what are you talking about? What's with all these things?"

"These are gifts. I worked really hard today so that I can get them. Please adopt me!" He bowed his head but his voice was unwavering.

"That isn't how adoptions work, Leo," Aurora said, rubbing her aching head.

"You told me to find a family. This is it. Please let me stay." He pleaded with his eyes and Aurora felt herself wavering.


"Or, do you not want a kind as troublesome as me. It will be annoying to take care of me. I'll just be a burden. So I can understand-"

Aurora rushed and hugged the boy, crushing everything he brought.

"Hey, be caref-"

"No, Leo. You will never a burden, never." Aurora furrowed her brows, pulling out of the hug. Uneasiness filled her when she thought of the life this boy will have to go through being associated with them.

"I have nowhere else." His green eyes glistened with unshed tears and that was enough to tip the balance for Aurora.

"I-If you don't mind the dangerous lifestyle then you can stay but you'll have to go through a lot of training and I won't go easy on you. Ok?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Leo beamed. "So now I'm your son?"

"Well, as I said, this isn't how adoption works." Aurora chuckled, "But you are family. Welcome home, Leo."

"Thank you. I guess I am home now." Leo grinned, "By the way."


"You smell."

"This kid. You need to learn to put a filter on your words. Well, I guess this is what makes you, you. But just be careful. Come inside, we need to cook dinner now."

"Ok!" Leo ran into the house, almost dropping everything he brought.

"Careful!" Aurora shouted, smiling. "Thank you for coming back."


"Nothing! Wash your hands before you enter the kitchen!"