
"So that's it." Rose leaned back against the sofa, rubbing her forehead. "Why does everyone I know have all these dramatic situations going on?"

She looked at the kid sitting on the sofa with Aurora asleep behind him. She looks like a mess and the kid … he's definitely not hers. Well, at least not from her.

"Who are you anyway?" She asked.

"Me?" The kid pointed to himself. "I was adopted by her." He smiled pointing to Aurora.

Ah, that explains it.

"I never knew Aurora to adopt a child, let alone two." Rose laughed, untying her hair and running her hands through it. "I have a headache. I need to cut my hair again. Will Jasmine allow me to?"

"Well, I don't know if the other girl is adopted too but I do know that she is very important to her. Would you like some tea?" The kid skipped to the kitchen and began messing with the pots.

"Are you sure you know how to make tea?" Rose asked, following him to the kitchen.

"I have made tea before, don't worry." Leo smiled at her. "So … are you going to help us? We're kinda running out of time."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. We are on a time crunch right?" Rose started braiding her hair, walking back and forth in the kitchen.

"How much time do we have left?"

"About an hour?" The kid looked at the clock on the wall, then up the stairs.

"An hour, huh?" Rose tied her hair and swung it behind her. She looked at the direction the boy's attention was on. "Would you mind if I looked at her?"


"No need to look so scared. I'm not going to kill her. Aurora will never let me live if I do. I just want to see what I have to work with."

"Well …"

"Trust me here." Rose placed her hands on the boy's shoulders, looking him in the eyes.

" … Fine." He mumbled, turning the stove off. "Come with me."

"That's a big snake." Rose looked at the snake in a diminishing cage.

"This is her."

"Wow." She walked to it, the sword on her belt swinging to and fro. "She's beautiful."

The snake's black-scaly skin glistened in the light from the sun. Looking at it, Rose let out a quiet chuckle looking at its skin a fond memory flashing through her mind.

At the very least I can confirm that she isn't evil. She has a very neutral air about her. Whether that is good or bad, I don't know.

She looked at the symbol and the cage.

We really don't have much time. If she has been asleep for more than a week as the boy said, she will need to feed on a lot of people.

Well, she's lucky Aurora called at this exact moment. I just need to prepare some things, like talking to them.

This will be a feat to see.

"Ok. Let's do this." Rose stood up, pumped with energy. "Now, I will be needing twenty minutes. When I call you on Aurora's phone, pick it up and if she is still asleep by then, kick her awake. Got it?"


"Good." Rose walked out of the room, pausing at the door. "What's your name again?"

"Leo Kuri."

"Ok, Leo. I will be counting on you to wake her up the moment I call." Rose smiled.

"You can count on me!" Leo declared with determination.

"Good. I'll see you then." She opened up a portal and walked through it.

The house became silent again with only Aurora's snoring to disturb the quiet.

I hope everything goes well.

There was nothing left for Leo to do but wait. Which he did, impatiently and full of anxiety.

"Hmm? Leo?" Aurora turned on the sofa and looked at the boy walking back and forth in front of the door, clutching her phone so hard in his hand that it looked ready to break.

"Oh, you're awake." Leo ran to her, placing one of his hand on her forehead while his other one on his own. "Your temperature went down, that's a relief."

"You were looking after me?" Aurora asked, her eyes sparkling.

"If I didn't look after you then who would? You really need to learn to take care of yourself properly." Leo scolded.

"Sorry." Aurora said sheepishly. "You know, you seem like the adult here not me."

"Well it's not like I had a choice. But," Leo rubbed his arm, "I don't really mind taking care of you. So, lean on me a little why don't ya?"

"Leo." Aurora stared at him then smiled, patting his head, "I'll remember that next time ok? So don't pout."

"Who's pouting here? Creepy old lady." Leo walked away from her and stood by the door again.

"That's a little mean, Leo. You shouldn't be mean to sick people." She pushed herself off the sofa to a sitting position.

"You brought this on yourself, just suffer."

"Ah~ I'm so loved, aren't I?" Aurora teased. "What are you doing there, anyway? Could it be … a girl?"

"Yeah." Leo answered bluntly.

"Huh? Why is she coming to the house? The barrier wouldn't allow her."

"She came before, I think she can come again."

"Before? When did she come? How?"

"You opened the door for her. Don't you remember?"

"Me?!" Aurora pointed to herself. "When? I don't remember a thing at all."

"How tired were you that you forgot? Or is that just your character trait? Aside from being clingy and a little crazy."

"Leo, you are just finding ways to insult me today, aren't you? Are you mad about something I did?"

"No. What's there to be mad about?" He said, sulking.

He's definitely mad.

"Leo~ What should we cook today? Should we make Spinach Puffs again?" Aurora tried to coax.

"No. There's no time to be thinking of eating. Are you crazy?" Leo shook his head, like he is talking to an incorrigible child.

He sat on the floor, leaning his back against the door and observed Aurora.

Aurora heard something shatter, that must have been her perception on reality.

"Am I crazy? Me? Crazy? You're the one saying there's no time to eat. For you there is always time to eat! What happened while I was asleep? Is this because of the girl that came?"

"Yes and she's not a girl, she's a woman. She looks about your age."

"Ahh~ I think I got it now." Aurora slowly got up from the couch and sat with Leo. "Listen, Leo. It is important to be who you are no matter who it is with. It is very important to be genuine. Remember that. I'll need to talk to her too."

"What are you talking about?" Leo furrowed his brows at her.

Just then the phone rang. Taking a look at the caller ID, Leo gave it to her.

"If you want to talk to her, she's calling now."

"Ok." Aurora took the phone and picked it up, ignoring the caller ID.


"Ah, yes. Hello. Listen, I know you are a good person, most likely. But then praying on young kids really makes me question that. Anyway, I am just here to say that it's not right, doing what you do. Leo is a good kid. And I am sure he will grow to be extremely attractive but as an older woman, you shouldn't see him as anything more than a kid. From one woman to another, if you want someone I can find one for you but please leave Leo alone. Ok? I am not afraid to get violent, if I have to."

Aurora paused but no sound came from the other end.

"I will take your silence as acceptance. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Wait. Wait." The woman finally answered. "What if I don't want to leave him?"

"There are plenty of other men out there. Why Leo?" Aurora asked, exasperated.

"He's exceptionally good at making tea and very obedient. I like that in my men."

"NO!" Aurora shouted, losing her temper and startling Leo, who was watching her with keen interest.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?" Aurora whispered to Leo, worry creasing her forehead.

"I'm fine."

"Ok. Ok. Yeah. You're a big boy."

Aurora heard laughter coming from the other line, fueling her annoyance.

"I'm sorry but what's so funny?" Aurora asked, hands on her hips.

"Oh my goodness. I haven't laughed like this in weeks. I was wondering what I would make you do as compensation for the nonsense I had to go through but this is enough. I have never heard you sound so motherly, Aurora."

"Wait." Aurora looked at the caller ID and let out a sigh of relief, crumpling to the floor. "Hey, Rose."

"Not mad?"

"Nope. More relieved than mad. I thought I would have to kill someone and was planning out the hunt." Aurora laughed. "But then it's just you."

"I am threatening."

"Oh, you are. It's just that she will be more of a problem than you. After all, Jasmine is there to keep you in line."

"What? Well, I can't deny that. By the way, you're so relaxed. Have you found the solution to your problem? After asking my help too. I've got the preparations ready too."

"Problem? What problem?"

Suddenly the house shook and an enormous snake broke through the walls of the house, its blue eyes stared at them, pupils dilating.

"Aahhhh~ That problem." Aurora looked at it with a calm smile on her face. "I forgot about it."