
"Soo … who are you really?" Kefi asked the man following us, she is still very suspicious of him and I understand why. But so far, nothing bad has happened yet so I'm a little more relaxed than her.

"Haven't I answered that question already?" He hasn't changed his attitude towards Kefi.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well you see, my family comes from this lineage of well-renowned doctors and physicians but I never wanted to be anything like them, after all, seeing how easy all these studies of sciences can corrupt a person. I-"

And when I ask, he goes into an entire backstory of his family history and life without really answering my questions. What's with him anyway? I can't seem to read his intentions and his eyes look as dead as I feel.

"So that's why a piece of paper is stronger than iron."

He always does this, change the topic midway as if he got distracted. So nothing he says is worth paying attention to.

It's only a waste of time and breath. He has no intention of revealing and I don't care so it works for the both of us. Now, if only Kefi would stop trying to engage him in conversation.

"Really? I thought iron as more properties that would counter your arguments very well, Mr Lupin."

"Whatever." He said, looking away.

He's like a child. So annoying.

"How old are you?" I asked without thinking.


"You look twenty-five at the youngest."

"I guess that makes sense. With all the studies I had to do and the lack of sunlight as well as physical activities will age a person drastically."

Huh? He so can hold a conversation.

"Why are you so interested in me anyway?" I took this opportunity to ask him.

He remained quiet, not answering my question. Seems I know a way to shut him up now.

The place we are walking through feels more like the sewers than a palace. I didn't know that awful stenches could give headaches before this. Guess I have a lot to learn.

"So you said that you could help us against those with glorified ghost characteristics."

"Yes. It's interesting really. With their enhanced powers, you would think that they would become indestructible but in exchange for that, they have a big weakness now."

"And what is that weakness?"

"Well, you see-"

"Shhhh." Kefi put our finger up and listened. Sounds filled the palace, it sounded like people murmuring, "Hear that? They're close."

"A little too close if you ask me," Caris said, annoyed.

"You can tell where they are?"

"Don't think of me as incompetent, of course, I can. It's relatively easy. You see, if you-"

"He's saying that you're incompetent, Kefi," I whispered, feeling like I want to annoy her.

"I know, Meraki. I'm not an idiot … Wait, you don't think I'm an idiot do you?"

"Who knows?"

"-And that's how I learned how easy it is to tell directions just from listening to sounds. Amazing don't you think so?"

"Ah. You were still talking?" I asked, forgetting he was there.

"Yes. Now, if you need me to go through that again, I would gladly do so."

"Then repeat it," Kefi said, annoyed that she didn't hear what he said.

"Don't wanna."

"Oh, my goodness. Meraki, if you don't hold me back, I might accidentally murder someone. And by someone, I mean him."

"Let's not get rash now, Kefi. So, where are they?"

"Beneath us. What you felt is on the highest point of the castle, whatever is there isn't trying to hide itself, almost like it wants to be found. So, its best we deal with the ones below us first."

"How are we going to get there? It's nothing but concrete. Got any bright ideas Mr Smarty pants?"


"I know. That was too childish, even for me. Sorry."

"Well, actually, I do have a plan. The ones beneath us seem to have created a type of 'hideout', they are also extremely relaxed. Which means they don't suspect us to notice that there are others besides the ones waiting for us." He said whipping out two bottles hanging on his belt. Inside is suspicious green liquid.

"Drink." He said, giving one to me.

"No way. Like we will trust you, right Meraki?" Kefi said as I opened the bottle and gulped the green liquid down.

It has a weird taste of sunshine and rain.

"Did you say something, Kefi?"

"Why would you do that?!? Who knows what's in that thing."

"He's drinking it too," I said, pointing to Caris who drank that bottle dry.

"His one might be fine, yours might be poisoned. What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking really. I just did it."

"Meraki is it just me or have you gotten dumber since we fell asleep."

"She's not dumb. She just lacks a lot of core emotions, right now, the emotion of fear is lacking. This is fascinating to watch." Caris said with a gleam in his eyes. He took a notepad and pen out of nowhere and began scribbling on it.

"Meraki isn't a subject to be studied. She's a living, breathing human being. She knows emotions. Right, Meraki?"

"I can feel irritated and annoyed. Sometimes something is funny."

"And?" He asked, gobbling up my words.

"And? Oh, I've been feeling despair since coming here."

"Despair? Are you, perhaps afraid?" He asked, looking me up and down.

"I don't think I feel it. I just know what it's like. And I feel despair because it's surrounding this entire place. Does that answer your question?"

"Well I just have more questions but for now, it would seem like you have this clear understanding of emotions and feeling but just don't seem to be 'feeling' them personally." He continued to write, "That's really odd."

"Will you stop this? We are here for a reason and the both of you are behaving like it's a road trip or something."

"Sorry," I answered. She is right. How I kept getting sidetracked and getting pulled at his pace, I don't understand.

"It's fine. Now," Kefi grabbed the man by the collar and shoved him to the wall, "what was that drink? You have three seconds."

"Why three seconds?"

"One." Kefi summoned her magic on her other hand, a white cloud was summoned. "Even if you don't tell me now, I still have ways to make you talk. So why not just do it of your own accord."

"You seem to be in a hurry."

"Of course. Meraki's life may be on the line. Two." The clouds dispersed and her hand became like that of a bird's claws with her scales appearing all around her arm.

"And you're not worried about yours? Such a selfless spirit. She must mean a lot to you in this case." He said in a mocking tone.

How can he still be so cocky? If he was like Meraki then I would understand but he can express himself better than her so, what gives?

Kefi, I can read your thoughts.

I don't have anything to hide, unlike SOMEONE else.

If you kill him now, he won't be able to help us find those you wanted to kill.

But then, he gets on my nerves so much. Also, that drink, what was in that drink? If he has nothing to hide, why won't he tell me?

Maybe he's shy.

Meraki now's not the time. We still need answers. He's so suspicious I don't trust him one bit.

So, what are you going to do?

If he still refuses to tell then one of my venoms works as a truth serum, I guess I'll just have to inject him with it and begin the questioning.


"Not going to tell me?" Kefi asked, raising her hand to his neck.

"This has to be the longest second of my life. Honestly, now I know what people mean when they say that."

"You." Kefi widened our eyes, annoyance brimming over. "You have a death wish don't you?"

"I don't care about the concept of life and death. You could just say that I am unique like that." He said, shrugging his shoulders, a casual and relaxed grin on his face.

"Why are you so annoying? Not once have I met a human like you and that's not a compliment."

"I'll take it as one." He said, leaning closer to us, a smug look on his face.

It feels more like we were the ones being threatened instead of him. Sure you know what you're doing, Kefi? I could take over instead.

No! I'll handle this.

"There seems to be an internal conflict going on in this body. I have the solution to that." He reached his hand to touch our face but Kefi's scales appeared on our face as she stuck her long tongue at him, hissing.

"Whoa. Incredible!" He shouted, unbothered by the fact that we are supposed to be quiet.

Luckily, Kefi expected something to happen so we are in a noise-cancelling barrier she created as she pounced on him.

This man really needs to get out more.


"One. So you're not going to tell me?" She asked one last time.

Caris smiled at us in an almost taunting manner.

"Alright, you brought this on yourself, remember that."

She was about to strike him when the ground began to get unsteady, making us almost lose our balance. She released him as she tried to steady us.

"What's going on?"