Wren Raulli

"Hi." The person entered the garden one step after the other. "I'm here because I was summoned by Milenka."

Aurora looked at Milenka with wide eyes that seemed to ask 'explain.' When she wouldn't meet her gaze, Aurora walked to the boy, circling him as a hawk would to its prey, "You're tiny." 

He had to look up to meet Aurora's gaze but he had the biggest brown eyes that looked at her with such wonder, she felt guilty already. 

"Y-you're … Aurora … The Prodigy!" He squealed, black hair coming over his eyes as he tried his best to flick them away. His white uniform doesn't seem to match his hopeful eyes. 

"How old are you?" Aurora looked at this little hamster with concern. 

"Thirteen!" He said, shaking with excitement. 

"Thirteen?!" Aurora grabbed his shoulders and the boy's soul just about left him at that point. She looked at Milenka, mouth agape and eyebrow raised.