Water Surface

Taking off my shoes, I walked into the water passing strange floating leaves at the surface of the water. The further I went into the water, the more I feel an embrace around my body. 

It felt so oddly like a gentle pull as the water wafted over my body. After how harsh and sudden everything had been to me up till now, this feels so foreign. 

But it was a welcomed acceptance. 

I've always liked water, staying in the water as well but after that incident … I'm not as comfortable around it as I was. 

The water-cooled down my overheating body at just the right temperature. Just this is lulling me to sleep already as the little floating leaves bumped against me. 

"Doesn't it feel amazing, Meraki?" Kefi asked as we stood there, in the water, floating.

"It feels nice," I answered, closing my eyes as I lay on the water's surface. 

"It's been so long since you felt this relaxed." Kefi stated, "I can feel your muscles relaxing with a creak."