Meeting the Higher Ups

As soon as she opened the door, she could see the people all around the room. They were much taller than her. In fact, they were towering over her and that is slightly intimidating for short people as Aurora, herself, is already tall. 

Most of them there do not look human at all, and they are, just not the type of human you are all used to seeing. They have gone beyond the human body. This is a book about a world made of magic, this is hardly anything different. 

One woman is dark as the night with no appearance of any facial features but her voice is evident of her presence and her silver hair seemed to have a life of its own, floating like waters. She is known as Lilith. 

Another man's facial features are there but only half of it, the other half of his face is covered with what looks like the cosmos. His name is Cree.