Honeyed Water

Waking up from a night of restless sleeping and constant wandering through the net for more information on the things of this world, I got out of bed right as the sun is beginning to rise. 

Still, in my pyjamas, I walked down to the kitchen and made myself a warm glass of water. Aurora would have made it for me and forced me to drink it once I woke up, had she been here. 

After the water in the kettle heated up, I took a mug and poured it for myself. Taking out the small jar of honey, I took a spoon of this and added it to my cup. 

I don't know where she got this honey from. I even tried to look it up in the net but no one knows of it or has even heard of the thing. 

Must be from that Other World she is always talking about. One that has all that Giraffes and honey. It sounds like a nice place to live in, from what she told me.