Home Visit

We reached the ground and he carefully placed me on the floor but I was a little dizzy from that constant teleporting from before and just fell to my butt. 

"Are you ok?" Adan asked, coming to me and checking my face. At least I think he asked that, I can't hear a word he is saying. 

The others gathered around me and were asking all sorts of things but I couldn't hear a word. 

"I can't hear anything you re saying," I said quickly before they could continue. 

Ruben said something before coming to me and placing his hands on each side of my face. With a soft smile murmured something and I feel all the wound on my body began to recover, even my hearing. 

"Can you hear me now?" He asked, smiling pleasantly still. 

I nodded, "Are you in the same division as Jasmine?" 

"How did you know?" he asked, amused.