More Revelations

"Why are we in such a hurry?" Ethan asked, looking at us. 

"The heart, its beating has slowed down," Jude explained as we ran down more stairs and out the door. 

"It is? But didn't he say that the heart is-" 

"Yes, that is why we are panicking," Jude said as we met with Elijah.

"Elijah. Noa. Now. Please." I said. 

I have never felt this panicked before in my life and I hate it so much. 

"Ok." He said, taking us to the back as he opened the gate for us and we ran to the gate where Noa is staying in. 

Once we burst in through that gate, we can see that the entire place still looks the same but it is a little bit tense. 

Not just that, Noa is pacing around the place impatiently. 

He looked at us once we burst through the gate and slithered to us. 

"Noa," I said, running to him as the two stared at him. 

"So this is Noa," Ethan said, looking at him.