Time is Relative

A couple of hours ago, 

"Aurora. Aurora, calm down." Adan said, grabbing the woman and forcing her to seat on the couch and breathe. 

"I am calm." She said, not looking like anything she said she is. 

"Tell that to someone that believe it." he looked to the others after making sure she is seated down. "Now, does anyone have any idea of what is happening right now?" 

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads at him.

"Good," he said. "You can all just go back then." 

"I don't want to." Dario piped in suddenly. "I do think you owe us all an explanation of just what the hell is happening right now." 

"And if I do not want to?" Adan asked, walking up to Dario until they were merely a breath away from each other. 

"Then we will just have to duel it out." He said nonchalantly. "I am up for it. Are you?"