
"I like you… Aosh," she said, eyes to the concrete and face flush with embarrassment. The young girl confronted him after school, as the boy was headed down the middle school steps; towards the bus stop.

"I like you too, that's why we're friends." the boy answered, his ever-present smile caught the girls attention like it had done to many others before her.

"No, that's not what I meant…" She came to stand in front of him, blocking Aosh from going any further, forcing him to look her in the face. Her brown hair framed a pretty face; her being was backlit by the afternoon sun. They had been friends for a while, she was someone the little Alpha liked very much. He gave her a questioning look, unsure of what she meant.

"I like, like you. I-I… I love you…" The confession held so much raw emotion and innocence only a child could muster. Her eyes searched the boy for any hint of an answer to her confession.

"Um, I'm sorry...I already have someone I like."

"Who?!" she exclaimed, desperate to know who had gained the affection of her beloved if it wasn't her. "Is it Callie?"


"Diana, Tammy, Quinn?"


"Then who is it!" she stamped her foot in irritation.

"My fated mate, Tiza." he looked away, embarrassed to hear himself say it out loud. Her face went through a variety of expressions before it landed on one of anger.

"Tiza isn't real, Aosh! Why can't you like me? I'm real, you can touch me!" she grabbed his hand and put it on her chest.

"What is wrong with you, quit it!" he yelled, pulling his hand away.

"What's wrong with you!? Why do you still believe in fated mates? We're not babies anymore, Aosh. We're going to be high schoolers soon, why can't you grow up? Some so many girls like you, like me!"

"I don't care."

"Ugh! The other boys are right about you! You are a waste of an Alpha!"

"I don't care! I love Tiza more than anyone else, and there's nothing you can say that will change that!" he was getting choked up, the words almost getting stuck in his throat as he said them. Fat tears rolled down her face and she took a deep shuddering breath.

"Fine! How about I don't want to ever talk to you again! Go find yourself a new friend if that's all we are!" She wiped her tears as she ran off to where a group of girls were huddled a distance away; watching the whole encounter.

They collectively sent him hard glares for making her cry; Aosh ignored them walking ahead to the bus stop with his head hung low. Her words bruised him like she had sucker-punched him in the chest. He meant what he said, he only loved Tiza, and that wouldn't change, but the loss of a close friend hurt just the same.

When he came home and was asked how his day was he hid his true feelings behind a fake smile; his parents easily bought his lie that 'nothing happened'. It was nothing, nothing for his fathers to be concerned about; he didn't want to worry them. He told himself that maybe he was better off without her; Aosh truly felt that he didn't need anyone as long as he had Tiza.