Being an Omega is Hard

"I'm sorry but we've decided to go with someone else."

"But you called me in for an interview."

The manager looked Daniella up and down taking note of her professional attire, a pantsuit with heels and her curls clipped back out of her face, but also couldn't help but eye the bite scars on her neck.

"You're just not the type of person we're looking for."

Daniella noticed the pointed look at her scars and pulled her collar up.

"Well I don't know what type of person you need to be to just sit here and answer the phone, but I don't think I'd want to be that kind of person anyway," she sneered and left the office.

She walked out of the towering glass building pissed to all hell.

First, she had just come off of her first mated heat alone. The last week had been excruciating. She had a chronic fever and a sharp pain in her ovaries. Anything she tried to eat she threw up and she couldn't even get off like she used to to alleviate some of the pain. She tried to surround herself in the plush pillows and blankets that Aosh owned but that did little to nothing to make her feel better.

Aosh wasn't even there for emotional support, well not physically there, which was understandable he wanted to give her space. The Alpha really didn't have to vacate his apartment for her heat, it wouldn't affect him anyway, but she appreciated and hated the privacy she had.

Second, she had missed two interviews because of it and ruined one over the phone. Daniella couldn't even hold a proper conversation or sound professional while she was rutting against the pillows to try to get some form of relief. She would have to look up if you could wash pillows later, she felt bad about humping Aosh's pillows for a whole week.

Thirdly, that bitch was really going to reject her job application because she was an Omega? The lady wasn't even trying to be subtle about staring at her neck. If anything the fact that she was bitten would've been better! She was less of a 'work hazard' then; as Omegas were often called in normal places of work.

Omegas were only sought after for jobs like childcare, midwives, and kindergarten to elementary school teachers. Mostly nurturing jobs that benefitted from an Omega's natural nurturing instincts.

It was a bunch of bullshit as far as Daniella was concerned. She didn't care if she had to work the fryers at a rundown burger joint or do janitorial work at the local college, she at least wanted the option to do so and not get shrugged off because she was born a certain way.

The Omega felt more than capable of doing those kinds of menial jobs just like everyone else. If they would at least give her the time of day she would show them the great work ethic she actually possessed. Or believe she possessed since she hadn't actually worked before.

Her kitten heels rapped the sidewalk as her steps became increasingly agitated the more she was consumed in her thoughts.

She really needed to get a job soon because she could only handle being a mooch for so long. Aosh would never say anything to her but she knew he was strapped for cash. It was obvious he was pinching his pennies at every opportunity.

She was feeling worse than when she was still with Klark. Back then he wouldn't let her work or even leave the house and know she wants to work and can leave whenever she wants, but no one will hire her. It was ridiculous!


Daniella nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard that high pitched noise. Incidentally, she had stepped on a dog's tail while she was stomping by. Her eyes swept the surrounding area and found that dog had moved under a nearby table that sat in front of a cafe. It was medium-sized but definitely would be overlooked in this part of town with how busy it was.

It shook where it was curled up under the iron table frame and looked up at her with big eyes from behind a mop of long hair.

Daniella squatted down to its level and made a few clicking noises with her tongue to coax it out. The poor thing looked terrified and she couldn't just leave it after she stepped on it. Slowly the dog scooted closer and she could feel it's cold and wet nose bump her outreached hand while it sniffed her.

"It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you. …Well I'm not going to on purpose."

After a moment she seemed to earn the dog's trust and it walked forward to give her face a round of licks.

"Ah! Ok ok, stop!" she giggled trying to push the excited pup away.

The worst thing about dogs was their ability to take away a bad mood within minutes. It seemed like this dog was no different.

The Omega noticed a leash trailing behind the dog that seemed to be attached to a collar hidden in its long hair. She pet it gently and then tugged where the collar would be to find a name tag.

"Gulley~!" Came a voice behind where she was still crouched on the sidewalk. Coincidentally that was the name the tag had engraved on it.

Around the corner came about four or five dogs of various sizes pulling a woman who held onto their leashes like her life depended on it.

"Gulley~!" The woman bellowed again.

At this point, Daniella had gotten the dog out from under the table and was standing there holding its leash in her hand. The dog had no intention to acknowledge the woman and instead tried to claw its way up Daniella's pant leg.

"Ah! There you are!!!"

The woman jogged over with her hoard of dogs, all of them running with excitement. She was about a head taller than the Omega and had dark skin that glistened with a thin layer of sweat, her large blonde braids that were pulled up into a ponytail whipped behind her as she came to a stop in front of Daniella.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad I found you!! You're Momma would've killed me if I lost you again!" she addressed Daniella, "That's my dog, thank you so much for finding him!"

Daniella assessed all the dogs who were trying to crowd around her, eager to get attention from a stranger.

"No problem," she handed the leash over, "Are all these dogs yours?"

"No! Oh god no! This is just part of my job- Woah!"

One of the dogs saw a squirrel go up a tree not too far down the sidewalk and pulled the woman in that direction abruptly cutting off their conversation. The dog, named Gulley, whined as it was dragged away from the Omega.

"Thanks again!" she called behind her as she continued down the sidewalk.

'That really is too many dogs for one person,' Daniella thought.


"Twenty, Forty, Sixty, Eighty, and One-Hundred. Alright, your lessons are all paid off. Have a great day!" the gym receptionist said with a smile.

Aosh was relieved. It took him weeks of extra work and cutting corners on groceries and some of the utilities, but he finally paid off those ballet lessons. And without any extra help might he add. He did let it slip that he was having a hard time while he was staying at his parents' house; which caused his fathers to bicker and annoy him to let them lend him money.

It really wasn't a big deal and besides part of Aosh moving out and living on his own was that he would be self-sufficient. His Pops said it was a right of passage and that his early twenties were hell living on his own, so Aosh had to endure the same.

Pops was just talking shit though, Aosh knew that he was living with his father at the time and he was pregnant with him. Sure it was hard but he wasn't living alone, he was just being overdramatic as he tended to be.

His Dad on the other hand was always more lenient with Aosh. Getting an earful from his husband wouldn't stop him from trying to sneak money to their son while he stayed there. His Dad was quiet and stoic but when he worried, well it was easy to see. Aosh refused to take the money though, but still found it funny when he found a hundred dollars in his shoe, or a fifty hastily shoved in his wallet.

The Alpha was just happy he didn't have to pull from his emergency funds; and now he would have just a tad more free time and money before the fall semester starts in the next month.

His summer classes just came to a close and he was pretty happy with how he did even though he felt seriously drained. Now he would have excess time to put his energy into other things.

Tiza flashed in his mind for a brief moment. Yea, things like Tiza. Things like spending more time with him outside of their morning jogs and coffee. They were nice but that little amount of time spent with the Omega was never enough. He wanted to do more with him, maybe go to the arcade again like last week.

Deciding he would forgo working out today and just wanted to return home for the first time in a week, he walked out to his car.

In the parking lot, leaned up against his car, stood Hunter.


Before he could try to retreat he was spotted, their eyes locking a couple of parking spaces over. Guess now was the time for this confrontation to finally happen. Aosh silently approached hoping that if he said nothing he'd be able to get in his car and leave without confrontation.

"Hey, man."

Well, there went that idea.

Aosh schooled his expression and calmed his racing heart trying to seem aloof and distant.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone."

Those words tasted like poison leaving his mouth. He hated those words he had for a long time, but he didn't know if he hated being on the receiving end of them or saying them himself. He didn't want to hear what the Beta had to say, but his thoughts betrayed him and a small part of him wanted to know why he was being so persistent.

"Just hear me out for a second, please."

Aosh crossed his arms in front of his chest and gestured for him to continue.

"Look I didn't have anything to do with what happened between you and Marcus, so why did you just cut me out like that? I mean I get that that Omega's your fated mate, I get that you were mad at Marcus, but why me? I didn't do anything to you."

"Well, I didn't know if you were in on it. Besides I didn't think that Marcus would stoop so low and attack someone, how was I supposed to know you were any different?"

"You could've talked to me! Hell man you could've said anything! You don't think he's only done something to you do you? If you would've said something he might not have gotten to my sister!" The Beta yelled his fists clenched at his sides. He breathed heavily for a moment before coming down from his outburst.

His sister? Aosh didn't know that Hunter had any siblings.

"What did he do to your sister?"

"What do you think? Don't make me spell it out for you man."

A wave of guilt hit Aosh right where it hurt. The last thing he wanted was to be the cause of someone else's suffering.

"You really think I'm like that…?" Hunter said again, hurt.

Being on the other end of this conversation was making Aosh feel terrible to the point he just wanted to apologize and make up. This whole thing wasn't even Hunter's fault, to begin with. But he's been too quick to forgive in the past and it only made him more vulnerable now. The Alpha had a bad habit of desperately trying to see the good in people when there was none. Doing so only hurt himself, but now he had someone who he wanted to protect and he wasn't willing to risk the chance that Hunter's words may be false.

"I...I just can't risk it," he finally said and moved to open the driver door. Hunter held the door closed.

"Did our friendship really mean nothing to you that you're willing to cut me out like this? Dude I thought…"

Aosh's heart was pierced. It was like he was looking at his younger self, desperately trying to convince lost friends not to leave.

"No!" the Alpha blurted out before he could think of a proper answer. Any friendship Aosh had was a treasure to him, Hunters was no different.

"Then why are you acting like this? Can't we just go back to working out and joking around like we did before?"

"I just… I feel like I can't trust you anymore."

It was Marcus that tainted the trust the Alpha had and now Hunter was paying the price for it, Aosh knew that it really wasn't the other's fault. Hunter came closer and a fire lit in his eyes,

"Well, then I'll do whatever it takes to win back your trust! No matter how long it takes!"

Aosh's eyes went wide. Never before had another person said those words to him. Usually after seeing that they weren't going to get whatever they wanted out of Aosh people left without explanations or warnings. He'd plead and he'd beg but they would ignore and stay silent. Now he was being fervently told that they were going to try to win his trust again no matter how long it took?

The Alpha felt a little light-headed.

Hunter patted him on the shoulder and walked away but before getting too far he yelled back.

"I haven't given up on you Aosh! You're not getting rid of me that easily!"


A pair of keys clinked into the dish which was their home, next to the front door. Aosh dragged his suitcase into the living room and set it by the couch.

"Hey, Daniella! Do you have any clothes you need washed? I'm making a trip to the laundromat!" He called out. He rummaged through his clothes and separated out the clean clothes from the dirty ones determined to unpack his suitcase now or else it would sit there for god knows how long.




The Alpha got up and knocked on the door to his room. When he didn't receive an answer he opened it to see it was empty and so was the bathroom.

'That's weird. I told her I was coming back today.'

He took note of the faint smell of her pheromones that still lingered in the room. It smelled wrong, like flowers and rotting food mixed together. A blush crept across his cheeks anyway thinking about it. Her pheromones probably smelled better before her ex-mate ruined them. He left the room taking a mental note to do a separate load of laundry just for the sheets.

The front door opened with a 'clack'.

Aosh returned to the main room to see Daniella walk in. He gave her a once over and noticed how nice she looked like she was going to a business meeting or something. She jumped when she noticed him just standing there and held onto her chest to regain her composure.

"Jeez, you scared me! You're home early don't you have class?"

"No, finals were last week. Did you, uh, go somewhere?" He gestured to her attire and she looked down at herself.

"Oh, umm, I, uhhh...ok you caught me," she sighed, ���I just got back from an interview."

"An interview? I told you I would help you find a job."

Daniella walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, "Well you've been busy with school, work, and Tiza, so I wasn't going to wait around for you. It's no big deal."

Aosh felt a little guilty. Had he really been so focused on Tiza that he neglected to help out Daniella like he said he was going to?

"Well did you get it?"

"Pfft, no. The hiring manager took one look at me and sent me home." She screwed off the top and took a hard swig, "What a bitch."

The Alpha made a face. She was playing it cool but he could tell she was upset by the way she held herself.

"Well, I'm sure there will be other opportunities."

She laughed again and set the water bottle on the counter.

"It really just seems like the world is against us huh. I mean I knew it would be hard, but not this hard. Hell, I'm lucky if they call me back most of the time."

"Look I understand, if you let me-"

"No, Aosh. You don't understand. How could you? You're an Alpha, things are basically handed to you. You want to work somewhere and you're hired. You have something important to say, people listen. It's not like that for us Omegas so don't say you understand," she paused taking a breath, then began to rub her temples, "I'm sorry...I'm not trying to be mean, but it's the truth."

"You don't have to apologize. Just let me help you."

Sure her words stung a little but he couldn't imagine how frustrated she felt.

"No. I have to do this myself. I want to be independent. I want to be independent of these labels I feel that are stuck on me. 'Female' or 'Omega' I don't care, I want to show people I'm capable of doing things because of who I am, not what I am. If I can't do that much then why the hell did I leave Klark in the first place?" Just please promise me you won't worry. It'll all work out at some point ok? What I really need from you right now is to be supportive and not try to fix it."


The Omega opened her arms for a hug and the Alpha walked into them and hugged her tightly.

"How was it at your parents?" she said, her voice muffled against him.

"Overbearing. Loud. Nosey. I have more adjectives, do you want me to list them all?"

She laughed and pulled back.

"So you don't miss them?"

"I mean we talk almost every day, they live thirty minutes away. I don't think I even get the chance to miss them. But it was nice being back home, you kinda forget what being a family is like unless you're doing it every day."

He missed Daniella that entire week too. In a way, they were a family as well. It was nice to have someone to come home to and just exist with. The most Aosh had thought about that kind of thing was when he saw himself married in the future. He didn't realize that platonically it was just nice having someone around.

"By the way, I was about to head to the laundromat, do you have anything that needs to be washed?"

The Omega blushed and rushed into the bedroom calling out:

"Ju-just wait a minute ok!" as she furiously searched up if you could in fact wash pillows.


The next day when Daniella went out on another round of job hunting she ran into that dog walker from the day before. Really, she walked into the apartment hallway and she was pounced on by the same dog from yesterday. Although the only thing that told Daniella that it was the same dog was the collar, it's hair had been neatly trimmed and now she could see it's face clearly.

"Gulley, you need to stop running away from me!" The woman came bounding down the hallway with two other dogs in tow," Oh it's you again, from yesterday!"

"He really seems to like me I guess." She said squatting down to give him a few pets.

"Yea, well try giving the little shit a bath and see if he still likes you. I didn't get to thank you properly yesterday, what's your name?"


The woman moved the two leashes in her grasp over to extend a hand to shake. Daniella shook it and the woman continued.

"Well, thanks, Dani! I'm Shawnee. I don't want to keep you, you look like you have an important meeting to get to," she said, reaching for Gulley's leash.

"Yea I wish," she said, in turn handing it to her, "You sure you can handle so many dogs on your own? It looked a little crazy yesterday."

"Why? Do you know someone looking for a job!?" Shawnee's dark eyes were filled with hope as she got closer into Daniella's space.

"Um, well actually I'm looking-"

"You're hired!"

"Wait but I haven't even-!"

Shawnee handed the leash back to Daniella and pulled her in the direction of the elevator before there was time for protest. In the back of the Omega's mind, she knew she should've worn flats today instead of heels.