A Time to Celebrate

Daniella stumbled into the apartment, shoes in her hands, and stains littering her nice attire. Her done up hair, which took her about thirty minutes to do earlier that day was now sloppily thrown into a bun atop her head. A massive sigh left her as she plopped down on the couch; the softness of the cushions enveloped her and she could feel the exhaustion from the day settling in. Aosh, who was in the middle of propagating some of his succulents at the table, regarded her with a quizzical look.

"Are you ok…?"

"I got a job," she said, waving her pointer finger around like a victory flag, though she was so tired the gesture lost some of the excitement that was usually associated with it.

Aosh put down his scissors in surprise, "Really?! That's great! What kind of job is it?"

"Dog groomer. Dog walker. Dog slave."

"I didn't know you were looking for something like that."

"I wasn't, it just kind of...happened," she sighed, "But at least it's something, now that I'm not elbow-deep in bath water I can celebrate."

"It deserves a celebration for how long you've been trying," he said, putting the succulents back where they belong on the other side of the room.

Daniella sat up abruptly and looked at the Alpha with renewed energy.

"You're right we do need to celebrate! You know what we could do!" she said with a smile.


Aosh 8:42 pm

So are you free this weekend? Daniella and I are going out to celebrate her new job. [smiling face emoji] You want to come? We'll just be going to a bar not far from where we live.

Tiza shifts his position from where he's seated on the couch. Sean and Momo sit at the other end, watching the movie that was playing on the tv. He keeps his phone facing him and hidden behind the pillow in his lap. He glances up at the couple cautiously before replying.

Me 8:44 pm

If I remember correctly weren't you complaining to me yesterday about how she was keeping her job hunting a secret from you. And now she has a job? Sounds suspicious.

The Alpha had sent him a few texts yesterday concerning his Omega roommate and her lack of communication about finding a job. Aosh was upset that she felt like she needed to hide this from him and that when they talked about it she was unwilling to accept his help.

Tiza felt a small amount of respect for her for not accepting his help. It was better not to be dependent on an Alpha, even if the Alpha was a person like Aosh. He would've done the same thing if he was her.

It seemed Aosh didn't fully understand how cruel the world could be towards Omegas and took this lack of communication to heart when it probably wasn't personal. Tiza was going to relay this to the Alpha but refrained, thinking that maybe it would be better to just let him vent his frustrations then try to help. He was never good at giving advice anyway.

There was a cause for concern though. She was employed so suddenly it set off an instant red flag for Tiza. He didn't care for the other Omega, but she was important to Aosh and there was always a possibility her new employer had less than savory intentions for her.

Aosh 8:45 pm

I wasn't complaining...I was just voicing my worries. You make it sound like I was bothering you [sad emoji]

I thought the same but she told me all about it and it sounds legit. She was literally dragged around town yesterday walking dogs and then had to groom some later. She came home smelling like a wet dog which was pretty hilarious.

'You do bother me.' was what Tiza typed out in response, but he deleted it.

Me 8:47 pm

You're right that is hilarious. Serves her right for lying to you. I guess I can go with you two. I am free this weekend.

Sean and Momo's weekend away with their friends was this week and Tiza would have the apartment all to himself. He didn't have anything grand planned for his weekend of solitude, so he guessed he could spare some time to hang out with the Alpha. Although he hasn't drunk much as far as alcohol goes other than a few glasses of wine here and there.

The Omega was considered a lightweight and Sean wouldn't let him have more than one glass if they were enjoying some wine during dinner. It's not like he wanted more than one anyway. Alcohol was just empty calories as far as he was concerned.

Going out drinking was a regular thing friends did right? Tiza thought he should be able to do that much. He would have one drink and try to enjoy being out of the house, even if he did have to spend the evening alongside another Omega.

Aosh's roommate had been coming up more and more in their conversations and it irked him a little more than he would like to admit. She was supposedly such a good friend and Aosh would always jump at the chance to tell Tiza about something she did or something funny she said.

He'd nod along and acknowledge it but he really just couldn't stand the woman. Yes they had only a short encounter and he knew little about her except from what he gleaned from Aosh, but the Omega had a distaste for her. So a whole evening with her wasn't ideal, but it was better than just sitting at home, and watching tv.


"Are you sure you want to go out drinking to celebrate? It's not too late to go to a nice restaurant instead."

"Yes! I mean if you're ok with paying for it. I haven't been out drinking since high school!"

"I never pegged you to do something like that," the Alpha said, eyeing her from where he stood by the door.

He double-checked his reflection in the mirror that hung next to where he set his keys and the mail. The usually unkempt mop he called hair was pulled into a neat ponytail that fanned out behind him. He brushed the few flyaways he saw behind his ears.

"Oh yea I was really wild," she joked putting on her heels and grabbing her purse, " I snuck out a lot, maybe that's why my parents wanted to pawn me off onto Klark so fast. They didn't like that I was so independent for an Omega."

Aosh held the door open and they both descended to the front of the apartment complex to get in the ride they called prior.

"You make it sound like you're hard to handle," he laughed.

"I was told that on multiple occasions, now it's what I will pride myself in. No ones going to tie me down again," she said with a smile, "So Tiza's meeting us there?"

"Mmn, I offered to have our ride pick him up but he said he was going to walk since it wasn't too far," he shrugged.

Aosh wasn't going to be pushy and insist that the man ride with them, he was just glad he agreed to come along. He was hoping this would be a good opportunity for Daniella and Tiza to get to know each other better. It was always better to get to know someone after being loosened up by a couple of drinks. And sometimes Tiza tended to be a little...rough around the edges.

"Well I know this is technically to celebrate my new employment, but I hope you know I'm going to talk you up a lot tonight."

"What? Why?"

"Oh, no reason...I just want Tiza to know what a great guy you are, you really are a catch ya know," she said climbing into the car. Aosh followed behind and closed the door.

"We're just friends-"

"And I'm going to keep calling bullshit on that claim. But whatever I guess going on a romantic arcade date means nothing nowadays."

"It wasn't a date, it was an outing in the name of friendly competition."

"From what you told me I beg to differ. It sounded like he couldn't keep his hands off of you. In any case, I don't need an excuse to brag on you and you can't stop me. Just don't be surprised if Tiza falls madly in love with you by the end of the night." she sniggered and elbowed him in the side.


Nervous hands pulled at the hem of his crop top. Tiza stood outside the bar they were going to meet at. The man had never been to a bar before, let alone a piano bar, and didn't know what to expect.

He got quite a few stares while he waited outside. He subconsciously tugged at his crop top to cover himself from the prying eyes of passers-by. Their gazes lingered on his partially exposed stomach and his shapely legs that were hugged tightly by his jeans. The Omega regretted choosing something a little more revealing for once. His wardrobe was simple for a reason. Not wanting to call attention to himself, Tiza tended to wear things that were oversized and swallowed him whole, it was a plus that it hid away his unsightly body. The man just wanted to blend into the background as much as he could, but as an Omega that was nearly impossible.

Something in him spurred him to wear one of the more revealing pieces in his wardrobe and he dug out this pale blue crop top, but with the number of Betas that looked like they were about to come over and harass him had him regretting his decision. Tiza channeled his unapproachable aura and wore a scowl while he waited hoping to drive the perverts away.

He only waited about ten minutes before he saw the Alpha get out of a car a few feet away. Aosh was impeccably dressed as always with a partially open button-up and skinny jeans that complimented his petite waist. Alongside him, Daniella emerged from the car taking Aosh's hand that was offered to her. She was all done up as well in a short dress and heels.

They looked great together, they looked like they complimented each other. Tiza's hands gripped his shirt fraction tighter.

Aosh noticed him as they approached the doors and waived him down.

"Tiza!" he exclaimed, jogging up to him with the other Omega in tow," Sorry to keep you waiting!"


The trio navigated through the sea of bodies. It was only eight o clock and the place was packed. They manage to find an empty table relatively out of the way. Spotlights bounced off the shiny finish of the two pianos that sat on the stage and the two pianists up there were duking it out over some customer requests. It felt like all eyes were on them while they walked through the bar, or at least that's how Tiza felt as he observed his surroundings.

Beyond them were people dancing and bartenders running orders out to customers. As they settled into the high stools around the table one of them came over and asked what they would like to drink.

Tiza felt a little lost as he'd never had any hard liquor before, and he didn't know what was the best to get. This didn't bother him, he was sure he wasn't the only one like that at the table. Out of the three of them, Aosh was probably the most familiar with-

"Let me get a round of Kamikaze shots and a Martini with extra olives," said Daniella.

"I'll have a Sex on the Beach," said Aosh.


Three pairs of eyes looked at Tiza, waiting on his order.

"I'll... have what he's having," he said, sheepishly pointing at Aosh.

The bartender left and Daniella spoke up.

��Wow, I didn't peg you to like fruity cocktails, Aosh. You look more like a bourbon on the rocks kind of guy," she snickered then reached a hand across the table towards Tiza, "I haven't formally introduced myself yet, I'm Daniella."

"Tiza," he said, shaking her hand a little too firmly.

"I've heard so much about you from Aosh."


The bartender returns with the drinks in hand, and Aosh distributes the shots among them. Tiza eyes the light green color a little worriedly, something named 'Kamikaze' didn't bode well with him. Aosh raised the small glass.

"To Daniella getting her first job. May there be more opportunities for her in the future!"

Daniella raised her glass too, and then both of them tapped them to the table one time and downed the shot. After watching, Tiza followed suit. The liquid burned going down his throat and he coughed a little after swallowing, his lips tingled where they lingered on the glass.

Tiza tried to cover up his coughing with conversation.

"So tell me, how did you get this job again?"

"Oh god it's a long story, but basically this chick, Shawnee is her name, really needed help with her dog grooming business, and after running into her a couple of times she just hired me. I would say it's luck but she sounded just about as desperate as me. Now I can finally stop mooching off of this one here," she pointed at Aosh, "Ah, I'll finally have my own money and I'll be able to buy my own things without an Alpha breathing down my neck. No offense."

Aosh laughed into his drink.

"None taken."

"For real though it's so nice to just do what I want for a change and not have someone there to tell me can't do this or you're not allowed to go there," she took a large swig of her drink and sighed, " I can't thank Aosh enough for being so generous in helping me back on my feet. He's such a gentleman. He's even letting me stay with him, rent-free, so generous!"

While the other Omega prattled on, Tiza took small sips of the other drink to hide his scowl.

'It must be nice to have all this freedom,' he thought.

"By the way, we all should find some time to go do something together, I mean it's not fair that Aosh took you to the arcade and not me. I like dancing too. You're so lucky Tiza." Daniella teased.

"I don't have a lot of free time to go out," Tiza said coldly.

He was lying. After he taught his lessons for the day he had nothing better to do other than lay around unless his brother was willing to take him somewhere. Sean always kept a close eye on him, he was borderline paranoid about something happening to Tiza. It was annoying, but he knew Sean's heart was in the right place and that his paranoia was warranted to a degree. But sometimes he felt like a dog on a tight leash. The only reason he could go out tonight was that said brother was gone and he wouldn't get caught.

"Oh well, then I'm glad you wanted to spend your night with us! I know after I brought it up that we should go out and celebrate, Aosh would not stop talking about inviting you."

"Hey!" Aosh exclaimed, choking on his drink. She really wasn't joking when she said she was going to 'talk him up'.

"What? It's true! You're so nice that you wanted to bring him too and pay for everyone's drinks! Let me brag!"

Aosh was turning a shade of pink at her joking and was glad when the performers on stage announced that they were opening the dance floor. He hoped that the crowd getting more hyped up would distract the Omega from embarrassing him further.

"Oh Aosh, Tiza taught you how to dance right? Why don't you two go out there and show everyone else how it's really done!"

Tiza looked to the sea of bodies.

"I think I'll stay here for now."

"Aw, are you sure? I'm sure Aosh isn't that bad of a dance partner."

"I can assure you he is." Tiza gibed, "You're more than welcome to see for yourself."

Daniella laughed and grabbed Aosh's arm.

"Well if you insist, but you'll have to show me how you dance circles around him later ok?"

She pulled Aosh into the throng of people, and the Alpha called out that they would be back in a bit. To which Tiza replied with a small smile and a wave goodbye. When the duo was out of sight, Tiza downed his drink in a couple of gulps and called the bartender over to order another. Forget about only having one drink, it was going to be a long night.