Rut *mild NSFW*

His parents said a sleepover would be fun. They said it would be a good opportunity to get to know his new friends. Aosh was having anything but fun right now.

The seventeen-year-old was currently locked in a closet with one of his closest friends at the time, Fritz.

Fritz was a Beta on the shorter side with a rounded face that earned him the nickname 'Baby' in their friend group. The two had gotten pretty close as of late and Aosh considered him a good friend along with the three other boys that currently stood outside the door. The boys wanted to play seven minutes in heaven, a rather childish game for them to be playing considering they were about to be seniors in high school,and Aosh refused to participate.

He was currently in his rut cycle and would have to take his next dose of suppressants soon. Aosh's friends all knew this, but they also knew that Fritz liked Aosh. They all wanted to see it happen; Aosh getting together with someone other than this 'Tiza' person. So they schemed and planned this little sleepover solely around getting Aosh in the current situation he was in.

They had loosened him up with some alcohol they had snuck in prior, unbeknownst of their parents, and hid his rut suppressants.

Late that night Aosh's rut spiked and the boys could smell his pheromones as they permeated the air. Searching through his backpack the boy couldn't find his medication. Aosh was in a panic and he was heating up, sweat collected on his brow. Soon he was forced into a closet with Fritz and the door was slammed in his face and locked with a 'click'.

"Fritz this isn't funny," He said. His lungs burned as they tried to suck in as much air they could, he was in a state of panic.

"Awww cmon Aosh, just give Baby a kiss and we'll open up! Or you can stay in there for seven minutes!"

The other boys jeered from behind the door. In the dark Aosh couldn't see Fritz but he could feel the boy close to him.

"I'm sorry Aosh. They're being mean, but I don't think they'll let us out if you don't do it though," the boy said wickedly.

Aosh's back was pressed against the door and Fritz invaded his space. The Alpha wanted to be anywhere but here. He didn't want to kiss Fritz. He was saving his first kiss for someone in particular. Desperately he banged his fists on the door and the boys laughed.

"That doesn't sound like kissing!"

Fritz's hands found their way to his face and they grazed his heated flesh. Out of instinct, Aosh leaned into the touch as it released some of the pent up heat inside of him. He hated the feeling of someone other than Tiza touching him this way. The other boy came closer and pressed his body against the Alphas. He giggles, feeling the Alpha's body responding positively to his advances.

"See, you do want this."

Fritz ground his hips towards the other and Aosh groaned deep in his throat.

The boys outside laughed some more.

Aosh's limbs tingled and his head felt numb. He didn't have his medication to lessen the effects of his rut and his mind was quickly being flooded with two emotions.

Lust and Anger.

Fritz wasted no time and claimed Aosh's lips in a kiss. He forced Aosh to deepen the kiss, pulling him closer by the back of his neck.

Their lips moved against each other in a frenzy. Aosh hands came to the Beta's waist and he pushed him against the wall opposite of them. Their lips stayed connected, Fritz held his head in place stubbornly. If Fritz was an Omega Aosh would be pushing the other down and mounting him out of pure lust. Nothing would stop him or his raging teenage rut hormones from getting what they wanted, which was release from the heat that was overtaking him.

But Fritz wasn't an Omega. His body knew this so Aosh still had a fraction of his composure.

Becoming frantic, Aosh bit Fritz's lips causing the boy to yelp loudly and release him. Taking the opportunity to push the other away, he did, sending Fritz into a pile of storage bins stacked nearby. There was a series of loud thuds and the boys outside became alarmed.

"Hey, what's going on?!"

The door was open and Aosh stumbled out pushing the boys out of the way. Inside Fritz lay against the wall rubbing his back from where it landed on a stack of storage bins with one hand and cupping his mouth which poured blood with his other.

Aosh bit him harder than he thought he did.


"Oh, shit! Go get some towels!"

"What the hell, Aosh!?"

One of the boys tried to stop Aosh but he was ignored while the Alpha grabbed his backpack and headed out of the house slamming the door behind him.

Aosh was seething. He wiped away the blood and spit from his mouth. But no matter how hard he wiped he couldn't undo what had happened.

That was his first kiss and it was taken from him.

He felt dirty because his body was for Tiza and Tiza alone, he felt useless because there was nothing he could do to stop it, and he felt betrayed by people he called friends once again. At this point, Aosh's heart should be hardened from all the betrayal and bad friendships he had endured over the years.

It shouldn't still hurt like this. It was like his heart was always a bleeding open wound, and just when it had started to heal someone came along and ripped it open until it was raw and hemorrhaging all over again. While he walked down the street tears streamed down his face. They left cool trails down his flushed skin.

Aosh was blistering hot, so fucking uncomfortable, and just had something precious ripped away from him. He went to wipe away his tears with his arm but caught a glimpse of Tiza's name and started to lose it all over again. He trudged on a little farther before he remembered it was at least a ten-minute car ride back to his house.

Feeling defeated he reached for his phone and dialed a number. His voice was small, barely a whisper as he hiccuped into the phone.

"D-dad...can you come get me…"


'Fuck !Fuck! Fuck!', Aosh screamed internally in the back of the car.

His rut wasn't due for another week! Why was it flaring up now?! He didn't even have any rut suppressants on his person to lessen the effects. The car came to a stop outside of the apartment complex and the driver turned around shooting him a look. A look that said

'You better take your rut and Omega out of my clean car before you make a mess in my backseat.'

Aosh gave him a half-hearted thank you and shook Tiza gently. But the man wouldn't wake up.

"Tiza. Tiza please wake up."



The Alpha exited the car and came around to the other side, opening the door. As quickly as he could he unbuckled the unconscious Omega and much to his dismay wrapped his arms around him and picked him up.

Tiza's body was limp and pliable underneath his hands, the man did not weigh much so it wasn't too much of a problem to carry him. The problem was that because of the awkward angle he had to carry him on his front. When he wrapped his arms around him, Tiza's limbs enveloped him, his legs encircling his waist, the man unconsciously hugging him.

Aosh took a deep breath and tried not to notice how nice the Omega felt in his arms, or how firm his ass was under his palms.

They entered the building and Aosh was about to get in the elevator until he realized he didn't know what Tiza's apartment number was. The lobby was empty, there was no one to ask, the only thing Aosh could think of would be to check his keys for the number. Tiza's body was pushed against one of the walls next to the elevators, Aosh using it as leverage so he wouldn't drop the man while he rummaged through his pockets.

His hands squeezed Tiza's behind trying to feel for them, then they ran up his outer thighs. Aosh tried to be quick about it, he felt himself slowly slipping with each passing second. His hands wanted to linger at Tiza's ass. They wanted to grope more, they wanted to massage his soft flesh there, they wanted to pull them apart and-

Tiza nuzzled against his neck and mumbled in a low voice:

"What are you doing…?"

Aosh froze and fumbled for a reply.

"I-I'm just looking for your apartment k-key! What's your apartment number?"



"….two..forty..three...third floor…"

Tiza's arm lazily came to his left side pocket and pulled out his keys and handed them to Aosh. His arm returned to its place around Aosh's neck, and he nuzzled closer sniffing the area where Aosh's scent glands were.

" smell...nice…"

Aosh new he smelled nice. It was the pheromones, and Tiza was getting a face full of them. If he didn't hurry up he would send Tiza into a false heat. That would be bad, real bad.

After getting in the elevator he reached the third floor and speed walked to the apartment. His hands shook making it hard to insert the key into the slot. Like a horror movie protagonist trying to unlock the car to get away from a serial killer, he was having just as much luck. Accept there was no escaping the inevitable lust that was coming.

By some miracle he gets the door open and enters as quietly as he can, unaware that the other occupants were currently out of town and not asleep in their room.

The last thing Aosh wanted was to be caught in this compromising position by Sean.

"Which room is yours?" Aosh whispers.

"The one at the end of the hall…" Tiza mumbled into the nape of his neck, sending chills down his spine.

Aosh stepped as lightly and as fast as he could to the room and once inside navigated towards the bed. Initially, he would've loved to take the time to look around and see what Tiza's room was like, but time wasn't a luxury he had right now.

The Alpha bent over and laid Tiza down on the bed and when he let go of him to pull away he found that he couldn't because Tiza was still clinging to his neck.

The Omega sniffed and rubbed his face there, drowning in Aosh's intense scent that was fogging up his already inebriated state. The smell of bergamot and patchouli were so pleasing to Tiza, he wanted more.

"Tiza...let go."


"Because I have to leave."


Aosh really didn't want to spell it out for him.

"Aosh…Aosh...A..o..shhh…" he hummed and pulled away laying his head against his pillows. He removed his hands and Aosh quickly tried to abscond but Tiza was faster and tangled his legs around his waist once more.

"Tiza, I'm being serious!" the Alpha hissed into the dark still trying to be quiet.

Tiza said nothing but his free hands moved to his pants and his clumsy fingers started unbuttoning his fly.

"Wha-wha-what are you doing!!??" Aosh sputtered, he swatted at Tiza's hands trying to get him to stop stripping.

Tiza made a displeased face and tried again.

To which Aosh swatted his hands again.

They continued this a few more times before Tiza smacked his hands and pinched him and then he shouted:

"Arrête ça! J'essaye de te montrer quelque chose, stupide Alpha !!"

"Ok! Ok! Shh, be quiet!!"

Aosh must've struck a nerve, even when Tiza yelled at him before he'd never done it in French, his accent had been a little pronounced since he got drunk, maybe he just forgot he wasn't speaking English.

Either way, whatever the words were they sounded angry but they also sent a fresh wave of blood downstairs to where he was slowly getting erect. Aosh looked away embarrassed and tried to pry Tiza's legs off of his waist again. Something familiar caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.

In the small amount of light that was cast from the moonlight coming in from the window, he could see a book on the bedside table. Sticking out of it just enough so he could see it was the strip of pictures from their outing a week ago. Aosh had kept one of the pictures in his wallet so he could see his fated mate wherever he was, he figured that Tiza would have thrown them away.

Not keep it next to where he slept.

Tiza's thighs clenched around the other's body as he lifted his hips to shimmy those tight jeans down to just above his knees.

"...Look at me."

At this point Aosh had stopped trying to force the other off of him, his brain slowly disconnected from his body and he returned his attention to the Omega under him. Tiza was looking down and Aosh's gaze followed.

His gaze trailed down Tiza's shirt to where it stopped just above his belly button and then followed the flat expanse of his stomach to where his hip bones jutted out like little mountains under his skin, the further down his eyes ventured he admonished himself but couldn't tear his sight away from the milky flesh underneath him.

It was evident that Aosh's pheromones were affecting Tiza as well, the pale blue boy shorts he wore bulged from his half-hard cocklette hidden underneath and there was a wet spot from where he was leaking slick from his lips.

Aosh's mouth was dry and the persistent thought running through his mind was to pull his underwear off and taste him, then sink inside him, then fuck him so hard he-

"...I told you that I didn't know your name...Aosh...I never heard that name before, never saw it before…"

One of Aosh's hands was brought to the inside of Tiza's thigh, "...This is why."

Aosh lifted his hand to see what he was touching. A large oval burn scar. His dark eyes stared at it harder than he had stared at anything before.

Tiza's hand glided up his wrist to his forearm and lingered, running feather-light touches over the mate mark there. Aosh lets his fingertips touch the scar, feeling the smoothness of it. Somewhere in his rutted mind, he connects that his name used to be here, and a pain blooms in his chest.

He wanted to know why. Why was it removed? Why was Tiza never allowed to even know his name? His hand squeezed the thigh earning a small moan from the Omega. At this point Tiza had trailed both hands up the other's arms, fingers dancing across the black ink that littered his tanned skin until he settled his hands at Aosh's cheeks. Soft thumbs traced the peonies etched into his skin, his pointer fingers rubbed languid circles under his earlobes.

Omega pheromones were slowly filling the air.

Aosh's mind was feeling numb. The man felt hot, uncomfortable, his limbs didn't feel like they belonged to him. But he desperately tried to hold onto his sanity, even if Tiza's sinfully soft thighs wrapped around his waist and delicate fingers on his face were ripping into his resolve.

Tiza was drunk, this was wrong. This wasn't what the Omega wanted, and he knew that.

"What are you so afraid of?" Tiza says.

Dark eyes jumped back up to the Omega's face, the furious flush laying across Tiza's skin taunted him, the smell of spiced ginger and chamomile beckoned him, Tiza's evident arousal excited him further.

What was he afraid of?

'I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself,' he thinks.

'I'm afraid that if I even let myself have a single taste of you I won't be able to stop.'

'I'm afraid of you pushing me away everyone before you.'

Aosh hands come up to Tiza's and gently pry them from his face, giving them a small squeeze.

'I'm afraid of a lot of things...but most of all...I'm afraid of losing you.'

Tiza makes a dissatisfied face seeing his hands being pulled away and chances a glance down to see the outline of Aosh's erection in his jeans. The next moment his hips are grinding up to meet the Alpha's, the wicked feeling making Aosh's clear mind dissolve in an instant. His grip tightened and he pushed the pair of hands down to the mattress pinning Tiza in place, he straddled Tiza so his sinful legs could no longer provoke him.

A predatory growl left his lips and Tiza mewled in response, still trying to buck up into the Alpha.

Aosh only pressed into him harder, surely leaving bruises on Tiza's thin wrists. He bent down and breathed in the concentration of pheromones that culminated behind the anti-bite collar. He growled again causing a shiver to run through Tiza and the smaller man pushed his neck toward him, shoving Aosh's nose against the material of the collar.

Aosh's cock strained against the fabric of his jeans painfully, but he continued to grind against the other's hips in a rut driven stupor.

The Alpha was gone, his brain flooded with the need to mate the tantalizing Omega splayed out on the bed before him. Dragging his nose up a slender neck he breathed the other in, he got to his jaw and licked along the line of it until he came to Tiza's chin. Aosh's lips inched up closer to Tiza's. Their breaths were hot, riddled with the scent of alcohol. For a split second his eye's focused, and in that split second his resolve came barreling back into his consciousness like a bullet train.


Small tears collected on wispy blonde eyelashes.

This was wrong. This wasn't what Tiza wanted. And yet Aosh was still here.

His grip on the man loosened and he bypassed the pouty lips and instead pressed a chaste kiss to Tiza's forehead where his lips lingered for a fraction of a second.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed against him before he forcefully pushed himself to get off the bed and quickly left the apartment.

Tiza's hand came up to his forehead, ghosting over where Aosh's lips had just been. A shivering sigh passed through his own.


While Aosh frantically walked down the hall to the elevator, his body screamed at him, demanding that he turn back around. That he go back and fuck that Omega until this heat in him subsided, until Tiza was full of him, was dripping with him. He was so worked up and so filled with lust, he'd never been like this before. He couldn't go home. He couldn't be around this. Shaky hands pulled out his phone after he got in the elevator.

Thirty minutes later a car pulled up to where Aosh sat, with his head cradled in his hands, at the entrance to the apartment complex.

The window rolled down and a voice called out to him,

"Hey, kiddo."