My Fated Mate

After that fateful day, Tiza approached Valencia of his own volition. He wrung his hands together as he nervously said 'thank you'. His eyes could never quite meet hers, whether he was too nervous or found her too beautiful to look at, she couldn't tell.

'How cute', she thought.

He was like putty in her hands.

From then on she was a friend towards the boy as no one else would care to do. She acted like she was invested in him, to coax him closer to her. After a while the two became inseparable. Tiza seemed to rely on her and stuck to her side like glue. It was at this point she decided to tell him.

She pulled him aside during their free period; in between where two of the school buildings met, away from prying eyes. She came close, pinning him against the brick wall, her eyes soft yet serious.

"Tiza...I have a confession to make."

"Wha-what is it Valencia?"

His face reddened at their proximity, his eyes darted from where her deep blue eyes bore into him and where her rather busty chest pressed against his own.

"You said before that Alphas never approached you unless they had some intentions toward you. At the time I said I had none, but I will admit that was a lie."

The Omega's face seemed to fall but she quickly continued.

"The reason that I wanted to get to know you was...well...let me show you." She pulls away just a hair, enough to unbutton her blouse and present Tiza with her bare chest, save for her bra.

"V-Valencia! Stop what are you-"

"Look at me." She says calmly, pointing to the top of her chest. Upon her skin sits a scar, oval in shape. She continues once Tiza is staring intently at her chest.

"That's where your name used to be."

Tiza looks up at her, his eyes as big as saucers.

"Wait.. you're my…" he trails off, brushing his fingers against her scar.

"I assumed you didn't know either. My father removed my scar after it appeared. I only saw your name for a few days before it was gone." She grabs his hand and squeezes it to her chest.

Tiza can feel his heartbeat ringing in his ears. Her chest is soft and warm. Valencia keeps her breathing even as she awaits his answer, waiting for the confirmation to her speculations.

"Yes... um...mine was removed as well, but I was never able to see your name. I-I'd show you my scar as well's in a weird place…" He turns his head to hide his embarrassment.

Valencia takes her manicured fingers and guides Tiza's face back towards her. She leans in close again, pinning him closer to the wall, and brings her mouth next to his exposed ear.

"I would love it if you showed me some time. Would you let me see?"

A beat passes and Tiza nods his head. A soft kiss is placed on his ear.

"Would you honor me in being my...mate?"

There's a sharp intake of breath followed by Tiza enthusiastically shaking his head in agreement. She pulls back and kisses him, soft and delicately. A kiss that has him chasing her lips for more as she pulls away. Her rosy lips set themselves into a grin as she buttons up her blouse and leads the Omega to their last class, hand in hand.

She always got what she wanted.


They had been dating for two years. Tiza loved Valencia, truly he did. She was the kindest Alpha he had ever met and she wanted nothing more than to take care of him. Which Tiza didn't mind all too much. Actually, he kind of liked being on the end of such affection. It was so foreign to him, the feelings that Valencia made him feel. And as much as it scared him because it was new, he chased after it.

Valencia would take Tiza out to buy new ballet shoes, tights, leotards, and the like. Her compliments on how nice he looked in his new clothes never failed to make him smile. She was always willing to watch Tiza practice and even join him from time to time. Tiza would comment often about how great of a dancer she was, but Valencia would always say that she preferred to watch him.

Her home became a safe dwelling for Tiza away from his uncle. A place where he could relax instead of feeling suffocated by his abuser's presence. Although they were close, there were things that he couldn't tell Valencia. Like how he still had to sell himself to pay for the house. Or that his uncle would still abuse him every now and then just to vent his anger.

Nowadays his uncle made it a point not to bruise him in places that could be seen, but when Valencia and Tiza became intimate, it became harder to hide. Often, while her fingers roamed the expanse of Tiza's body she would come across some bruises that weren't caused from their previous romps in the bedroom. She gritted her teeth, but asked in a honeyed voice, masked with concern.

"What happened here?", she says, stroking a black and blue bruise, "Where did you get this?"

Tiza shied away, trying to avoid her touch and the subject, but this only upset Valencia more.

"You don't trust me, do you? Do you want to hide secrets from me? After all that I tell you? You're being very cruel to me Tiza…" Her eyes glistened as she said this, adding in a sniffle for good measure.

Panic-stricken, Tiza backpedals and tells her all the things that he's done. All the shameful things he prefers to keep to himself. He looks distant as he says it, like saying it out loud makes everything a little more real and thus he feels more disgusted with himself.

She pulls away from him, her face complicated. Tiza feels his stomach turn, afraid that telling Valencia his dirty past is enough to make her run away. She was so perfect in every way, the last thing he wanted to do was taint her.

"You'd rather sleep with strangers for money than with me?"

"N-no! That's not it! I have to!"

"You don't have to do anything. The only thing you need to do is love me. But it sounds like that's not enough for you. Am I not enough for you?" She says pushing the Omega back down onto the bed, straddling him.

"No, you are! I'm..I'm not good enough for you! I'm sorry! I don't deserve to be beside you after-"

"You're right, you don't."

Tiza's lips feel glued shut at the harsh comment.

"Is money all it takes Tiza? If I give you money will you be a better mate to me?", she says, reaching for her wallet on the bedside table. She takes out a stack of euros and throws it on the trapped Omega.

"No...Valencia I…" Tears stream down Tiza's face and he tries to choke out his words, but his throat feels tight and hoarse.

She regards him, half-naked under her, hair mussed, face flushed, and tears running onto the pillow beneath him. Something akin to pity settles onto her features. She swipes at his tears with her thumbs and gently shushes him until he has calmed down.

"Are you going to be better for me Tiza?"

"I'd do anything for you…" he leans into her touch.

Her lips tug upward ever so slightly and she kisses him tenderly.

"I know you will."