Falling For You

His legs, tired, sore, and bitten to all hell barely carried him to the door. At Valencia's insistence he answered the knocks, even though his mind was hazy. Tiza was greeted with the last person he wanted to see and the person who he's been trying to forget about. He panics, immediately going to close the door only for it to be stopped by Sean's foot lodged in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Sean demands.

He pushes the door open, arm shooting out to grab Tiza. Another arm pulls Tiza back into the room, and against a silk covered chest. Valencia holds Tiza in place against her, not ashamed to be showing the other two men the black, silk nightie she is wearing, or how rumpled her and her Omega look. In fact she almost looks smug.

"It's awfully rude to interrupt an Alpha and Omega when they're mating don't you think?" she says with amusement in her voice. She regards the other Alpha with a hot glare, but nothing more.

'They must've just had sex', Aosh thinks

Contrary to a few minutes ago, the pheromones had not gotten any worse when the door was opened as Aosh feared it would. Tiza's heat must've subsided for the time being. Even so, Aosh felt on edge. But he tried to ground himself. He tried to fight the pheromones that danced across his senses of the Omega he yearned for, and the offensive pheromones of the Alpha that had just touched him. He had to keep a clear head, at least until he knew what was going on.

"Let him go, Lefèvre." Sean growls and goes to pull Tiza away from her.

She pulls Tiza into her, guiding his face into her chest.

It was like Tiza was a toy being fought over by two spoiled children.

"I don't have to do anything," she chides, running her hands over Tiza's hair, smoothing out the bed head she had given him.

"He doesn't want to be anywhere near you!"

"Oh really? Is that why he came with me of his own volition? Maybe it's you he can't stand to be around."

"You conniving bitch!"

"Prima, tell them." she says calmly.

Valencia pulls his bangs back and tucks it behind his ear, no longer letting Tiza hide behind them. Tired eyes chance a glance up at Sean, only to see his outraged face. They dart away, not being able to handle being looked at like that. Then he glances at Aosh. He shouldn't be here, especially if there was an Omega in heat, but Tiza found it really hard to care right now. Aosh looked stiff and his furrowed brow creased his skin. Looking so distraught made Tiza's stomach even more uneasy than usual. He doesn't necessarily find the courage to speak, but knowing that Valencia expects it of him, he does.

"I...want to be here…," Tiza's hand grips the hem on his oversized shirt, "I'm...I'm going back with Valencia, ba-back to France… so-so-so please just...just leave."

Valencia pets his head.


Sean looks at Tiza, incredulously.

"What have you done to him?! There's no way he wants to go back. I worked so damn hard to get him here and away from you, I won't let him go back!"

"Away from me? You're the only one he needs to get away from. He's been shaking like a leaf ever since he saw you. If you really cared you'd let him go or should've just left him back in Marseille. It would've saved you a lot of trouble. I'm able to give him more than you'll ever be able to."

"Are you saying my brother is afraid of me?!"

"It seems to run in the family," she retaliates.

" Tiza, how can you let her talk like this!?" Sean gasps.


Tiza stays quiet, eyes to the floor, gnawing at his bottom lip so hard it might draw blood.

Sean grabs and pulls Tiza out of Valencia's arms with enough force that Tiza feels his arm almost come out of its socket; stumbling he barely comes to stand next to Aosh. Aosh tries to steady Tiza, worried that he'll fall, then goes to tell off Sean for being so rough when Tiza's in the middle of his heat; but he can't seem to get a word in.

"It's you he should be afraid of! Tiza, I didn't tell you this for your own good, but you have to know that she doesn't love you! She sees you as nothing more than a fucking trophy! She paid off my father to stop abusing you instead of using the pull she has to send him to jail! And she was conspiring to buy you from him and use it as publicity for her company! She planned to keep you like a pet from the very beginning!" Sean spits out.

"So this is the game you want to play," Valencia snarls, stepping out into the hallway, "You got some nerve to talk to me that way! You're the one that can't do a thing to protect him. As far as Betas go you're the weakest I've ever seen. Like father, like son."

Tiza's face contorted. She..she what!? His eyes darted between his brother and his ex- lover, who were now currently in a yelling match, the Omega completely forgotten in the hallway next to Aosh.

From the very beginning? Everything Valencia did was just so she could have him? The kindness, the tenderness, all the promises. Was she even going to let him be prima? Was she just trying to collect what was her's by any means she deemed necessary? Was anything anybody promised him true? Sean had promised them a better life once they got away. Was that even true anymore?

Tiza felt a burning sensation start to well up inside of him; his heat slowly rearing its head again. So many things were happening. Everything was just too much. He didn't want to be here anymore, he couldn't be here anymore. Amongst these liars.

So he ran.

Through his hazy, heat riddle mind, he sprinted as fast as his wobbly legs would let him. Leaving everyone behind. Ignoring them calling his name. Desperately he tried to put as much distance between himself and the conflict, not even thinking that he was still in heat. He didn't want to think anymore.

When he got to the end of the hallway he bypassed the elevator and bolted towards the stairs, the footsteps behind him causing him to panic.

'Just leave me alone!', he screams in his head.

Tiza enters the stairwell, the concrete ice cold under his heated, bare feet. He's able to make it down two long flights of stairs before he feels a wave of heat rush over him and he has to cling to the banister for support. It felt like he had tunnel vision, everything in his line of sight tinged in a ring of shadow. He tried to focus as fruitless as it was on something, anything that could ground him. Tiza sees his feet below him and just above them how hard his knees are shaking. His ovaries hurt like a knife is being twisted into them, a pain that could almost bring him to his knees if he wasn't clinging to the railing. It's hard to breathe, hard to keep himself up right. Hard to do anything. His life...it's always been this way hasn't it?


The Omega snaps his head up, the deep baritone sounding impossibly loud in his ears. Aosh stands at the top of the flight he had started to descend, a couple feet away. Aosh. He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be involved in any of this.

And yet Aosh is here, breathing heavily like he just ran. His eyes scrunched together in concern. The smell of bergamot and patchouli dripping off of him, enough to fill Tiza's lungs with his scent. Aosh was always there. Even when Tiza thought he didn't want him to be. Even when all he wanted to do was forget.


Tiza looks at Aosh, eyes distant, blurry, unsure. Scared. His chest heaves, his pheromones getting stronger by the second. Aosh pushes on trying to will away the slow numbing of his body. Aosh was terrified to let Tiza go. The Omega was a walking target while his heat was still raging on; so Aosh sprinted after him. Not thinking that it would affect him as well.

"Tiza, just...calm down."

Aosh doesn't approach him, even though his instincts scream that he should. He leaves Tiza with some space, the little amount that they have on this flight of stairs.

"I...I," Tiza looks manic, his eyes flitting every which way, like it's trying to make sense of everything in the midst of his overwhelming heat.

"I..I don't know what to do!" he cries. He felt so unstable, so hot, so dizzy, so lost.

"What do you want Tiza? We can do whatever you want, ok? You want to leave, we can leave, if you want to stay…" Aosh swallows hard, "you can stay."

Whatever he wanted? He could do whatever he wanted? Since when? He's always had a collar around his neck and someone pulling him by a leash. And now this...this...impossible man is telling him he can just do whatever he wants?! It's not that easy! It's never been that easy!

"Tiza doesn't know what he wants," Valencia laughs coming up from behind Aosh, she's got blood glistening off her nightie that isn't her own.

"He'll always need someone to make decisions for him. He'll always need an Alpha to take care of him. A real Alpha," she adds, giving Aosh a once over, like she's deeming him unworthy to even look at Tiza; the way he's coming undone under her Omega's heat confirms this " Now, come here Prima."

Her command is final, expectant. Tiza will come to her, he always will.

Tiza looks between the two. Aosh, soft and demure. Valencia, demanding and powerful. His choice should be obvious. But his mind...it feels light, muddled, and...dark. Like a storm is raging inside his skull. It's like he's fighting to stay awake, to stay conscious. Everything was too much. The heat made him oversensitive and overstimulated. Tiza feels his body sway, unsteady, his head is pounding like the beat of a drum and his heart constricts in a way he's never felt before. Lost in his confusion he doesn't recognize the warning bells that are going off inside him. Something was wrong but he had to make a decision. So he does.

Peeling himself off the banister where he had himself anchored he steps forward. Hand reaching out for stability.

Tiza sways backwards.

His feet never hit the steps. Because his vision blacks out, a choked sound leaves him as he curls into himself;a hand gripping his chest in pain.

He falls.

The Omega hits each concrete step harder than the last, his limp body barreling down the long expanse of stairs until he lands with a sickening 'thud' at the bottom. A bloody halo seeps out of Tiza, turning his shimmering hair maroon. Delicate legs bent unnaturally, broken. His name echoes off the walls, screamed by the Alpha he was reaching for.