Bite Me (Part 1)

The bell chimes as the door to Shawnee's business opens, and Aosh and Tiza walk in with Benji in tow. She finishes helping the customer at the counter and then greets them both with a smile.

'It's the two love birds!' she thinks happily.

"Hi, guys! Hi, Benji," she coos, "Dani is ready for you in the back."

Aosh grabs Benji's leash and urges Tiza to sit down in one of the chairs in the lobby area.

"I'll take him, I've got to talk to Daniella about something anyway," Aosh says with a smile that's not quite a smile. He's been doing that alot lately.

"Okay? I guess...I guess I'll just wait here?" It's not like Tiza could object, Aosh was already gone with his dog before he had a chance.


Aosh grinds his teeth in thought as he watches Daniella lather up the dog. He had already committed to asking, he couldn't back down now.

"Daniella. Do you mind telling me how it feels to be bitten?"

Daniella pauses mid-groom and looks up to see the Alpha gazing at her intently. New Year's was a couple weeks ago, and so the image of Aosh and Tiza trying to be sneaky and making out at the side of the cabin was still fresh in her mind. Their mission was a roaring success. How could she forget! The rest of the weekend the new couple exuded this raw sexual tension that they didn't have before. That being said, did things develop this far already? Was Aosh asking because he was going to bite Tiza!?

She hides her smile and plays along, since he hadn't outright told her that they were together yet, let alone his intentions in tying the knot.

"I've gotten past being angry, so I don't mind talking about it, it's not like staying mad will change what has happened. The feeling was like…,"

She picks up a washcloth and starts cleaning Benji's ears.

"It hurt, a lot, because you're obviously biting someone; and Klark was kind of vicious. But there are so many nerves in scent glands that it ends up being extremely pleasurable. At the moment it made me feel disgusted that I liked it, because of what he had done to me. Although if it was any other situation it wouldn't be as bad."

She sneaks a glance at the Alpha as she sprays Benji down. His eyebrows are furrowed.

"All in all, biting is supposed to bring two people together. You know make a deeper connection between the two," she adds, since Aosh had begun to look reluctant.

Danilla dries the pup off, then laces a blue bandana around Benji's collar, signalling that he was clean and ready to go, "Well, he's all set! And I hope I gave you the answer you were looking for."

Aosh grabs Benji's leash, his expression now...strange.

"'ve given me a lot to think about."


"Wait, say that again?" Tiza says mid-bite.

Aosh shifts in his seat, fork prodding the piece of chicken on his plate. "Can you bite me?"

"Like-like on the neck?"


The food on Tiza's fork falls back onto his plate with a 'plop'. What the hell? How can this guy go from kissing him tenderly, to not even acknowledging that something happened between them, to asking this?!

After New Year's Tiza was expecting a kiss from the Alpha and then naturally all the things that came with that. But Aosh never followed through or even mentioned anything. He even started putting some distance between them. Tiza began to think that maybe he came on a little too strong. And then he started feeling guilty, like he took advantage of Aosh when he was drunk. Sure Aosh had said he wanted it too, but he still wasn't in his right mind.

Tiza felt a little weird too. Taking initiative like that, especially with an Alpha, was not something he usually did. The only reason he acted that way was because he was drunk. Alpha's were the ones that were supposed to take initiative in intimacy. It had always been that way in the past, with other people he had been with, at this point he expected it. So in Tiza's mind the fact that Aosh didn't take the initiative to do anything, at the very least kiss him yet, was a red flag that something was wrong.

But he was so awkward and lost in his own feelings that he didn't know how to bring it up. And now Aosh was asking him to do something… Tiza doesn't even know what this was!

Oh god. What if Aosh was asking because he didn't know? Was he going to have to give him...the talk?

"Um, Aosh, you see, er…" Tiza brings both of his pointer fingers up, "When two people, an Alpha and Omega, really like each other," he taps the tips of his fingers together, "it's the Alpha that bites the Omega. When the Alpha bites the Omega-"

Aosh's fork clatters as it hits the edge of his plate, hands coming up to wave frantically.

"I know how biting works, you don't have to go into detail!"

"Then why are you asking me to bite you?"

'Why are you skipping literally everything and going straight to biting?! And not even the right kind of biting!' Tiza laments.

"I want to know what it feels like," Aosh can't keep eye contact and has taken to prodding at his food again.

"Why?" Tiza presses further, there had to be more than that.

"I just want to put myself in an Omega's shoes," he sighs, "It seems unfair that you guys have to wear a collar. I know it's purpose is to protect, but Alpha's never get blamed for biting someone. It's always Omegas that get blamed when it's Alphas that can't control their instincts either. It's not fair and I want to experience it, as an act of solidarity."

Aosh finished his little speech, word for word like he had practiced in his head all day.

Yes, it was an act of solidarity. And maybe a form of atonement for whatever he did to make Tiza mad at him. He wanted to make things better, give Tiza a chance to get back at him for whatever he did, and at the same time do something he's been wanting for a while now. Understand one of the hardships of being an Omega.

Tiza chews his bottom lip.

"Well, it's not like I have a problem with doing it if that's the reason why. It was just a weird request. But um, can it wait until I brush my teeth?"

Aosh shakes his head in agreement and the two continue their dinner.


They agreed to do it before they went to bed, so that way Tiza's teeth would be freshly clean. Even so, the Omega took longer than usual to brush his teeth. Benji sits at his feet, as Tiza brushes well past the two minute mark, his fluffy tail gently brushing over Tiza's bare feet every now and then. Obviously Tiza didn't know what being bitten felt like, even though he's had some close calls in the past. The fleeting thought of Valencia telling him no one would ever bite him crosses his mind and he vigorously brushes his molars, trying to scrub the thought out.

For Omegas, especially during their heat, getting bitten is usually extremely pleasurable and painful; but there was something that always bothered him about the whole biting thing. Yes, it bound an Alpha and Omega together, it even mingled their scents together, but the thing was that only happened on the Omega's end. Marking an Omega tied them to the Alpha that bit them and biologically makes it so the only one that can satisfy their heat is that person. But Alphas aren't bound by the same rule and are free to bite as many Omegas as they desire, in fact where Tiza came from it wasn't uncommon to see an Alpha have more than one Omega tied to them.

It was an extreme act of love, one that is only possible for Alphas and Omegas. But for Alphas like Daniella's fated mate, it's used as a weapon. Yes, she is away from him now but every month she goes through unbearable pain that must remind her of him. Tiza truly pitied her.

That being said, Tiza assumes that for an Alpha it should feel like getting bitten anywhere else and therefore what Aosh asked of him wasn't a big deal. He could say it was out of solidarity all he wanted, and Tiza could respect that, but Tiza couldn't help but feel that maybe this was Aosh trying to initiate something. And because of that his mind started to buzz with excitement. Although, he reminded himself that this wasn't a big deal at all, and that's why he was making sure his teeth were very, very clean.