Chapter Two

I met my best friend, Luna, in the hall at school like I usually did. Mykel followed me through the halls just like my last bodyguard. Luna linked her arm in mine to pull me closer so she could speak without Mykel -who walked several feet behind us- hearing.

"Is that your new bodyguard?" She whispered gleefully. "He's kinda hot. How old is he?"

"Nineteen or almost nineteen, I think. I never really asked, but he looks about that age." I shrugged, looking down at my phone.

"WAY better than that old, potbellied, freak that took advantage of you." She shook her head causing me to smile nervously.

"He doesn't talk much and he's always in that stiff stance." We walked into class and sat down in our usual seats. Mykel went to the back of the class and got into his stance. Luna peeked back at him.

"It's kind of attractive." She bit her nail, continuing to look. When she turned to me, she gasped. "Your wrist!" We both looked at the number that once said 2,561 miles. It now said zero.

"Could that mean...?"

"Luna, that could be anyone in this school. People transfer all the time." I stated with an eyeroll.

"You're finally gonna have a boyfriend!" She squealed, shaking me. Her long, dark brown, curls flew everywhere. I just snorted and accepted the assignment that the teacher handed out.

"Just focus on your work. My love life is my own concern." I chuckled. She removed her hands and pouted as she grabbed a pencil. I reached into my bag, pulling out a black pen and got started on my work. I was halfway through my assignment when I stopped. Reflexively, I grabbed Luna's arm as I leaned.

"Put your head down. I'm here and so is Mister Cute. Don't worry." Her green eyes studied me. I crossed my arms on my desk and laid my head on them.


I was outside by the pool at home, doing my yoga exercises. There were two security guards -Larry and Josh- who patrolled the pool area. I was steadying my arm stand -where my arms are bent and my legs are in the air- when I saw Mykel. I gasped, losing focus which caused me to fall. He had been with me for almost two weeks and still managed to scare me. I sat up, looking at him with a slight glare.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry." He no longer stood in his military stance unless we were at school. I was glad that I broke him from that.

"You're fine. You just walk quietly." I pushed up from the ground so that I stood. We made a deal several days ago that if I didn't hide from him when I fainted, he would relax. So, I tried my best not to.

"I believe Luna will be here soon." He informed me. Luna and I had planned to hang out in the pool around two o'clock.

"It's two already?"

"It's 1:43, actually." He nodded.

"I have to change then. When she comes, please let her in." I ran past him and up the stairs. Once in my room, I grabbed my bikini. The top had a seashell print and the bottoms were blue. When I finished changing, I heard the doorbell. I turned to leave my room, a sound in my closet stopping me. I should've kept going, but my curiosity got the best of me. I rotated on my heels to look at my partially open closet door. Tilting my head, I crept closer. I always closed the door all the way. Pushing the door open, I could see someone inside. They moved forward and I could see that it was my last bodyguard.

"Mister John?!" I gulped, backing away. A chill raced down my spine. "What are you doing in my closet?"

"Your parent's fired me because of your loud mouth. I came to get revenge and to teach you a lesson about blabbing." He spoke in a gruff voice. The little hair he had was a mess and he was growing a shaggy gray beard. I spun around and ran for the door, but before I got far, he grabbed my long hair and pulled me to the floor. Riddled with fear, I screamed and hit the floor with a loud thud. "Shut up!" He covered my mouth. I kicked at him as he reached for my bikini bottoms, hitting him in the jaw with the heel of my foot. I screamed through his hand over my mouth as I tried to fight him off. Moments later, there was banging on my door. It sounded like someone was trying to kick it down. The door splintered in half and a silhouette of black tackled the man. I watched them roll across the floor before crawling away. Luna ran into the room to my side as numbness entered my arms. The last thing I saw before passing out was Mykel punching John.


The police came to take John away and when they left, Luna and I went outside to the pool. We wanted to calm down after what had happened. I watched Luna get in then turned to Mykel.

"Thank you." I looked up into his hazel eyes.

"I was just doing my job." He replied. I looked down to his knuckles, which were split and covered in dried blood. I took one of them in mine, getting a better look. "I'm fine, Jasper. Please, go have fun with Luna." I glanced up at him again, a feeling that I didn't understand entering my heart.

"I'll be right here." He smirked, pulling his hand away. He rarely smiled and every time he did, my heart leapt into my throat. I nodded, joining Luna in the pool and looking at my wrist. It had said 'zero' ever since I met Mykel.

"He's your soulmate. I'm telling you." Luna nudged me. I gazed up at her. I remembered one of her close friends had died in a car accident and ever since, her wrist had a big X. She never talked about it and was always obsessed with me finding my other half.

"Is this what it feels like? Confusing?"

"Oh, Honey. Yes." She smiled. "And it will be confusing for a while." I looked back at my wrist with a sigh.