Chapter Nine

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. It was midnight, but my brain felt so full so I got up and left my room. I wondered what Mykel's new tattoo was among other things. He was patrolling the house with the security guards so I wasn't worried too much about where he was. I was glad that he could get along with the other guards. Suddenly, I felt nauseous and rushed to the bathroom where I vomited. After a moment, I heard a knock. I must've closed the door out of habit.

"Jasper?" The door opened.

"D-Don't come in here!" I flushed the toilet and went to the sink. Mykel stood in the doorway, studying me.

"Did you throw up?" He watched as I brushed my teeth.

"I probably just ate something bad. You know how school food is." I rinsed my mouth out. As I went to leave, he stopped me and felt my forehead with the back of his hand.

"You're a little warm." He kissed my head. "Go lay down. I'll get you some water." I nodded and went into my room, laying down. He came in a moment later and set a bottle of water on my nightstand. After laying next to me, he pulled me into his arms.

"What's your new tattoo?" I whispered quietly as I laid my head on his chest.

"Don't worry about it. Just sleep." He stroked my face with his fingertips. I didn't press for an answer because I wasn't feeling well so I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I got ready for school at six in the morning as usual, standing in front of the mirror. My pants were tight and my belly was a little bloated. I checked myself in the mirror to see if I looked bigger. I chalked it up to my period finally starting and walked to my calendar. I counted from when my last period was to now.

"Two weeks late.... Well, I'm late sometimes." I grabbed my bag and left the room. "But that was before Mykel and I had sex...." I bit my nail nervously as I went outside to the car. Mykel was waiting. I wondered if the condom had popped.

"Felling better?" He opened the passenger door.

"Kind of." I looked at his uniform of all black as I got in. He only wore his uniform when we were going to school. "I just hope school isn't horrible."

"I don't think it will be." He smiled. It was never horrible, per say. Just boring. We drove to school and met Luna in the hall. I walked to her in a rush, leaving Mykel behind.

"Did you have your period yet?" I hissed. Our cycles were synced up because we spent so much time together.

"Yeah. Like two weeks ago. Why?" She raised an eyebrow. After a moment, she gasped. "Have you taken a test?!"

"Shh!" I glanced back at Mykel. He stayed a few feet back, but kept his eyes on us. I turned back, trying to act natural. "No. I haven't taken a test. I can't buy one without Mykel being curious."

"Girl, you better tell him when you do."

"Duh." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I can buy one and bring it to you. You can hide it until you go to the bathroom." She said. I nodded as I thought. Suddenly there was a loud bang. It was so loud that it made my ears ring and the both of us looked around. Students screamed, running past us. We just stood, frozen in the hall with our arms linked.

"Was that... a gunshot?" Two more bangs echoed through the hall and Mykel grabbed us. As we ran into the nearest classroom, someone yelled my name. I looked back and suddenly there was pain splintering through my thigh. I didn't hear the gunshot until I collapsed into the classroom and crawled to the wall while holding my leg. The door was closed and locked, the shade brought over the window so the shooter couldn't look in. Desks were piled in front of it and Mykel pulled out his gun, standing to the side. I clenched my jaw as I tried to stop the blood from gushing out of my thigh. I cried out in pain as the blood began to pool on the floor under me.

"Jasperrrrr. I know you're in there. Come out and I won't kill anyone." The familiar voice sang. Luna yanked her belt off and tied it just above the bullet hole in my leg. Three bullets went through the door then the shooter banged against it. "Is my son Mykel in there? Does he know I raped you?" Tears silently slid down my cheeks as I realized that it was my last bodyguard, John.

"It's a shame that you faint when you feel too much." The desks scraped against the floor as he pushed against the door. My leg burned with pain. It spread up and down my leg, seeping into my toes and into my side. My breathing became ragged as I tried my best to stay calm.

"Keep trying to come in and I'll riddle you with bullets, Old man." Mykel threatened. He looked furious and it made him seem intimidating.

"You don't have the balls to shoot your own father." John laughed like a maniac. My body shook violently and I felt weak. "How does it feel to know that I got to her first?" The desks shoved back and the door swung wide open. Mykel fired three shots without hesitating. I saw the flash of the third shot, but blacked out before I heard it. Even though I was unconscious, I was afraid. I was worried about the safety of Luna, Mykel, and my classmates. I was worried that I was going to bleed to death on the floor of the classroom. I thought of the future and the things that I wanted. I wanted to have children and to get married. I wasn't ready to die.