Some friendly? face

After getting up he checked the surroundings. There was nothing special, except that he realized that, he was on the same tree, which he slept on last night after he saw the remains of his shoes.

'I'm still surprised that the system helps with sleeping and with the muscle pain that comes from sleeping in these weird positions.'

He started to walk back in the direction where he first woke up.

'Should I go in another direction? Doesn't seem right. I would stay at the same distance from the wastelands. If there is any friendly creature in this world, it should be in the opposite direction to it. Or am I wrong?'

He was waiting for an answer that never came.

'It is annoying to be alone...'

While walking back there was no trace of the wolves, nor other creatures. After a whole day of walking, it was still the same. More trees and bushes.

'How big is this forest? It's more than 50 km wide, that's for sure.'

Looking around there was no familiarity in the forest. It looked like, he was going in a pretty straight line.

'As far as I know, if you don't check the direction, you can get lost easily. But for some reason, I feel that I'm going away from that cursed place. How is that even possible?'

After the night, the road continued on for one more day.

"Tree, tree, bush, tree... Arrow... Heuk!"

He was so surprised by the arrow landing in front of him, that he fell on his butt. Then he heard a woman's voice.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"


"Can you not understand me?"

An arrow hit the ground next to him.

"Yes! I understand you!"

He shouted back.

"Then answer the question!"

"I'm Joseph and I'm lost!"

"Good! Then Joseph what are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"What are you? Are you a child of an orc and my brethren?"

"I don't know what are you talking about?"

"Seems like you don't have too much intelligence..."


"So I put it this way! Was your father an orc and your mother an elf?"

"What? No!"

"Are you a demon?"

"No! I'm a human."

"Human? Is that a new creature of the god of death? Or the god of existence?"

'God of death and existence? What are those?'

An information window popped up.


Gods are creatures that are the highest beings in a world and are in control of the life and death of every existence in it...

'I know what a god is! I don't know what are these two gods! I never heard about them!'

New information windows popped up.

God of death

The god that causes living creatures to die.

God of existence

The god that makes things exist.

'Thank you that was REALLY useful!'

Another arrow hit the ground next to him.

"Answer or I'll kill you!"

"I don't know the answer!"

"I don't believe you!"


An arrow hit his leg. He cried out because of the pain. Somehow the arrow was more painful than all the wounds that the goblin caused.

"I really don't know! Why did you shoot me?"

"Because you're an intruder!"

"Is this your territory?"


"Then why didn't you just say to me something like: Leave or I kill you! Why did you have to shoot me?!"

"Oh right. I didn't say that..."

"What? And you said I'm the stupid one?"

"Shut up!"

"Now I can't even leave, because of my leg!"

"I said shut up!"

A beautiful woman jumped down from one of the trees. She was slim and tall, and her long black hair highlighted her appealing clothes. She looked just like a human in every aspect, except the sharp ears and the fierce eyes.

'Beautiful! I might even fall in love with her... If it wouldn't be my XX leg shot by her!'

She walked up to him and pulled out the arrow in one go, without hesitation.


The pain was so much, that Joseph couldn't hold back the screaming.

"If you do it like that it will bleed too much!"

He yelled while grabbing his leg.

"That might be the case in the Land of Existence, but in the Forest of Life, it is but a scratch. Look!"

She pointed at his leg. The wound was already healed.

"I can't believe it! Even the pain is gone."

"Yes! If you don't kill something in one hit, they will recover easily in this forest. I'm surprised you survived without knowing this."

"Well, I kinda got dropped here?"

"What nonsense are you speaking?"

"I mean. I don't remember anything except for waking up in the forest?"

'It's better if I keep the "Coming from another world" as a secret for now.'

"You have amnesia? That is pretty strange! It should be healed right away!"

'Oh right. "Wounds" get healed right away...'

"Well, it should heal... Except if it's a curse of a god."

"Curse of a god?"

"Yeah! If you did something to anger a god too much, they cursed you. It usually won't kill you, but you would actually prefer death instead of the curse!"


"So if you are cursed, there is nothing that can be done."

'She seems talkative. I should get as much information out of her as I can for now, though it would be better to leave maybe.'

"Could another god, than the one that cursed me, help me with the curse?"

"I don't know that much about this kind of stuff. Also how long do you plan to sit on the ground."

He didn't even realize that he was still sitting.

"Oh right! Also, I leave right away. I don't want to disturb you anymore! Goodbye!"

'It's better if I get going, she looks like a lot of problem!'

As he started to walk away, he felt a strong pull on his wrist, then the woman pinned him to the ground.

"Ugh... What are you doing?"

"I'm taking you as a prisoner. The elder might know what to do with you."

"The elder? Is he the leader of a village or something?"

"No! He is the adviser of the elven people."

As they were talking, she tied his hands up, stood him up, and started to pulled him through the way he was going originally.

'Seems like I don't have a choice in this...'