
As they moved through the forest Leafa stopped him.

"We're almost out of the city's territory. I'm not going with you anymore."

"Allright! Thank you for everything!"

'It seems even though we were together for this much, she still doesn't want to come with me. But it's understandable.'

"Yeah. Goodbye!"

She turned back and started to walk away.

"I hope we'll meet again Leafa!"

She turned back with smile on her face.

"Yes I hope as we..."

Suddenly something big hit her and she flew away into a tree. She spit out blood as she slammed into the tree and then fell to the ground.


'What happened?'

He pulled out his sword waiting for the thing to come out. A giant monster at least 5 m tall came out from behind one of the trees. It was a somewhat human looking creature, with deformed face and hair all around his whole body, holding a big tree trunk in it's left hand which was bloodied.

'What the hell is that?!'

He couldn't even breath from the supprise. The thing walked toward Leafa.

'Can I fight it? It just killed Leafa in one hit!'

He looked at her. She was trying to stay up.

'She is not dead yet!'

He hid behind one of the trees and tried to sneak behind the thing. It didn't seem like it saw him.

Leafa was really angry.

"What are you doing here you dumb troll?"

"Meat! I want fresh meat! You fresh meat! You I kill! I eat!"

It started to run towards her. It was a lot faster than Joseph would've thought from it's size. It shortened the distance between itself and Leafa in a second. She barelly dodge it's attack.

"Leafa run!"

"I can't! It's faster than me!"

She hit the troll a few times while dodging it's attacks, but could only scratch it's though skinn.

"It's impossible what are you?!"

"Hohoho... Meat want cut me? You' little toothpick tickles!"

Joseph didn't know what to do. He had no chance against this thing and had no ranged weapons.

Leafa was also helpless. She could only dodge for a while, before getting tired.

"Die little meat!"

The troll raised it's club and hit her again. She stayed on the ground this time.

Joseph was shocked and started to run at the troll crying, but it grabbed Leafa and run away like it didn't even notice Joseph.

'No! This can't be happening! What the hell was that troll? It shouldn't be this fast!'

While running after it he heard a woman's voice.

"Stop before it comes for you!"

He felt like there was a strong force stopping him. The voice was somewhat familiar, but he didn't know who was it.

"What? Who are you? Can you help her? Please?"

He was looking around, but saw noone. The forest was empty and silent. The troll was gone just as fast as it came.

"I don't really want to."

"What? Why don't you help her?!"

The voice was coming from all direction, but also from nowhere. He was so confused he didn't know what to do, that he sit down on the ground crying.

"It's simple. I don't want to..."


"What? What? What? Can you say something else after I just saved you? It's getting boring. What's this, what's that, what is going on? And so on and so forth. You wanted to get to a new world. Now you can experience it. Hahaha! You wanted some excitement. Now you got it! This world will give plenty! Just enjoy while you can! Hahaha!

He suddenly remembered who is it. It was the woman that picked up the phone when he called the Reincarnation service.

"Thank you! But who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"It's simple! I do it because I was bored! Just like you! I was searching for people that felt the same way as I. Bored of the same old world. Bored of the same old jobs. Bored of the same old environment. So I got you here! Now we can both enjoy this!"

"Enjoy? My only comrade got killed by that thing a minute ago! How could I enjoy this?"

"Hahaha! You'll get used to it! Now I have to go! I'll speak to you again... If I feel like it. Bye bye!"

"Wait! What are you saying?!"

She was allready gone. As she started to speak, she stopped speaking.

'This is not possible. Leafa!'

He was crying until night. Then he ventured forth until he did not feel the power of the God of Life, then he climbed on a tree and went to sleep, or at least tried to sleep.

He did not sleep much the night. He continued forward half asleep at morning.

After a few hours of walking he ran into a goblin. He didn't even think about it too much. The goblin did not even notice him walking behind him. So he just stabbed it to death. It was really good for him to get his nerves calm down.

After he killed it he felt somewhat better. He took out it's core and then looked at it.

Lesser Monster core

You actually found something interesting! Good job!

It's a core of a weak monster. It is it's life source and the sole reason it lives. Break it for experience and corruption, or use it to create weaker magical items.

'What is this description? Is it that woman, who is writing these? Also it seems somewhat more detailed then the last ones. Let's look at the skill for now.'

Name: Joseph Smith

Race: Human

Age: 21 Gender: Male

Job: None

Level: 1

Experience: 30/100

Health: 60/60

Manna: 170/170

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 6

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 14

Charisma: 10

Corruption: 0

Abilities: Imaginative Magic F, Examination E, Survival F

Titles: Friend of the elfs

'My stats changed again. I got one more constitution and 10 more health. Got the corruption stat as well. The examination levelled up? And I got survival. Let's see these.'

Examination E

You can examine everything you come across. After examination, you can see all the information about them that you got from somewhere, even if you only read it once and forget about it.

'The description didn't change.'

Survival F

You got skills to do basic survival. You can bare longer without food and drink. Long travels won't make you tired too fast. You can craft basic survival items easier.

'It's a straigh forward skill.'

He looked below the skills and saw the titles. He started to cry again.

'I can't belive it... How am I going to tell this to elder Bran?'

Friend of the elfs

The elfs are relatively friendly creatures. It is not a huge accomplishment to get to be their friends, but if you are, you are welcomed in any of their cities.

As he was walking, really strong light shone in his eyes. As he looked up, he noticed that, he got out of the forest. It was a big plain standing before him.

'So I reached the prairie.'

At this point he didn't even care about that he got here. But he wanted to survive, so he moved forward.