The cave only lead in one direction and it was well lit so he wanted to investigate it. He went forward, but only seen more cave for a while. Then there was an open room with two small statues in the middle. They were only as high as his hip and put together from stone parts. They looked more like dolls made from stone instead of cloth.
'These look like little golems. But they are not moving and I can't differentiate it from the other parts with sensing it's manna, because it's made of it like the whole place.'
He readied his sword and held out his right hand towards it.
'Fire wouldn't work against stone I guess. So a simple arrow would be more usefull. Fortunatelly this place is full of manna so I can absorb it if I use too much.'
He made an arrow and shot one of the stone dolls. When it got hit it just fell back without any respons.
'Did I make the wrong assumption? Then let's just move forward.'
He looked at the cat, which was lazily following him around without a care about the two dolls. As he walked closer they were still just standing. He was still on the edge until he passed by them.
When he left the room he got calmer, but still looked back. The room was still the same. So he continued forward.
After walking for five more minutes he heard something move ahead of him. As he walked forward the sounds cease.
'What is going on in this place? Should there be any other way, or monsters or something? It looks more like a big one routed cave.'
Just when he finished the thought something fell on him and pushed him on the ground.
It was so heavy he couldn't stand up so he concentrated manna on his back and made a wave of energy to push the thing off. It flew behind him so he jumped up and turned around.
"What is going on?"
It was a doll, lying there, like the two before and this wasn't moving as well.
"If you don't move, you just make my job easier!"
He walked to the doll lying on the ground and hit it a few times with his sword. It cut the doll into pieces.
"Nothing? Huh."
It was just stone put together. It had no core or anything.
'I got no experience from it.'
He looked at the place it fell from, but it looked like any other place in the cave.
He walked forward until he got into an other room. It was even bigger than the last and it was empty.
'This is really suspicious.'
As he walked into the room, the way backward and forward got closed up by stone doors which slide down from the top of the entrances.
'A trap... Who made this obvious place?'
As he walked into the middle of the room another doll fell in front of him, but this time it was just as big as him.
'An actuall golem?'
It started to walk forward then held out it's hand and an arrow appeared in front of it.
'Hey, hey! Don't say it can cast spells?'
Joseph started to run around it.
'It's just my spell and I know it's weakness.'
As the golem tried to shoot him it missed the moving target.
"That's all you know?"
He held out his hand and shot an arrow at it. It hit the standing golem, but did not destroy it, only made a part of it brake down. Then the golem hit the ground and pulled out a stone sword from it and started to walk to Joseph slowly.
"Now you take a sword? You are really strange. But how much can you take?"
He shot two more arrows at it's head and it fell to the ground before it reached Joseph.
"This one was pretty dense. It didn't even try the magic arrow more than once. I'm curious how much xp did I get. Stats."
Name: Joseph Smith
Race: Human
Age: 21 Gender: Male
Job: None
Level: 1
Experience: 60/100
Health: 90/90
Manna: 210/240
Strength: 9
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 24
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 10
Corruption: 0
State: Manna exhaustion
Abilities: Imaginative Magic D, Examination D, Survival F, Magic infusion B, Meditation D, Wood chopping F, Manna absorption F
Titles: Friend of the elfs, Beginner magician
"10 exp? That's pretty good for one of these. It was a lot weaker than the goblin as well. But the door still didn't open."
As he said it, another golem fell from the ceiling. This time it had a sword in it's hand already.
"One more?"
It shoot out a magic arrow at Joseph, who dodged it like last time, but when he shot back the golem dodged it the same way as he did.
'These are copying me? Then I shouldn't show too much.'
He shot an arrow at it and as it jumped sideways he hit it with his sword. The golem attacked back with a clumpsy attack, which he dodged and replied with an other hit. The golem felt down from the second hit.
'I hope there are not going to be too much of them, or I'll have to try and break the door forward. I'm not sure if I can do that.'
While he was thinking another golem felt down. It was thicker than the last one and slightly taller as well. It instantly shot an arrow and tried to attack as Joseph dodged, but he anticipated it and dodged, then cut it's right leg. The golem fell down.
'I'm really thankfull for this strong sword. They just gave it to me, like it was a toy or something, but it's really sharp.'
He cut the lying golem's head down. The cat walked to the door which lead forward, but Joseph had no idea about it. He was watching out for the next golem that fell down and instantly attacked.
'I have to change tactics again and again. I should only show clumsy tricks which can be easily countered.'
As it dodged his attack at it's leg he held his hand to it's body and made an arrow into it's body twice, but it didn't fell down and hit him with it's left hand. He felt on his back and the golem tried to cut his head down, but he rolled sideways and shot a third arrow into it. The golem felt down and he got a window in the middle of his vision as he heared a meow.
He turned around and saw the cat in front of the door leading out. He rushed there leaving the next golem which just fell down.