They wanted to return to the farm, but decided to wait until the morning, so if there would be more rats, they would kill them. They took turns watching out, while the other one watched the forest. First Catherine went to sleep, then she changed with Joseph and they waited out morning, then returned to the farm.
The farmer greeted them smiling.
"So how did it go?"
Joseph smiled back tired.
"All of those that came out died. We found around 50 of them and killed them all."
"Let me see them!"
They went back to the edge of the forest where they piled up the bodies.
"Very good! You can recive your reward at the guild. Here is a paper that should say that you completed the job. I've got this from the asistant in the family."
They looked at the paper. It was a simple letter with the seal of the family.
"But! If there will be more rats, then you have to come back and kill them. Because I don't know if you let them live to get this quest again, or because you couldn't kill them!"
They were annoyed, but did not say anything. The farmer invited them to breakfast and they ate some corn porridge. Then waited for the driver to arrive. It did not take long for him after eating.
They greated eachother and rode the cart back to the city and the guild. As they got off the cart someone else walked to the driver to ask him. He waved at them, while they walked away.
"It was nice to meet you two!"
Catherine waved back
"Same here! We might take you for other trips!"
"I'll be here, if I have no ride at that moment!"
As they walked in, the place was almost deserted. There were only a few people eating breakfasts at a few tables.
They walked to the bar and showed Emilia the letter they got.
"Good job! Seems like you are more capable then some beginners. But as I see you have to return if there are more rats. I'm sorry about that!"
Joseph shrugged.
"I don't think there will be other rats coming that way. But we have bad news about that forest next to the farm."
"What are you talking about?"
Catherine explained what she felt in there. Emilia looked confused by them.
"I'll definetly notify the phoenix family about the possible danger. If they want to do something about it..."
She leaned closer to them and whispered.
"I'll let you guys know. You wanted to take the job, right?"
Catherine laughed.
"Seems like you know, how to do these stuffs."
"I have been working here for a while. You can pick up a few things here."
She winked at them.
"But I advise you two to go take a rest. You look like someone who did not sleep well at night."
"We will."
They said their goodbyes and returned to the Drunken Dwarf and went to sleep until afternoon.