
After a few minutes Maria returned with Leonard and they started to examine the pictures again.

After they have rested they joined her. They have found nothing interesting, but took the water out of the chalice and brought both up. The guards were still waiting for them outside.

They packed up on the carriage and started to go back to the Phoenix family. On the way back Maria and Joseph continued to read the history book. Leo was listening to them and was amazed at the fact that Joseph could read it.

The next parts were the more about the happenings in the wars between the five mages. The wars kept on until the five were overwhelmed by the newly found Herian empire. Even though the empire was weaker then them, it turned them against eachother and used the opportunity to cease the five countries. With few magicians and a lot of people not capable of casting spells they were victorious. Then the golden age of the Herian empire began.

The book ended at the beginning of the golden age. It looked like it was the first part of a serie. Joseph looked at Maria.

"Do you have the other parts?"

"No. This was hard to find and I did not even know about that it was a series of these books."

"I see."

They spoke about the content of the book for a while, when a window appeared for Joseph.


You are being watched by someone who wants to hurt you.

He was supprised and looked around. Noone else noticed anything. Catherine was talking with Leo about some magical items, while Maria was rereading her notes.

Joseph looked out of the window and used his sensing spell, but found nothing except for some small animals. Catherine looked at him questioningly.

"What are you doing Joseph?"

He cleared his throat.

"I felt like someone was watching us and I just looked around if there is anything suspicous around here. But found nothing."

"Let me look."

She looked out as well and after a minute she shrugged.

"Either it was nothing, or it already ran away."

"I guess that could've happened."

He was still looking out for the rest of the way.

It was night already when they returned. George welcomed them and secured the artifacts they collected. They agreed to return in the morning to discuss everything.

In the night Catherine and Joseph secured their rooms from intruders and they slept until morning.