The plan was really simple. First Joseph and Catherine went down to the city and went to the tower, looking out for anyone around. They have found a group of people at the entrance of the tower.
The six guards and a man, presumably Gregory were at the base of the staircase leading to the door of the tower. Also there were four cloaked figure up at the platform right before the door.
The platform was a small open place, where four stone podiums were, on them the materials required for the spell to open the door.
Each of the four figures were standing next to one of the podiums and chanting something.
Joseph and Catherine looked at eachother and noded. The next part was the more dangerous one.
Both of them ran to 1-1 robots and got their attention. Joseph simply shouted at it and it started to walk towards him asking him to identify himself. He started to run towards the tower with the robot following him.
It started to accelerate and almost got Joseph, when he turned in the last street before the tower. His pursuer missed the turn and stood at the base of the stairs with the supprised guards and Gregory.
It turned towards them and started to talk to them. At this time Catherine got there with the other one and teleported out, leaving the two with the group.
It seemed like time froze for a few seconds, before Gregory shouted.
"Hold them back! We can't let them ruin the plan!"
The guards pulled out their swords and charged at the robots, which acted fast.
"Hostile activity detected. Countermesure activates in 3. 2. 1."
They grabbed one of the guards and crushed them into an other one. Four of them died in a few seconds, while the last two tried to attack them, but the swords couldn't cut into the armors.
Gregory was shocked and started to run upstairs.
"Open the door! NOW!"
The last two guards died, then the two turned towards the door.
"Unknown entities try to break in. Defensive mesures activating in 3. 2. 1."
The tower gave out a metallic creak. Two slides opened up on top of the door and two automated guns appeared. They started to shoot the supprised figures.
Their cloaks got shredded and the bodies got visible. They had a shade form and looked more like smokes, than real people. One of the figures turned towards Gregory.
"What are you doing down there? We almost die..."
It noticed the robots, that started to walk up the stairs.
"This is impossible. What have you done you fool?"
It made a sign with it's hand.
"You'll have to eat what you have cooked, but we won't be around to get killed."
The four figures disappeared into thin air. The guns aimed at Gregory and started shooting. After a few shots they stopped.
The robots got upstairs and scanned the body.
"Intruder neutralized. Searching for the last two unidentified persons."
The two turned around and started to walk down.
Catherine touched Joseph's shoulder, who got scared from the sudden touch.
"We need to get out. We'll get back here later."
He noded at her and they went back to Leonard.