Part 1: Follow

Everything in here is all about fantasy. Just an avid fan.

Scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, IG, YouTube. That's my everyday life. I rarely go out and I don't socialize that much with other persons, in short I am introvert. I work as a call center agent meaning I get to talk to a lot of customers over the phone, yup I'm introvert but I'm really doing well and this is the best practice for me.

Laying down in my bed scrolling through IG, I tried searching for some Thai idols or artist (btw I am so obsessed with BL series so most of the artist i tend to follow on IG are ones who act in the series I've watched and interested to), I follow tap follow one after another.

*Ding* notification sound and it's from IG. I hurried and check what it is "Haii S (@haii) has requested to follow you. ", It's a thai name, I checked the profile of the person since it seems the name is familiar but really can't recall. "Gash" I murmured and chuckled, who would've thought that a public figure will follow me on IG? I am so excited. "I know this person! He is part of the cast of TTTS S2." I said to myself still feeling excited. I checked if he also followed other fans, yes he does but he only followed few of them. Like why? How? As far as I know if you want to follow someone on IG it's either their profile shows on the suggested persons or you go to their profile (take note! My account is private so if you follow me you have to actually send a request) like really why? Am I just imagining things? I accepted the request, once done I visited my own profile and checked the persons who followed me and tadaaa~ he is one of them. I am so happy, I feel so excited, he is the first celebrity who followed me on social media!

That person don't update or post pictures everyday to his timeline but he updates his stories. I always watch his stories always.

"You're so cute P, fighting! Will support you always" I replied to one of his stories. No reply, not even sure if he sees it. He has a lot of fans for sure that messages him every time and I am just one of those fans.

Day by day, whenever I see his stories or whenever he upload pictures ai either leave a comment or reply to it (not all actually, I'm not that shameless you know?)

*Months, weeks and days passed*

My life is pretty much the same. *Ding* I got notification again on IG, someone replied to my DMs "Thank you". My heart almost dropped, yes I know that it's just 'thank you' but if someone popular replied to your messages, won't you feel so happy?

"No problem P, How are you? Are you tired P? Get some rest" I replied to that person (I'm acting so composed but in reality I. AM. NOT. I feel so happy, really). I stare at it for a while and close the App, I know he won't reply again.


"Tired but I'm fine, thank you" while reading this my heart just dropped, it literally did.

"I see, get some rest P. Su su na kha 💙" I replied

He just 'liked' the reply I sent. It doesn't matter since he replied to my DMs so I'm all good and happy. I was so happy that night that I didn't notice the time and it's already morning.

Many days have passed and he never replied to any of my DMs again, maybe he is just busy? I don't know but I won't stop pestering him, he has a lot of fans who do that to him too and i'm sure he also ignores them the way he does to me.

(Saturday Morning)

I posted a throwback pictures in IG. I was just feeling bored, there's nothing to do at home.


"haii liked your post" I almost shout but i giggled instead someone's still sleeping. That was the biggest improvement for how many days have passed. I was so happy and feels so good but I don't know if there will be next time or that will be the first and last time that he will like my post.


- I'll continue this soon hahahaha