Part 5: First Meeting

"Are you in Thailand?" he asked. He don't know how the other party knows his whereabouts that time and why is she in Thailand? He is happy but what a sudden change and he is not prepared also she caught him lying and he is with his ex.

"..." The reply he got from the other person. Sh*t he exclaimed.

"Let's meet please. I will explain" he pleaded the other person but still no reply. He tried calling the other person but didn't went through. She must be angry he thought, yet he can't do anything. He is the one at fault. Why did I not tell her? I just don't want her to misunderstood and yet this happens.

"sh*t, so stupid haii, sh*t" he keeps cursing himself. An hour has passed, he sent messages to her but no luck to avail since there's still no response from her, he also called her multiple times.


He received a location pin point. It's near, he immediately grabbed his Big bike key and runs towards the door. He doesn't want to waste any time, he wants to clear the misunderstanding.

It's just a 20 Minute drive using his bike and on the way his heart is beating so fast. Aside from the issue, this is the first time that they're going to meet in person.

The location sent to him is on a small restaubar. After parking his bike, he immediately went in to find her. He searched through the crowd and scanned every table. He found the person he is searching for, sitting in the corner. It's the farthest table, she is holding a drink but she's not drunk yet.

"I'm sorry I'm late" he said, while sitting opposite to her.

She is no longer angry, she reads the messages he sent to her and she understands him. Ofcourse he doesn't know it about it.

She just nods to the other person. She wants to hug him but she didn't. He immediately hold her hand and explained to her again the situation and assured her that there's nothing in between him and the other person, he just meets with Lexa to clarify things with her and tell her that he already have someone in his life and that is the person he is talking to right now.

"It's okay, we are not in a relationship anyway." She bitterly uttered those words that made the other person who is holding her hand freeze.

"Megan listen, I know we are not in a relationship yet right now but I'm courting you aren't I?" He said.

"You know what I feel for you, you know my feelings so please don't say that" His eyes were sad while saying those words to her, he is sincere and she can feel it.

She looked up to him and said "It's okay" that made the other person feel relieved.

"So since when did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me? How long are you going to stay na?" he asked.

"Just yesterday, that's why I was so tired. I was planning to tell you next week once I've settled things, but this happens" She said while looking to the other persons eyes.

"Sorry na krub. When can we meet again? How long are you staying?" He inquired again.

She explained to him about being an exchange student and that she will be staying until graduation. It made him happy.

"Your thai is good" He complemented her and smiled. They talk and is catching up things about the two of them when they noticed the time.

"I want to stay a bit more with you but I have early work tomorrow. Let me drive you to your dorm" he said.

Her dorm is just 5 Minutes drive, so it's quite near that bar. He sends her to the front of her dorm door but they saw Jeremy there standing and waiting.

"Who is he? It's late, where have you been?" before he gets to ask a question, the person standing and waiting already asked Megan a question inquiring about him.

"He is Haii, uhm, he is courting me. Haii this is Jeremy one of my friend. He came with me as a representative of our college" she introduced the two. Jeremy wai to the other person and he does the same thing too.

"P'Haii you should leave na, it's late already. Call me when you get home na, okay?" she said dismissing the other person to ease the tension from the two guys.

After confirming that the suitor left already.

"You don't have to look like that! He might get the wrong signal" she said to Jeremy while laughing.

"Let him be, he hurt my best friend" Jeremy laughed as well and is messing her hair.

"You! *Laughs* Why are you here?" She asked.

"Oooh, I'm dropping your books off." He said. She just noticed that he is holding a lot of books.

"Je (it's what she calls him), they're all in Thai *sigh* is there a book that is in English? Can we have it in English instead, my brain cells will be dead after I finish this course if all the books are in Thai." She is complaining again.

"Unfortunately they don't have it. We're exempted in taking English class by the way" He said. Seems this semester will be the hardest.

"Ugh! Let's go home! I don't wanna be here any longer, it's twice the effort I should exert. I'm tired" She complained while laughing.

"Have it your way" Jeremy dismissed her. "Did you eat? I'm freaking hungry. Cook something please" he asked his friend.

"You... Am I your personal chef?"

"Nope. You're my best buddy *Laughs*" he answered.

"Pleaseeee, pretty please, cook for me please" He pleaded again while making cute face.

"Uh, you disgust me. Shooo! Eat some bread first. Let me take a bath then I'll cook" It's helpless, she can't decline the request of her friend.

He just laughed and walk to get the bread that is on the table and starts eating while his friend is taking a bath.

*Phone rings*

"Uyyyy, your phone is ringing. Your boyfriend is calling" he shouted then laughs afterwards.

"I don't have a boyfriend." she shouted back.

"*Laughs* Ok ok ok, your suitor is calling" he corrected himself.

"I'm almost done. Answer it for me please" She said.

Jeremy answered the phone, it's a video call so the caller sees him, but before the caller says something, Jeremy cuts him off and said without looking at the screen "She is still taking a bath. Can you wait?"

"Why are you in her room?" Haii asked. He is jealous.

"Accusing me aren't we? Didn't you see me when you dropped her off?" Je said without answering the question. He is messing with him again.

"Then why are still in her room?" The caller asked again. Impatient.

Je laughed very hard. "Jealous aren't we? I'm sleeping here tonight" he teased the other person. Of course it's a lie.

"What?" He caller frowned. He is obviously irritated.

"Je, is he still on the line?" Megan said. She's done talking a bath. She forgot to bring clothes, so she went out wearing a robe and is rummaging through her cabinet to get her Pj's. Je is already used seeing her like this so it's not a big deal to her but that's not case on the other listener through the phone.

"Yup!" He showed her the phone with the face of the caller on the screen.

"Talk to him first, let me just change." She talks to Je again after confirming that the caller is still on the line.

"You heared her? Bear with me for the meantime while she's changing" Je said, grinning and teasing the caller again.

He is irritated that her friend is still in her room. He is jealous and the person who he is jealous keeps on teasing him and that makes him more irritated.

She finally took the phone from her friend. She is looking for something to cook for Je.

"aren't you sleepy yet?" she asked. How I can sleep if I know that someone is with you in your room he said to himself.

"Not yet. What are you doing krub?" He asked since she seems to be busy rummaging something.

"Searching something to cook since someone asked me to cook for him" she said while rolling her eyes. He gets more irritated.

"Why don't you let him cook for himself then?" He sounds pissed already.

"That guy? Naaahh... I don't want to burn my condo yet" She said laughing.

"Oy oy oy! I'm not bad" he heared someone shouted at the background but he didn't mind it.

They're chit-chatting while she is cooking.

"Ay it's time for you to go back to your dorm!" He heard her chasing the other man off.

"but I will be sleeping here *Laughs*" he heared the other man said it out loud. It's obviously to annoy him but before he can react Megan already said "He is leaving, don't mind him" with that he felt relieved.

They still talked for at least an hour or so before they went to bed.

The next succeeding days both of them are busy so they don't have a chance to meet. So they've decided to meet on his free day which is also her free day. He wants to take her to some place with a good view.

He went to pick her up. He is stunned how beautiful she is standing there but he also saw the guy he is jealous of. He is standing opposite of Megan, they're both laughing and he is annoyed of that sight.


I'll end this chapter here. I'm tired ya know? Hahahaha

Once again! Sorry for typos or grammatical errors. I'm too lazy to fix it but I'll do it if I have time 😂