Part 7: Jeremy

Jeremy picked up Megan from her dorm one hour earlier than usual since they will be meeting trace about what was offered to them.

*knocks* no answer from her, he knock on the door a little bit stronger than the previous one but still no answer.

"Is she still sleeping? It's late already" Je thought. He was about to take his phone and call the owner of the dorm but it opens and she is wearing just a robe. He rolled his eyes.

"You just finished? Took you so long! I thought something happened already" he exclaimed. He went inside her dorm and went directly to her refrigerator to get something to get.

"Hurry up! Go get change we need to leave early. We'll meet trace first." he sighed. "Uh, about your boyfriend what's your plan?" he asked.

"What do you mean what's my plan?" she raised her eyebrow.

"You stupid one!" Jeremy sighed again, "It's about trace offer" he said.

"Oooh, he will know about it... soon" She said. "How's it going with your lover?" She asked changing the topic.

He let out a sigh before answering the question "He never called, texted and messaged me! He is fvcking offline for 2 effin days!" He exclaimed. "I called his sister but she said her brother doesn't allow her to tell a thing, same as his friends. I also tried calling him and he never answered! He also switched his phone off yesterday! What the heck did I do? What the heck am I going to do?" He is frustrated.

"Maybe he needs time, he must just be missing you! The class just started and it'll be summer when you guys meet again." She console him. "I already told you to clear things with him before we left." she looked at him in the eyes and she

"I did!" He said, he is anxious. He taps his phone and open a photo to show her. "Look at this..." he paused and showed the photo to her. She finished changing and just arranging her things so that they can leave already. She leaned closer since she can't believe what is shown before her eyes, she grabbed his phone. "What the fvck? Who sent this?" She asked her friend, she's feeling sorry for him.

"Gian.. Swipe to the left... Some were sent by James" His tears starts to run through his face.

"You done? Let's go." He wiped his tears then moves to the door without waiting for her answer. She just grabbed her things but still holding his phone.

They were silent on the way to the parking. She is still looking at the pictures in his phone.

"Let me drive" she offered since the other one is emotionally unstable.

She returned his phone. He called trace and said that they're heading to the Uni already. After the call, both of them were silent. He is looking at the window trying to avoid the issue.

She holds her friends hand while walking to their college where Trace is waiting. She is holding him for emotional support.


She sat next to Jeremy on the bench with Trace on the other side. She let his hand go but still caressing his back from time to time.


"So what do you guys think? It's a good offer though and a good start for you two" Trace said nodding.

"I'm in" Jeremy said.

"He's in, so am I" Megan said.

"You two seems to be inseparable, are you in a relationship?" she asked the two.

Megan looked at Jeremy first and answered "No, we're just friends. I have a lover... a-and he has his own" she said, she stutters as she don't want to remind him of his lover. She holds his again for support and looked at Jeremy.

"Uhuh! I envy your friendship" Trace break the silent, she didn't inquire for more as the two seems to be uncomfortable.

"This friday will be the first Article shooting. You two will share one manager, he is good so you two can rest assured that he will take care of you two" Trace looked at them. They really looked like lovers who can't separate from each other, she thought but she shake that thought off of her mind.

They went to their class and goes home as usual. Megan and Haii doesn't have time to meet both Monday to Wednesday since he is busy with work.

It's Wednesday night when Jeremy asked Megan to accompany him to drink at the bar. She agreed right away since they're free the day after. Jeremy goes to his room first to change.

Megan called Haii (video call again!)

"Are you busy byy?" She asked. She already changed and is just waiting for Jeremy.

"No, I'm on break" He said.

"Byy... I'll accompany Je to the bar tonight" She said to her boyfriend without telling him why.

"Why?" He asked, starting to get annoyed.

"nahhh.. some things happened" she said dismissing the question.

"he doesn't have another friend aside from you?" Haii said annoyed.

"Byy! Don't be like that! His my friend and there's nothing wrong going out with him" she said defending herself.

"I know! but it's night and it's to a fvckin bar" he said. She can that he is angry but she is determined to go with her friend.

"It's okay I can go alone" Jeremy but in. She didn't noticed him.

She looked at Haii which is silent. "No, I'll go with you! (she looked at Haii) I'll go with him wether you like it or not" she said and ended the call.

"dammit!" Haii exclaimed, he tried calling her again but she didn't answered.

Megan left her phone at home, she will talk to Haii after but now she will give her full attention to her friend.

"You sure it's okay? You guys will fight because of me" Je said concerned.

"It's fine. Let him be." She said stubbornly.

They go to the bar and since its just a few minutes walk they decided not to bring their car.

After few bottles of beer. "I am so done with this" Je said, he is already wasted yet he still knows what he is doing. "What did I do to deserve this? *laughs* I'm so stupid right?" He saying like he's strong yet his tears are running. She pats his back.

"It's okay, you'll get over it in no time" She said.

He looked at her eyes "You know what he said?"

**flash back Tuesday night

Jeremy is on his bed, he just finished his assignment and still can't sleep.


"Hello" he answered.

"..." the other end is not responding

"What?" he asked but still no response from the other end. Je mustered a lot of courage before saying to the other line.

"Why aren't you talking? I know you're there...*pause* are you calling to break up with me?" He said as tears runs through his face.

"... Yes. I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore" said by the other person on the line and before he can react the call ended already and he tried calling the other person but they didn't answered and he is blocked from that person's social media account.

Je can't do anything he is helpless, he loved the other person too much but this is what he gets in return. He broke down, his knees and arms don't have strength. He kept crying all night asking himself where did he go wrong? What did he do to deserve this?

* end of flashback

"He said he don't love me anymore!" Jeremy said crying. She can feel the pain her friend is experiencing right now.

She just keeps on patting his back saying she's there for him and it's okay.

"I can't do anything... I don't know what to do"

He hugged her and cried so hard. She's thankful that the music in the bar is so loud that the other guests can't hear them.

She keeps assuring him that everythings going to be alright. He is exhausted and after he calmed down from crying they've decided to go back as its already past midnight as well.

Since Jeremy drank a lot and she doesn't want him to be alone for the night, she will bring him to her dorm instead for letting him sleep on his own.

Je is wasted so he is hugging her while walking for the support. The elevator clicks and shows it's the eleventh floor, she guided Je outside. As they walk towards her dorm, she saw a familiar person standing in front of her door looking at them, shooting daggers and looks angry.


Once again sorry for Typos and grammatical errors hahahahahaha.

I'm tired I'll write the continuation tomorrow