Part 9: We meet again

Saturday afternoon, Megan is just at home got nothing to do and since her boyfriend has shooting until night she decides to asked Jeremy to accompany her

"Je, let's go to the mall. Let's find food, do some shopping and groceries. I'll treat you to dinner." she said smiling.

He just looked at her and shake his head. He already know what will gonna happen. She will treat him to dinner but he will pay the groceries for sure, not that he is complaining since he got allowance from his parents. You can say that his family belongs to the upper class in the society.

While walking inside the mall, saw an advertisement of the person he bumped last friday.

"Who is that?" he asked Megan and points to the advertisement.

"Thaaaat? That's Win. Win Metawin!" She said while her eyes is sparkling.

"He's beautiful." Jeremy said.

"Oooooh! Seems that my dear friend likes him" She teases. Fangirling and shipping obviously.

"As far as I know he is single! Anddd... You are too!" She added.

"Oooyy! I don't see him that way. He is a celebrity you know? A well-known one." He said stating the fact.

"Well, we can be well-known like he is. We are starting in the industry anyway" she said.

"Ugh. Don't lift my hopes up! He may no longer be single when that time comes. Ahh.. Let's go" He said brushing the teasing of his friend off. She just laughed at him.

"I want rameeeen!" she said pointing a ramen shop. So childlike, he thought.

"Ramen it is. You'll pay anyway" he smirked.

They sat on the vacant spot and while waiting for their order she said "Je, do feel like someone's watching us?"

"hmm.. not that I noticed, why?" he asked. He is usually alert but he didn't feel anything.

"naaah, maybe its just my imagination" she said. Their food arrived already.

"Ah let's eat na" she said, slurping the noodles right away.

"hungry aren't we?" he said laughing at his best friend.

They finished eating and starts shopping. Store to store and finally went to get groceries that could fill them and as he expected, he will pay the groceries which is two times higher than what she paid for.

Later that night. A soft knock wake Megan up. She didn't even noticed that she have dozed off while watching movie.

She opened her door and saw her boyfriend holding a bouquet but instead of flowers its chocolates. He gave her the bouquet of chocolates and he also gave her some gifts.

"byy.. You don't have to do this you know?" she said while hugging her boyfriend.

"Well I'll do anything for my babe" Haii said pecking on her lips.

"aww my baby's so sweet" she said teasing her boyfriend.

"sweet as sugar yeah." he teased her back.

They laugh, lazed around and cuddles all night. Since they're both free the next day.

Megan's awaken by a loud knock on her door. She looked up at the clock and it displays 10 in the morning already and Haii's still sleeping, she didn't want to wake him up so she carefully got off the bed and went to open the door.

"Je, why are you here? So early!" Megan said.

"Oooh! Someone forgot their promise with me since their boyfriend came over. I see" he said smirking and eyeing the unfamiliar shoes. She just shrugged.

"Can I bring Haii with us? I take no for an answer" she said smiling. She knows Jeremy won't say no.

"It's fine with me, will be okay with him though? He was hella jealous of me! As if I'll take ypu away from him!" Jeremy said rolling his eyes and laughs.

"I'm okay with it." Haii said and he put his hands in her waste.

"Uh, uh, uh... This couple, it's too early for me to see, be considerate that there's single here will you?" Jeremy said laughing.

"Love is really in the air. Should've brought air fresher" He added and lets out a huge laugh.

"We'll leave at 12 make sure you both done with with your stuff by then." Je said smirking "and oh, don't forget to use protection. She needs to graduate" he run off after saying that since he knows he won't live if she caught him.

"You brat!" Megan yells at Jeremy who runs towards the elevator trying to escape. It's clear that she is blushing, She is okay when Jeremy teases her if its just the two of them but if Haiis there she gets flustered.

She turned to Haii and sees he is also smiling at the last remarks of her friend.

"Don't smile." she said pouting.

"aww my baby's pouting" he laughed and hugged her. "come let's make breakfast"

They went to shopping. They got budget from the company, of course haii didn't know about that yet. After buying tons of clothes they decided to get ice-cream while waiting for the movie to start.

The day went by without Haii and Jeremy bickering. Haii already feel at ease and somehow feels why Megan's so comfortable with her friend.

That week went by as usual. They goes to school and home.

Sunday night, Jeremy and Megan's calling their friends in line. They told Jeremy the news that his ex is already seeing someone else but Jeremy is no longer affected and hurt as he was. He already accepted the fact.

"That shit." Megan said, she's angry for her friend while Jeremy is just silent. They all just stare at Jeremy, no one utters a word after Megan's remark.

"Leave it guys. I'm fine now and will be okay soon.. I already accepted it. Just healing" He said smiling to his friends, assuring them that he will be fine.

The five of them talk about their life, catching up in the happenings in each other since the two is in another country.

Megan and Jeremy has appointment that Monday. They will be attending an interview with their manager and other well-known public figures and the two of them will be introduced to the public as new faces. The management is certain that everyone will love the two of them since they're good looking and sweet.

The interview starts at 6PM but they're already at the venue 2 hours prior.

Win arrives early that day as well, he is part of the interview with the new faces that will be introduced to the public. He wants to get to know them and luckily he is placed in the same dressing room as the two.

Win greeted the staff there and he sees the two sitting on the sofa so he decided to approach them, then he noticed that the guy looks familiar.

"Hello, my name is Win, Win Metawin" He said smiling.

Jeremy immediately went stiff seeing the beautiful being in front of them.

"Hello, My name's Megan, Megan Syy. I'm a fan of yours win!" She said smiling and looks amazed but when she turn to Jeremy, she sees that her friend is in dazed. She nudge him motioning him to introduce himself too.

"Uhm hello, Jeremy... Jeremy Vachira" Je said.

"Oooh! We meet again Phi!" Wine exclaimed, he remembered Jeremy.

"You two know each other?" Megan raising her eyebrow and questioned her friend.

"He bumped to me. That's where I met him" Win answered.

"See you around P'Jeremy and P'Megan, I have to have my hair and make up done before the interview" Win said and then sit to his spot to have his hair and make up done.

Jeremy's looking at Win and Megan's looking at Jeremy smirking. So that's why he so curious with Win last time, she thought.


Okay! Hahahaha again you know the drill, sorry for typos and errors.