Chapter 12

Lucy's POV

This morning I'm feeling refreshed and as I stretch I smile a little bit. The golden glow of our skin is starting to fade, I smile at the thought, not that anyone else would have noticed. Natsu was holding me tight so when I stretched it had woken him up. I saw as realization dawned on his face and he smiled his signature smile for the first time in over a month. I match him and tug on him pulling him to the shower. 

We shower and dress for the day and walk to the guild for the first time with a smile on our faces. Sure it was only a small smile, but it was a smile nonetheless. I held Natsu's hand like a lifeline refusing to let it go as we walked inside. The guild had gotten accustomed to going dead silent whenever we came in and today was no different. Although they seemed to notice that for once we were not near tears. I saw several people smiling for the first time in weeks. 

Natsu and I go to the mission board and pick out another mission a little harder than the past few weeks but not by much.  Apparently another forest fire had begun this time far larger and a little further away. I look at Natsu and we bumped fists. A small smile on our faces. We take it to Mira who as always was smiling at us. 

"You two look better today, is it over?" She asked us. I could feel the tension in the room rise as if she had said something forbidden. 

I smile a small smile back at her, "Not yet but almost."

She nods her head happily, "I'm glad we have missed you both so much. Be careful now and just know we are here whenever you need us!" 

I nod my head and feel as Natsu does too before we wave and walk out of the guild again. 

"Thank Mavis it's almost over!" I hear Gray sigh as we walked towards the station. 

"But they are still gold? I wonder what all that was anyway?" Erza spoke up. 

"Well the magazine the Jason had that day said they were blessed by a statue of the Star Dragon whatever that means," Gray answered. 

"If they were blessed then why did they come back like that?" I hear little Happy cry out.

"We still don't know, but they told us they would try to tell us two weeks after the gold glow was gone. I'm honestly surprised it has lasted this long." Gray again. Their voices were growing fainter the further we walked. We were getting closer to the train station and even with our really advanced hearing we would soon lose them simply because of the noise at the station. 

"Don't push them, brats. I fear it is far worse than we can ever truly understand," Master shushed them. "Be careful and whatever you do, do not take what they say lightly!" That was the last thing I heard as Natsu and I walked into the bustling platform that was the train station. We bought our tickets and boarded the train. I replayed what I overheard for Natsu so that he could hear it to. I lay in his arms as the train pulled away from the station. 

Natsu's POV

The mission was easier than expected and we were now entering the guild hall again it had been a week since we left and we were both feeling pretty good. Full smiles on our faces as we took a seat in the corner alone. It was still a far cry from what we had normally done before. I would fight Gray for whatever reason and Lucy would sit at the bar sipping on a strawberry shake, but it was a start. 

I waved at Mira who nodded at me smiling and Lucy and I began chatting about the mission. "You did great, you're getting even better everyday! Soon you will pass me up," I laugh out loud. It was time to start dropping hints for everyone.  

"Haha very funny!" I hear her response. She leaned against me already tired and I wrap an arm around her shoulders and lay my head on hers. 

'Maybe we should just let them guess?' I say to her using my mind. 

'Yeah, I like that idea,' I feel as she smiled. 

I pull her close, 'Or we could just show them?' I hold me breath a moment as I feel her shrug me off before looking at me. 

"I really like that idea," She says out loud. 

'Whatever you want to do, I won't rush you,' I say still using my mind. 

She nods and leans in brushing her lips against mine. I feel the whole world disappear as I melt into her kiss. When I finally come to, I realize that the guild is anything but quiet as we ignored them focusing wholly on each other. I caress her face gently rubbing my thumb along her cheek before pulling her back again for another reality shattering kiss. 

Her soft lips pressed firmly against mine. Our kiss led no one to believe it was our first. It was deep and passionate yet slow and seductive. I hear a platter slam on the table but honestly I didn't care and I felt as Luce disregarded it too. 

I pulled her chin up as we parted yet again. "Next time," I promised her and she knew exactly what I meant our minds having seemingly melded together. Our eyes connected in a deep trance unable to notice anything but each other. 

"Next time," She agrees a small smile formed on her lips. I pull her closer, our eyes now closed as I embraced her. The world around us nothing more than empty space. 

"Let's go outside, I'm kind of hungry and have something in mind that Mira can't make," I grinned at the thought. 

"Of course you do, ever since it happened you always want it." I hear Luce back mouth me.

"Are you trying to say I'm a glutton?" I ask, mock horror showing on my face. 

"HA! I've said that since we met!" She laughed out loud. 

"Well maybe I'll just stop eating then!" I cross my arms over my chest as I huff.

"Oh come on," Lucy is laughing far too hard to try and give me a serious face as I crack a grin at her. "We both know we can't do that!" She gasped for air her laughter still filling the air. 

"What the hell! Don't ignore us!" We finally hear Gray shrieking at us. I turn to see all our friends crowding around us with shocked faces. 

"What?" I ask innocently. 

"Don't 'what' us we saw you two kiss!" Gray was practically foaming at the mouth now. 

"Oh yeah, I guess we didn't tell you guys yet?" I hear Lucy say coyly next to me. 

'Your going to get us killed you know that?' I ask her with my mind. 

I felt her squeeze my hand instead of replying. I smile and squeeze back. 

"When?" I see stars in all the girls eyes and daggers in almost all the guys eyes as Erza voiced the word on everyone's mind. 

"Gray-sama! Love rival is no longer love rival!" Juvia screeched latching onto Gray. 

Lucy and I both growl. "I have told you a million times I was not interested in him like that!" I hear Lucy bite out. I look over and see as flames engulf her making all of our friends jump back. I smile again and rub my nose along her ear gently soothing her before I nip at it softly. 

Her flames extinguish as I felt her melt into my arms once again. "Shall I taste your flames now?" I ask her low enough only the dragon slayers in the room could hear me and they all blushed. Not just Wendy but Gajeel and Laxus too. What I said was highly erotic. 

She lights a single flame on her index finger waving it in front of my face. I grin and nip at her finger taking the digit into my mouth as I ate her fire. The three dragon slayers looked away from us as we teased each other. 

"When!" Erza raised her voice and planted both hands on the table forcing us to focus on her. I'm sure we looked really funny with Lucy's naughty grin still plastered on her face and me still sucking on her finger looking up at her standing over the table we were sitting at. 

"About a day after we left for Pietra," I feel as Lucy shrugs and lights her whole hand on fire again causing me to moan at the deliciousness of her flames. I let my eyes closed as they roll back in my head. She honestly tasted so good.  Again I notice as all the dragon slayers shuffle looking down at their feet. This is really fun. 

I purr loudly sucking as she pulled her fingers from my mouth. Oh Mavis she started something that probably was left well enough alone. I start nipping at her neck leaving a trail of kisses as I went. 

"Mating Season!" Gajeel was paper white as he uttered the words and Laxus and Wendy paled instantly. Lucy and I lost our playfulness and before anyone could blink Lucy had him by the front of his shirt lifting him from the ground from her perch on the back of the booth. 

I covered myself in flames and slowly stood up our friends parting for me. "Don't you dare!" I hear Lucy hiss just loud enough for everyone to hear. She dropped him as he lifted his hands in surrender and I decked him once he was on the ground again. I watched as Gajeel was thrown across the guild from the sheer force of my punch. My rage fueling me as Lucy jumped into my arms. "Let's go home," Her voice carried well so everyone could hear and I nodded. Leaving as a small trail of fire was left behind me blocking the guild exit. It wasn't until we got half way home that I extinguished it. 

When we arrived I felt Lucy slump into my arms again. I kissed her gently as I picked her up carrying her to our bedroom. We fell asleep quickly, deeply while in each other's arms. 

Lucy's POV

"Natsu! Lushie!" I wake up to Happy's cries as he threw himself on top of us. Thankfully Natsu and I were wearing pajamas as we had expected someone to show up uninvited we just didn't know who.

"Hey Happy," I smile as I hug him. cuddling him between Natsu and I. Natsu wrapped an arm around both of us as he snuggled into me again more than glad to go back to sleep. 

I nod and pull Happy closer nestling him comfortably between us as we snuggled in falling asleep again...

"Hey Luce!" I hear Natsu whisper hurriedly. 

"Hmm?" I answer barely awake. 

"Come on it's time to train!" He shakes me gently and I groan as I pull myself up picking out clothes to wear today. 

When we were done we left Happy to sleep quietly by himself as we took off for the training area we had set up behind the treeline. 

When we got there we stretched a little and called for Celeste who immediately answered us. She had begun training us when we returned. The power of the Celestial Dragon Slayer magic was different than fire dragon slayer magic, even more so than we thought. 

For instance my Celestial summoning magic actually made it easier for me. I would master the technique and Natsu would give me one too train on while he still studied and practiced the one Celeste gave us. I was quickly becoming more and more powerful. Often times just summoning spirits to spar with while he caught up. It helped keep me distracted.

We spent a good three or four hours training this way every morning in the predawn light eating the starlight as it hit us. While sunlight had become Natsu's favorite, starlight had become mine. Unlike when we ate fire we didn't have to suck anything in we just had to bathe in the light so anytime we were outside we were pretty much eating. 

When we were done we went back home and showered getting ready for the day. "Should I cook or should we just go outside?" I ask Natsu.

I wait and watched as he answered me, "Outside!" He grabbed me playfully. I nod giggling as he twirled me around in circles. We walk outside to a couple of lawn chairs we had set up just for this. He shrugged off his top and I unhooked my bra laying on my stomach allowing the sun to tan my back as we lay in the morning sun. 

I was nearly asleep and I'm sure Natsu had already fallen asleep when I heard footsteps approaching. I groaned a little, "Natsu?" I ask peeking an eye open to see my golden mate shuffling straightening himself. 

"I hear them," came his answering groan. I nod and go back to sunbathing. Everyone should still be leaving us alone especially after yesterday's incident with Gajeel. I take in the warm sunlight sighing in relief as I realise it was only Master and not our friends. I sit up hooking my bra again and pulling my top back over my head as Natsu pulls his on as well although he left his shirt wide open and we laid back on the chairs waiting for Master to arrive. 

"Well I didn't think I would find you two here?" Master called out. 

"Hmm?" I answer.

"At home?" Natsu asked a little indignant at the thought. 

"Well, no outside I mean especially this early you used to sleep in all the time." Master answered. 

Natsu's POV

I roll my eyes a little but let it go. I create a small fireball and toss it to Luce who promptly eats it. Closing my eyes again as I laid back in my seat, "Feel free to make yourself at home. There are more chairs over there," I point at a nearby shed. I watched him through my nearly closed eyes as he grabbed one bringing it over to us. He laid back and enjoyed the sun with us. Eventually I closed my eyes all the way and drifted off to sleep holding Lucy's hand as she was also dozing next to me. 

When I woke up again I found Master still there sleeping next to us. I silently move my chair closer to Lucy's and hold her gently in my arms. Lucy woke up at the disturbance and wrapped her arms around me in return. We started crying again as we held each other. Thinking of what could have been, the future that had been stolen from us. Our tears were silent as we held on to each other clinging for dear life. 

When we finally stopped crying I pulled her close to my chest. taking deep breaths of her scent calming myself down. "Soon," I say my voice cracking. 

"Soon," I hear her voice echo shaky as it was. I felt as she buried her face into my bare chest seeking comfort from inside my still open jacket. 

"Maybe one day it won't hurt so much?" I whisper into her ear. I know Master is awake and hearing everything we say and seeing everything we do. 

"I don't think it will ever stop hurting not until 'it' happens," Lucy responded we were simply talking for Masters benefit. This way we could buy a little more time to ourselves to grieve just a little longer. 

"One year," I say my voice cracking again. "Just one year and then we can..." I trail off unable to finish. 

"One year and we will have back what was stolen from us," Lucy finished for me. 

"Stolen, that's the word." My mind felt a little dizzy now as I held Luce close. "Luce I don't feel right," I groan putting a hand to my head trying to steady myself. I was suddenly light headed the world around me spinning as I tried to keep from vomiting. This happened a lot now that we know what we know.

"It's okay. I've got you," She pressed her fingers to my head and let them glow a slightly brighter gold. The pain and dizziness fading away as she healed me, flames flickering against me in slow sensual streams.

"Thanks, you are the best mate I could have ever asked for," I press my lips against hers again. 

"Urg," We hear Master groan as he stretched next to us. We broke our kiss but remained holding each other as we waited for him to 'wake up'. We both know he was only pretending that was the reason we had spoken out loud at all but he didn't need to know that. 

I snuggled into my mate holding her as Happy came flying out crying. "Natsu! Lushie!" He wailed into the sky not seeing us below. 

"Down here Happy!" I called out to him he quickly flew to us still crying as he landed perfectly in our arms. 'Sometimes he reminds me that I am still his father when he is like this,' I tell Luce as I held them close. 

'Good it will give us something to hold onto,' She responded as she cuddled him. 

"Happy, do you want Lucy to be your new mom?" I ask quietly. 

He looks at me strangely before answering, "New? She had always been like a mom to me." 

Lucy started crying again holding Happy close as she buried her face into my chest again. Happy seemed confused by what was going on but still content to be in the center of it. I hadn't even realized yet that I had been crying as well before I heard Master coughing behind us. 

I didn't bother to wipe my tears away as I held my mate and 'child' in my arms. "Yeah Gramps?" I ask him not willing to let go of my family now or ever. 

"What happened my boy, I can't watch you two like this." He asked me putting a firm hand on my shoulder. I look to Luce and then Happy. 

"Happy can you go and pick us up some fish for lunch, I'm thinking we are overdue don't you?" I ask him as I watch Lucy slowly release him. 

"Aye sir! But you better be here when I get back!" He saluted us as he flew off. We watched as he flew into the distance disappearing around a far off corner. 

"Luce, it's your call." My voice trembled slightly as my words fell flat. I bury my face in her neck breaking down sobbing again. I felt her nod as my tears streamed down my face. 

"Master, how much do you know about dragon slayers?" I hear her sweet voice ask. 

"Just what Natsu has told me over the years, Gajeel and Wendy haven't really added anything new and Laxus doesn't seem to really understand," he answered quietly. 

Lucy nodded again and took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "Don't tell anyone what we are about to tell you." She pauses a moment probably waiting for Gramps to answer before going on. "Dragon slayers can only conceive children once a year during mating season." silence for a moment before she added, "Today is the last day of mating season." 

"Okay," He answered waiting for her to continue. 

"Master we should have gone into 'hiding' for the last month to do well..." I felt Lucy heat up a moment before she cleared her throat again and continued on. "When we find our mates the first mating season is very special as it almost always results in a child being born." I listen to the awe in her voice as she spoke from the heart. "It's supposed to be a beautiful thing."

"What happened child?" Gramps asked softly. 

"We were 'blessed' by the Star Dragon," I heard the hurt in her voice. "Celeste, that's her name, decided that we should be Celestial Dragon slayers too. That's what caused this damn gold glitter glowing," She paused I'm sure she was motioning towards our skin. My tears were still a steady stream but my sobs were now silent as I held onto my mate. 

"The price of which was putting our future on hold for a year. We know it's only a year and that we eventually might have children but this 'blessing' took away our first year. Something that was supposed to be special and can't be replaced." I look up to see Master looking grimly at us. Lucy was holding onto me like I was the only thing keeping her together and honestly I probably was. 

"Luce?" I croak out reaching for the tears that were now streaming freely from her eyes to wipe them away and pull her to me again and I kissed her gently. She sighed and relaxed into my arms again. Our tears trailing down our faces silently as we held each other. 

I looked up and saw Master nod at me. "If you want, I will tell the others for you when it is time. You don't have to say it again my children." his sad eyes looked deep into mine as I nodded thankful he wasn't going to push us. 

"Thanks Gramps," I hiccup a little feeling like I was drowning in my tears. Luce nodded her head in thanks but couldn't bring herself to speak again. 

He smiled back at me, "When you are feeling up to it we should have a little tournament, then you two can show off your new skills." He winked at me. 

"And safely use our friends as punching bags," I add smiling. 

"How about in two weeks? Give us enough time to get rid of this stupid golden skin and train properly." Lucy asked him. 

He smiled at us, "How about that Saturday that will give you just over two weeks and I'll make the announcement today at the guild. Speaking of I should probably get going now. Are you two coming in today?"

I shake my head no and Lucy speaks for us, "We probably won't be in until the tournament; give us a little quiet time before the noise," She says this with a small grin as I pulled her in close. We waved and said our goodbyes to Master as he left and Happy showed back up with the fish shortly after.