

The Weasleys were throwing a party. Of course, dinner would be an intimate affair, but apparently, the after-party would be huge – after all, Arthur Weasley was the Deputy Minister of Magic. Harry had lent a hand with some of the more spectacular constructs outside the Burrow. The marquee that had been set up for Bill's wedding was up again.

An enormous hedge, at least ten feet tall, lined the North facing edge of the marquee, with shelves constructed from leaves and twigs built right into it holding chilled beverages. A long bar shelf stood along the hedge, with several bar stools standing in front of it. It was an open bar, for the most part, but Charlie and George would be on standby, just in case.

The marquee itself had several tables and chairs for guests to sit around and converse. Apparently, the Weasleys expected well over a hundred people – extended family, colleagues and friends – to turn up.

Harry supposed it was new territory for the Weasleys – being the prominent Wizarding family, as opposed to the Malfoys or the Parkinsons, who had apparently held such events in the past. And so, he had spent most of the past week conjuring and constructing objects for the event.

He had tried to keep his magic low-key, but had attracted attention anyway when he managed to engorge the small hedge the Weasleys had planted into the enormous wall of green it was right now.

Either way, while Harry would have been intimidated by the event in the past, he relished this chance to meet prominent members of wizarding society and looked forward to dancing the evening away with friends and those he could call family. He supposed part of it was because of the Elder Wand – he knew most of it was simply because he wanted a chance to relax and unwind.

However, the party with the open bar and the marquee was later at night. First on the agenda was the traditional Weasley Family dinner – a much more intimate affair. Of course, with the Weasleys, an "intimate family affair" still meant at least a dozen people would be in attendance.

And thus, Harry found himself in his current predicament. He had made his way to the dinner table ten minutes late (Harry had put off searching for his formal robes for quite some time and was unable to find them – he eventually had to settle for a shirt and slacks) only to find all of the seats taken except for one.

He had hoped to sit next to Ginny, if only to reassure her that their relationship was still going strong, only to find the seats next to her taken. Ginny was seated along the left side of the long wooden table that the Weasleys used for family dinners. His girlfriend sat on the fourth chair from the head of the table.

To her right was Ron; and to her left, much to Harry's consternation and her obvious ire – judging by her stormy expression – was Gabrielle Delacour, looking absolutely radiant in a forest green outfit.

Gabrielle winked at Harry as soon as he came in, making him blush – her forest green dress was a not-so-subtle allusion to her transformation during their torrid affair – and making Ginny give him a glare. Harry had no idea what Gabrielle was playing at here, but he assumed he would pay for it later – hopefully with another round of angry make-up sex with Ginny.

He stood awkwardly in the corner, trying to find a seat. Arthur was seated at the head of the table, flanked by his oldest sons – Bill and Charlie. Percy and George came next. To George's left, sat Ron, who was talking animatedly with the surviving twin. Opposite Ron sat a tall, stunning blonde woman with curly hair who Harry had seen only on Gladrags posters in Diagon Alley.

She was obviously the soon-to-be Audrey Weasley, the fiancée of Percy Weasley. However, her beauty was marred by an ugly expression that reminded Harry of Narcissa Malfoy – she wore an elitist frown on her face as she surveyed her surroundings, although the frown ceased whenever she spoke with Fleur to her right. To Fleur's right, sat Angelina Johnson – looking absolutely sexy in a velvet gown that only served to accentuate her delicious chocolate skin.

To Angelina's right, near the tail end of the table, sat Andromeda Tonks, who had obviously been invited for the dinner – Harry felt a bit sad for her; she had lost practically all of her family in the way and had come out remarkably strong, if only for her grandson.

Hermione was seated right opposite Andromeda, to Gabrielle's left. Her bushy hair was now combed into lush brown waves and Harry thought she looked as beautiful as Gabrielle – of course, Hermione was nowhere near as voluptuous, but she looked wonderfully petite in her trademark periwinkle blue dress.

At the tail end of the table, right opposite Arthur and against the wall of the dining area, sat Molly Weasley. And Harry had to gape at the Weasley matriarch – she was wearing a old-fashioned beige ball gown, but what really caught his eye was the incredibly low cut of the neck. The /u-shaped cut seemed to extend far, far beyond what Harry would consider legal, let alone appropriate.

Her enormous tits – the largest of all the women seated at the table – were practically spilling out, and her cleavage seemed to go on forever. It was scandalous, but strangely enough, apart from a brief glance, no one seemed to notice the outfit.

However, Harry could tell he wasn't the only one that thought so – from Andromeda's bemused glances at Molly, Harry could tell the Tonks matriarch thought so as well. Nonetheless, he had to admit Molly did look the part of a hostess – even if her look was more "come hither and fuck me" than "welcome to my house."

And then Molly's eyes snapped up to his. "Oh, you can sit here, Harry dear," she said in a melodious, husky voice.

Harry gulped and looked at the seat she was pointing to – it was right at the foot of the table as well, between Molly and Hermione. Numbly, Harry walked to his chair, trying to ignore the glaring contest between Ginny and Gabrielle and plopped down. The table was bustling with noise and chatter.

"Hey, 'Mione," he said to his best friend on his right and she smiled sweetly at him.

"Molly, Mrs Tonks," he said as he greeted the women on his left, trying not to look at Molly's deep cleavage.

But it was a futile effort and Harry just had to gaze upon that enticing valley – the dress she wore practically drew attention there, and Harry felt his mouth go dry.

For a moment, he had a sudden urge to bury his face into the confines of her dress and lick all around that amazing cleavage, but then he came to his senses and tore his eyes away. He was getting erect.

He looked guiltily at his girlfriend further up the table, but Ginny was too busy not trying to look in Gabrielle's (and therefore, his) direction so she had not even noticed him sneaking a peek at her mother's breasts.

And just as he took his eyes of Molly's breasts, he felt a hand creeping along his thigh. Sure enough, it was Molly's hand. Harry groaned inwardly. To think Ginny and I just reconciled, a sarcastic voice whispered in his head.

Molly lightly stroked his thigh as she continued to talk to Andromeda, brushing her fingers right across, almost touching his crotch, and then scratching lightly over his cotton pants as she brushed her palm back.

Tease, Harry thought grumpily as he hardened. Molly really knew how to work him. He glanced briefly at the woman, and there was a naughty smile tugging at the corners of her lips, even as she kept up a casual conversation with Andromeda.

Harry looked away quickly, only to look straight into Hermione's warm brown eyes, and she was still smiling at him. God, Harry thought, as he continued to harden in his pants, she looks gorgeous.

And then Hermione dropped her fork under the table with a clatter.

"Whoops" she said, and giggled at no one in particular.

Harry just stared as she dove under the table to retrieve it – her giggle had been incredibly fake, and while Harry had heard her giggle before, she had never giggled like that. Then he felt an insistent tug on his pants and gasped. He leant back and glanced under the table. Hermione had her wand pointed straight at his pants.

"'Mione, what…" he began to ask, then gasped again as his pants vanished in a flash.

Followed shortly by his boxers.

Oh, crap.

Harry was seated on the table, in front of fourteen other people, including his girlfriend, with only a shirt on and entirely naked from the waist down. Luckily for him, his entire lower body was covered by the dining table and it was extremely unlikely that anyone would venture near the tail end of the table anyway.

Most of the dishes were up front. However, there was one other person seated at his end of the dining table – Molly Weasley – who had a hand on his thigh, now suddenly naked. Hermione emerged from under the table and sat down with a smug smile.

Harry was bewildered. What was that for, he mouthed at Hermione and she just smiled back at him.


And before he could draw upon either of his wands to conjure a new set of pants, Molly glanced in his direction as her hand made contact with naked skin. Harry looked helplessly at her. She had a full view of his profile, seated next to him as she was, and her eyes widened comically when they reached his waist.

She looked confusedly between Harry and his naked crotch, and weirdly (or perhaps predictably), smiled at him.

She leaned over to him, her enormous cleavage now right in his field of vision as she whispered into his ear, "Oh, you naughty young pervert."

Great, Harry thought, now Molly thinks I'm a pervert and vanished my own pants because she was touching me.

He glanced at Hermione and noticed that the real pervert was looking resolutely away from him, conversing with Andromeda across the table.

Molly was still whispering huskily in his ear, "Mummy's going to teach this pervert a lesson in manners. Mummy's going to teach you how to behave at the dinner table."

He hardened.

And then felt Molly's right hand settle right on his crotch. She grabbed the base of his cock and jerked her hand forward, tugging his penis. The tugging and pulling continued for a few seconds until Harry was completely hard.

His shaft had risen dramatically into the air. At roughly sixty degrees, his cock head made contact with the underside of the wooden table – cool to the touch – and it stopped Harry's penis from popping up in full view of the dining guests.

Molly's right hand was still stroking insistently along the top side of his shaft base. "Oh," she whispered, "The pervert is hard now, isn't he? You like my hand stroking your big cock? You like it when I jerk you off in full view of my sons and my clueless husband, Harry?"

Such a slut, Harry thought, gritting his teeth at the pleasure. God, he thought, I just want to push this bitch on the table and drill her in front of everyone. But he supposed that would be scandalous and would result in a considerable number of drawn wands. Sure, Arthur might appreciate it, but he doubted any of the other Weasleys would.

And Gabrielle was eying him up like a piece of meat. Come to think of it, so was Hermione. And Harry had no idea why she just vanished his pants. Is it some sort of weird prank? Revenge for what I did to her in front of Ron?

For a moment, Harry wondered if Molly and Hermione were working together – but then he perished the thought. He knew Hermione and Molly were not necessarily the best of friends. And they weren't sharing any conspiratorial glances or remarks. They were definitely not working in concert.

He wondered if Hermione had even thought her actions through – he knew when it came to breaking the rules, the bushy-haired Gryffindor always acted on impulse. He loved that unpredictable quality about her, but that sort of behaviour always had repercussions. Harry was surprised Hermione hadn't even thought of the chance that Molly would see him utterly naked from the waist down.

Harry scooted closer to the dining table, until his abs were touching the edge of the table. His entire naked waist was now completely under the table, well away from sight. Molly was still jacking him off though, her right hand stroking back and forth along the lower half of his shaft.

She was actually moving back and forth a bit with the force of her strokes and her breasts were actually bouncing ever so slightly. And then another hand tried to encircle the top of his shaft, right at the bridge between his fat head and his shaft.

Harry glanced in Molly's direction – she was still wearing a naughty smile, but her left hand was on the table and her right was tugging at his cock. So who…?

And with not inconsiderable dread, Harry looked around. Hermione was looking straight at him, her eyes wild and her delicate features looking positively delighted. Sure enough, her left shoulder was moving back and forth.

Hermione was palming the underside of his crown, stroking and caressing the sensitive skin, even as Molly gave him a rough tugjob around his base. Oh crap, Harry thought, as he moaned softly at the double handjob, I've got two hot women giving me a handjob, and I don't think they know about each other. Crap.

And Harry did not think they would appreciate knowing about each other. While Molly would probably shrug and accept it, Harry just knew Hermione did not quite play well with others. And then, Hermione started stroking down his shaft.

Her left palm pressed his cockhead up against the cool wood along the underside of the dining table, and then pushed down, stretching his foreskin deliciously as her palm travelled down the underside of his shaft.

Harry quickly pushed Molly's arm away, just as Hermione reached the base of his cock. Molly smirked at him and set her right hand on the table, as she took over Hermione's conversation with Andromeda. Hermione's palm reached his base and then curved down to rest on his balls. Hermione leaned in as she just lay her hand on his balls.

"My goodness, Harry," Hermione said in a low voice that sent shivers up his spine, "These are enormous."

She softly traced the curve of his right testicle with her fingernails and Harry hissed in pleasure. "They're the size of tennis balls."

"Hermione," Harry whispered frantically, "Molly is right here. She can see this."

Hermione just smiled and her palm started ascending along the underside of his shaft. So smooth, Harry thought as he shivered, her skin feels so soft.

Hermione's fist curled around the base of his shaft. "My fingers don't even touch!" she proclaimed delightedly, although it could barely be heard over the bustle around the dinner table.

Dimly, Harry noticed that the Weasleys had started eating. Harry gingerly picked up his fork and knife, but just couldn't bring himself to start digging in. Hermione had started tugging at his cock as well.

"Hermione," Harry gasped, "Maybe you should start eating."

Hermione continued to smile enigmatically at him. "Maybe," she rejoined, "But I'd like some seasoning."

And then she pushed her right hand under the table. Harry had no idea where she was going with this.

With her left hand still around the base of his shaft, she swung his shaft down. His head pulled away from the underside of dining table and met what Harry realized was Hermione's open right palm with a slap.

Then she pulled it up again with her grip around Harry's base, and swung down again so that his sensitive, fat cockhead smacked right onto her open palm for the second time. It felt wonderful – if Hermione wanted to use Harry's pole as a stick to smack her own palm, Harry wasn't complaining.

"You like that, Harry?" Hermione whispered to him, "You like the sound your fat, throbbing cock makes as it smacks my hand?"

"Yes," Harry moaned.

He couldn't believe how everyone at the table, including Molly Weasley (who was still talking to Andromeda), was so oblivious to the action under the table. The smack-smack-smack sound of Harry's crown clapping against Hermione's palm was now perfectly audible, and Hermione's arms were moving quite vigorously, but no one was paying them any mind, engaged in loud conversations as they were.

Suddenly, just as his lower head laid yet another slap against Hermione's tiny palm, she stopped. And her right palm moved to caress his entire head. She was actually rubbing her palm back and forth across his crown.

Hermione moved both her hands off Harry's cock and lifted them up over the table. Without anything to hold it down, his meat sprang back up and met the dining table with a loud thud.

That drew bewildered glances from Andromeda and even Angelina, to Andromeda's left. Harry's face burned and Molly chuckled knowingly. After a moment, they went back to their conversations.

Harry looked askance at Hermione, who proudly displayed her right palm, which his penis had been slapping until a few seconds ago. It was smeared with his pre-cum. Then she licked it.

Harry gaped open-mouthed as Hermione licked her palm, and then her fingers, one after the other. Harry was certain his rod was so hard now it could bench press the entire dining table now. Hermione was smiling at him.

Okay, Harry thought, note to self: fuck the living daylights out of Hermione the next time I get the chance. I'll wipe that smile right off her beautiful face.

Hermione leaned in and whispered huskily, "It's your fault you know. You left me gargling your semen the last time around. And now, I'm addicted to the taste."

Just then, Harry felt a different hand settle on his cock. With shorter fingers, but larger than Hermione's tiny hands. Molly again, Harry thought, great, they're double-teaming me without even realizing they're double-teaming me.

As Hermione moved away to eat her meal, Molly leaned in. "You shouldn't jerk yourself off at the dining table, Harry. It tends to disturb the table."

She paused and giggled. "In fact," she said softly, mirth filling her voice, "You should let willing hands help. And stop pushing them away."

And so, Molly started stroking up and down his shaft. Her fingers and palms caressed every inch of his cock as she circled around, sometimes dragging her fingernails across the sensitive underside, caressing and stroking his pole.

Harry moaned again. And Molly continued to beat him off with her right as she chattered away with Andromeda.


Gabrielle glanced at Harry often, much to his girlfriend's annoyance, studying his features. Harry appeared to be a bit glassy-eyed and was staring off into space. Poor man, Gabrielle thought, he must feel so lonely in that corner of the table.

She knew he had noticed her as she came in – every other Weasley male at the table looked in her direction often, their faces going slack before regaining their senses moments later, much to Gabrielle's own irritation – but Harry wasn't looking at her.

Hermione Granger – who was looking very pretty, in Gabrielle's opinion – and Molly Weasley – wearing an utterly scandalous outfit for a woman her age (and those huge cow-tits, Gabrielle thought nastily) – leant in to whisper stuff to him occasionally, but he just wasn't responding.

She sent a burst of aura in his direction, but it splashed uselessly against his wall of power. Gabrielle tensed at the feeling, expecting Harry to latch on and give her a rush again, but he did not. He seemed pre-occupied. Gabrielle huffed – she was determined to speak to him at the after-party.

Perhaps it was a stupid idea to take his seat, she thought. She just had not wanted him to sit next to Ginny Weasley; instead, she was hoping he would take the seat next to her. Instead, Hermione Granger had taken the seat and her plan had been foiled.

Gabrielle turned around, her aura twanging as it retreated back into her body. That was when she noticed Ginny Weasley. The redhead was now staring at Gabrielle – not in anger, as she was earlier – but in… awe. Her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily as she just gazed at Gabrielle. Ginny's eyes travelled down from Gabrielle's eyes, to her lips, down to the nape of her neck, and then further down…

Gabrielle frowned – while she had thrown her aura at Harry, a portion of it had obviously flung out in Ginny's direction as well, seeing as how the redhead was seated right next to her. She knew her aura had an effect on men, but not many women had acted like this when engulfed by it.

Gabrielle looked around the table carefully – especially in Harry's direction. She had swung her aura that way, so Hermione and Molly should have been affected too. But neither Hermione – who was primly eating her meal – nor Molly, who was whispering in Harry's ear, much to Gabrielle's annoyance, was even looking in her direction.

But Ginny was still staring at her with that strange look on her face. Gabrielle did a quick mental check of the women who she had noticed being affected by her aura. She could only think of two women – Professor Valreau at school and Ginny. And perhaps, Fleur.

What's the connecting thread here? Gabrielle thought.

And then it struck her. Professor Valreau was married to a certain Mademoiselle Robitaille. And Fleur had told Gabrielle that she had experimented with women several times and enjoyed the sex. And when Gabrielle thought of it, the veela her mother introduced her to had always said her aura was particularly enthralling. Gabrielle knew veela – including her – swung both ways.

And so does Ginny.

Gabrielle smiled in triumph. She gazed critically at Ginny and casually noticed that the redhead was very attractive – with her busty figure and amazing ass. Oh, Gabrielle thought, I'm going to enjoy this.

Gabrielle leaned in and whispered to Ginny, "Like what you see, darling?"

Ginny shook her head as if trying to get water out of her ears. And then she seemed to snap out of her daze and snarled, "You wish, you little slut."

"So," Gabrielle continued conversationally, "Does Harry know his little witch is occasionally attracted to other witches?"

"You little…"

"I was wondering why you let him sleep around with Fleur, of all people. Did you ask him for details later?" Gabrielle was so close to Ginny that their lips were almost touching.

Ginny was breathing heavily again and her face was flushed, "Did you ask him how tight her vagina was? How amazing fucking Fleur felt like? Did you ask him for all that?"

Ginny blushed. Gabrielle smiled.

"Or did you ask about me?"

Ginny flushed even harder – her ears were turning red now.

"You're just trying to live vicariously through Harry, aren't you?"

Ginny's eyes flashed. "I'm definitely attracted to guys, you little…"

"Oh," Gabrielle interrupted, "I'm not disputing that. I'm just wondering if you are also attracted to girls."

Ginny looked away.

"You are," Gabrielle crowed, "Well, if you ever want to test that attraction, I'm available."

Ginny glanced defiantly at Gabrielle. "And you'd want my boyfriend in return, wouldn't you?" she asked with false sweetness.

Gabrielle nodded.

"Keep dreaming," Ginny snarled, and continued munching on her chicken. Gabrielle just smiled.

Just you wait, she thought, Oh, you'll bend. I am a veela, after all. And you're no Harry Potter.

Now, Gabrielle just had to ask Harry for permission to start assimilating into his little ménage a trois so that she could seduce the hell out of Ginny. She couldn't compete with Harry, and did not want to – she wanted him much more than she wanted Ginny – but she was pretty sure she wasn't opposed to showing the redhead a thing or two about gentle feminine caresses.

Oh, she'll bend.


Molly was squeezing his balls lightly, pushing her palm under one testicle, weighing it, then palming the other. Meanwhile, Hermione's tiny hands had returned to massaging all over his cockhead; she was palming and squeezing and pinching away as she pleased. Her soft palms pushed his sensitive bulb this way and that, until he was oozing dollops of pre-cum over her fingers.

Harry was determinedly shoveling food into his mouth with shaking fingers. Andromeda had actually asked him if he was okay, and he had mumbled something in return. The two women seated on either side of him were using his cock like a toy, tugging and pulling and stroking away like it belonged to them.

Harry supposed it was karmic payback of sorts – they were using him as he used them in the past – but it was such heavenly torture. And it was ridiculous that the two women didn't even know they were sharing the toy.

Molly whispered stuff like, "Your willy is so huge Harry!" and "Oh, I can't wait to feel this monstrous thing stuffing me silly again!"

And Hermione whispered stuff like, "Wouldn't you like to have this cock fucking my tight cunt again, Harry?" and "Do you want to feel my lips wrapping across your enormous cock, Harry? Will it even fit?"

And it was turning him on. Harry had never thought a double handjob could feel so good… well, he had, but this matched his expectations and exceeded them.

Then, Hermione, of all people – she was the least experienced woman Harry had slept with – took it to a wholly different level. With, one hand, she gripped the bottom of his mushroom cockhead and laid the flat palm of her other hand straight on his piss-slit.

And she started pushing his head with her hand right against her palm so that his sensitive urethral opening was grinding against her flat palm. She twisted the crown all over the place as she polished the tip of his cock with her palm and it felt amazing.

And then she moved her palm off, only to grip the tip with her fingers. And then started massaging the edge of his piss-slit with what Harry presumed was her forefinger. Molly was still massaging and stroking his balls.

The most erotic part was that all of the action was happening under the table – Harry couldn't see what Hermione was doing to his cock, but he sure as hell could feel it. And then, Hermione started pressing down as she circled his penile meatus with her slender finger.

No way, Harry thought incredulously, no way she's going that far…

Hermione pushed down with her finger, right against his eye. He was practically oozing pre-cum over her finger now, but her finger seemed to be pushing back in. And then it sank in. Her finger actually pressed into his urethral opening and Harry moaned softly. Fuck, Harry thought, that feels… fuck!

He gazed in astonishment at Hermione – she was driving him crazy. The girl was biting her lower lip in an incredibly sexy fashion, just looking at him as her eyes brimmed with lust.

And then a third of her finger sank right into his slit, and the sensitive skin hugged her slender finger.

She twisted her finger, pulling at the inside of his cock, and pushed it so that his inner skin stretched and he hissed out in pleasure.

"Oh," Hermione whispered hotly, "You like that? You like me fucking your giant penis with my little finger? You like me molesting your eye, you bastard?"

Harry was squirming in his seat now. Molly was squeezing even harder on his balls. In a daze, he noticed that Molly was smiling at him.

It's not you, Harry thought, It's this insane best friend on my other side.

After a full minute of fingering inside his penis – with Harry squirming and moaning and looking at his food with dazed eyes – Hermione withdrew it, slowly, teasingly, millimetre by millimetre. Until it finally popped out of his cock and Harry shuddered in place.

And Harry stared, stunned by the sweet torture, as Hermione raised her finger to her lips.

It was practically soaked with his lubrication and she slurped on it with a grin. "Oh, I love this seasoning!" Hermione said happily, and Harry groaned.

Just like that, the dinner was over. Arthur announced something that sounded like "Time for a party!" to his sons and Harry barely even registered it. He was horny as hell.

And then, Molly's hands left his balls and he gasped. Everyone at the table stood up and shuffled out of the hall as Harry just sat and gaped. Ron snatched a leftover chicken leg and munched on it as he walked out with the rest of the table. And just as most of the dinner guests had moved out, Harry began to hear cracks of apparition outside.

Great, he thought, it's time for the after-party.

Ron paused at the door and looked back at Hermione and Harry, who were still seated at the table.

"You guys coming?" he asked.

Harry cringed at the unintentional double entendre. "No," he said grumpily.

"Of course, Ron," Hermione answered warmly, speaking over Harry, "I just have to finish my soufflé." And she held up a glass bowl, which sure enough, had soufflé in it.

Ron shrugged, munched on his chicken and walked out. More cracks of apparition echoed outside and the Weasley courtyard bustled with the noise of the arriving guests.

When everyone, including Molly Weasley, had left – with Molly swaying her amazing ass seductively at him, winking as she moved out - Harry stood up angrily, holding onto his erect cock and slamming it on the table.

"It looks so angry," Hermione said, laughing.

"You… you…" Harry was so desperate for relief right now that he had no idea what to say.

And Hermione poured the remainder of her soufflé on the tip of his cock – it was mostly just tiny chunks and custard, which drizzled over his cock. Harry just gaped as the bushy-haired witch lifted his cock with both hands, angled it over her plate so that it was dripping custardand pushed her lips against his crown in an open-mouthed kiss.

Her wet tongue licked pleasant circles around his head and her cheeks caved inwards as she sucked hard on his dome with her lips stretched impossibly wide. After a few seconds, she withdrew, her lips pulling at his bulbous tip as she withdrew with a loud slurp.

And then she just let go. His erect cock bounced angrily onto the table again.

Hermione got up, smoothed her dress and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked, bewildered and horny.

She turned to him a smiled naughtily again. Her eyes were gleaming with humour.

"I really just had to finish the soufflé", she said, then winked at him and left the hall.

Harry was positive he had just been blue-balled for the first time.

That woman, he thought as he just stood there with an erect penis, she's going to drive me crazy.

Nonetheless, through his haze of lust, Harry did notice a warm feeling bubbling in his chest – very similar to the one he felt around Ginny. Crap, he thought, I think I'm falling in love. Again.


Gabrielle loved this powerful feeling. She was letting her aura flare around Ginny, and the redheaded witch fell for it every single time. Gabrielle would fling her aura, looping it around Ginny's magic and pulling and Harry's girlfriend just turned and drooled at her every time she did that.

And Ginny was trying to stay as far away as possible, mixing in with the crowd, but Gabrielle delighted in not letting her have any peace.

Eventually, Ginny retreated into a secluded corner, outside the marquee where there were no guests milling around. Perfect, Gabrielle thought, she's playing right into my hands.

Gabrielle walked around the tent casually and pounced on Ginny as soon as she was within reach, who was facing away from her.

She pushed Ginny right against the stiff sheet of the tent. They could hear the sounds of the party starting up on the other side, but there was no one on their side of the tent. Ginny struggled, but the human witch was no match for Gabrielle's inhuman strength. Gabrielle raised Ginny's wrists high above her head and pushed her left leg right between Ginny's thighs so that Ginny's legs were locked in place around her own.

Ginny's massive D-cups were pushing against Gabrielle's smaller C-cups and Gabrielle could feel the redhead's nipples poking against her own even through their clothes.

"Not wearing much underneath, are we?" Gabrielle crooned.

"Neither are you," Ginny snarled back, her face flushed.

Gabrielle started grinding her thigh back and forth between Ginny's legs, right against the witch's crotch. Ginny moaned and then looked away. Gabrielle softly leaned in and kissed the cheek facing away from her, inhaling Ginny's sweet rosy scent.

And Gabrielle started trailing soft kisses down Ginny's neck as the redhead squirmed and gasped. Just as the veela reached the crook of Ginny's neck, Gabrielle pulled away just as suddenly as she had pounced. She let go of Ginny's hands and the witch slumped against the tent, her heaving bosom and flushed skin signs of her obvious arousal.

Gabrielle smiled at Ginny.

"Oh, Ginny," Gabrielle said, "Just agree with me and spare yourself this torture."

"Never," Ginny gasped.

Gabrielle shrugged and started walking back to the main party.

Just as she rounded the corner, she looked over her shoulder at Ginny, who was still slumped against the tent and said, "Don't worry, mon amour. I have to go back to Beauxbatons tomorrow, but you shall see me soon. And next time, I'm joining your relationship with Harry, whether you want it, or not."


Harry desperately searched for Ginny – he needed some relief, and he needed it now. But his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. Harry was rushing through the crowd, greeting people hazily as he kept one hand firmly on his crotch, trying to angle his clothed penis down so that no one would see the very obvious tent down his right trouser leg.

When he saw that Ginny was nowhere to be found, he started looking around for the women Ginny had given permission for him to be with. Hermione, annoyingly enough, was chatting away happily with Angelina and Katie, who Harry was surprised to see at the party. He supposed Angelina had invited her over.

Fleur, on the other hand, was dancing happily with Bill and Harry had no desire to rain on their parade a second time around, even if the couple claimed they enjoyed it the first time.

Molly, Harry thought desperately, as he looked around, please, please…

He spotted Arthur, who was engaged in what appeared to be a very serious conversation with the Minister of Magic and a dignified woman Harry could not place. Truth be told, he was amazed at the turnout for the party – it was a sign of the times to come; the Weasleys seemed to be the premier family in English Wizarding Society at the moment.

All of the prominent families seemed to be there – the Longbottoms, the Lovegoods and the MacMillans. Several higher ranking officials from the Ministry of Magic were roaming around sipping wine. He even spotted some of the less savory families skulking around – the Zabinis and the Greengrasses, for instance.

Harry stumbled through the crowd, still searching for someone, anyone to please him.

The problem being influenced by the Elder Wand, Harry thought angrily, is that you never get relief from masturbating by yourself. Dammit.

And then he spotted Molly. She seemed to be well away from the crowd, sitting at the edge of the open bar with a thoughtful look on her face, surveying the party with a proud smile. She seemed to be basking in the occasion. Holy crap, Harry thought, she looks like a million bucks. I'm surprised no one has asked her to dance.

But he was glad. She was sitting in a conveniently dark corner of the bar-shelf, on a stool right against the hedge. He would never have spotted her if he wasn't specifically looking for her.

He skipped towards Molly and circled around the bar so that he was approaching the Weasley matriarch from behind, along the hedge. That barstool is so tiny, he thought incredulously as he approached the darkened corner from where the woman was surveying her guests, her ass is spilling all over the place. Good god, I love that ass.

Harry eventually snuck up right behind Molly, but she was unaware of his presence and continued to observe the crowd. Harry briefly surveyed the crowd as well – no one was looking in their direction.

The nearest person was an elderly witch – but she was a few meters to their left and was snoring away, slumped over the bar shelf. And either way, Harry was standing in the pitch black space behind Molly, so while someone could make his silhouette out, they wouldn't be able to spot what he was doing unless they came really close.

So Harry dropped his pants and stepped over them. His penis sprang out, begging for some action. And Harry obliged – he grabbed his cock, went over to Molly and started tapping against her pillowy ass with his penis. Her ass started bouncing delightfully with each smack of his cock.

Molly gave an eep of surprise and turned around, only to notice Harry. She relaxed, and her eyes travelled down his body, only to widen as she saw him tapping her ass with his meat.

"Harry," she hissed, "What are you doing? All these people…"

Harry pushed his cock against her ass, loving the feeling of her clothed backside melt against his cock and Molly squealed. He slapped his hands around her front, grabbing her tits and shaking them with his hands as he watched her cleavage bounce.

"Didn't bother you at the dining table, did it, Molly?" Harry asked harshly.

Molly blushed.

"Now," Harry said harshly, "Let's finish what you started."

He pulled Molly back so that most of her gorgeous ass was pushing into him – Molly reached out behind her and grabbed his hips in surprise, leaning her back against his chest with her thighs still on the stool. Harry then stopped mauling her clothed breasts and flicked his wrist so that his phoenix feather wand, previously holstered to his forearm, appeared in his hand.

He pointed the wand right underneath her ass and her gown tore as a long, vertical slit appeared in the dress underneath her buttocks. She was still in a sitting position, so practically no one in front of her could see it.

"Harry!" Molly squealed again, "This dress is expensive!"

"Don't particularly care at the moment," Harry said nonchalantly as he swiped his cock down her fleshy cheeks so that it was now horizontal underneath her, pressing upwards.

He bent his knees and angled his cock up, pushing it through the tear in her gown so that his head smushed against her naked ass. He prodded around her rump with his cock, trying to find her pussy. And eventually, he did.

Molly was still only half-wet at this point, so she gasped as his fat head parted her hanging outer lips as it tried to bury into her twat.

"Harry," she panted, "The others… they'll see…"

"Don't care," Harry said abruptly, twisting his hips so that his cock snuggled further up her pussy. His head burst past her lips and Molly screamed softly.

"You pervert!" she exhaled.

Her vagina seemed to be working overtime as it started pumping out juices at Harry's welcome invasion, "Everyone's going to think I'm a slut!"

"Aren't you?" Harry re-joined and slammed up so that half his cock was buried in her quim.

"You did tease me and use this cock at dinner, you know. Right in front of your family."

Molly half-chuckled, half-gasped. "I suppose," she admitted, "But I guess that makes me your slut."

Harry gave another might push and his balls clapped against her ass as his entire cock smashed into her now sufficiently wet vagina. Molly pushed her back further against him, squishing her rump against his crotch. She turned her face sideways and Harry noticed that her cheeks were flush and her eyes looked wild.

"Did mummy make this naughty boy horny?" she asked sultrily.

"Did mummy turn her naughty little pervert on?"

"Yep," Harry said, as her pussy clung to his shaft. He started rotating his hips, grinding into her now-gushing twat.

"Mummy is so sorry," Molly gasped out, "How can she make up for it, hmm?"

Harry started pushing in and out with his hands on either side of her hips, holding her in place as he started fucking her.

"Oh, Morgana!" Molly groaned, "I… never… get used… to this… fuck… size!"

"I don't intend to keep to this pace forever," Harry said and started moving his hips much more rapidly, slamming in and out of her cunt.

Molly bent forward on the stool, now smashing her breasts against the bar shelf as she moaned, "You brute! You bastard!"

"You're one sexy Mommy!" Harry said happily as he felt her cunt begin to quiver around his shaft.

He couldn't see the penetration from his position behind her, but his cock was coming away slick with her arousal, so he knew she loved this as well. "And to think you were against this a few minutes ago."

He imitated her voice, "Oh, Harry, everyone's going to see us!" and then crowed, "Look at you now!"

Harry then tightened his grip on her hips and bent his knees so that his cock pulled out until only the head remained in her wet quim. Then jumped up and his cock slammed deep into her pussy even as his feet left into the ground. Molly actually jerked forward as his cockhead bashed her cervix and then settled down again as Harry landed.

"Harry, you… you… fuck!" Molly moaned in reply.

Harry was now practically jump-thrusting into her pussy (he laughed at the word he just made up) now, sheathing his rigid cock spectacularly into her cunt each time. He loved the feeling – he actually floated for a second as he parted her entire clinging passage with his cock.

And on his tenth jump, the barstool actually keeled over and fell. Molly clutched the shelf in desperation as her feet landed on the ground and Harry, unconcerned, just kept slamming in. She was now bent over the shelf like a whore, her clothed backside slapping against Harry's mid-section as he hammered home over and over.

"Now this is more like it!" Harry said happily.

He started pistoning into her, doubling his pace effortlessly. Molly started shuddering against the shelf, her chest was now right on it as she scratched at the tiled surface.

"Hey Molly!" a female voice called out to their right.


Molly tried to look around, but Harry kept slamming in and out. "Harry," she gasped, "Someone…"

"Molly!" the voice said again quite happily and practically right beside her now, "Whatshoo doing?"

"Mrs. Tonks!" Harry's voice said happily, much to Molly's incredulity. She panted and gushed as he kept pounding into her. Molly wanted to push the brute away, but she couldn't move. His cock was pulverizing her cunt now, and it felt heavenly.

She heard a barstool scrape across the ground. Then Andromeda's flushed face swam into her view, as Andromeda bent over the shelf right beside Molly. "HEY!" Andromeda said happily, "HOWSH MY MOLLY!"

Molly smelt the overpowering scent of alcohol issue from Andromeda's mouth. "You're… drunk!" she panted.

"Thanks for shielding us from the crowd, Mrs. Tonks!" Harry said, in between the muffled slaps that he was making as he pounded her from behind.

Through her lust-crazed haze, Molly noticed Andromeda look immensely confused. "Whatshoo two doing?" she asked, her voice now slurred. She was completely sloshed.

"Playing a game," Harry said and just kept fucking.

Andromeda leaned in to whisper into Molly's ear. "If you squint just right," she giggled, "You can see Harry's arse! Itsh sho tight!"

Of course you can see his arse, Andromeda, Molly thought incredulously, He's naked from the waist down and fucking my cunt as we speak!

And Molly felt Harry's fingers dig into her ass. Oh no, Molly thought at the familiar grip, he's going to speed up!

Harry's pace nearly quadrupled – he was pushing her into the shelf now as he slammed in and out of her pussy like a maniac. He seemed to be touching and fucking her entire insides at once, destroying her vagina so thoroughly that only he could ever use it later. She dimly heard Andromeda chatter away about something inane, and she did not care.

"Oh, oh OH OH OH!" she screamed, each "oh" growing louder and louder.

If it wasn't for the fact that the music was playing so loudly at the main tent, everyone would have heard her moaning like a bitch by now. And then sparks seemed to shoot up and down her entire body and she shuddered.

"Squirting again!" Harry gloated just as Molly yelled "Cumming!"

And before she had even stopped squirting, Harry unloaded. He buried his penis in her cock-hungry tunnel as his head lay right at her cervical opening and streams of semen shot right into her even as her orgasm seemed to go on and on.


Harry mauled her ass as they both came down from their respective highs. Harry eventually stopped squirting after what seemed like an hour of pleasure to her, although it had only been a few minutes since his orgasm began.

Molly was quivering pleasantly, still feeling the aftershocks of her orgasm and sighed as Harry's cock slid out her tight passage. He slapped his slick cock down on her bent over ass and wiped it on her dress, leaving a wet splatter of their combined juices on her gown.

"Everyone's going to see this and they're going to know the hostess was fucked silly," Harry said happily.

Molly pushed herself off the shelf, wearily and turned her face to him. Harry kissed her gently.

Then they drew off each other and looked around curiously. Apart from Andromeda, who was now slumped over the bench and snoring, no one had seen them.

"Well, that was a bit of good luck," Harry said and Molly nodded mutely.

He summoned his pants, put them on and walked right into the crowd as Molly merely sat beside a sleeping Andromeda, still trying to comprehend what had just happened.


Harry danced and talked the night away. He spent a lot of time just talking to Aurors and officials from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, trying to make inroads into the Ministry even before he graduated from Hogwarts.

He studiously avoided Xenophilius Lovegood as the man tried to ask him about the Hallows. Although, he did stop to talk to Luna and other students from Hogwarts that had come to the party.

Surprisingly though, most of his dances had been with Gabrielle and Hermione. He looked around for Ginny, but she just sat in a corner and glared at Gabrielle.

At his seventh turn with Gabrielle, Harry finally snapped and asked, "So what did you do?"

Gabrielle looked innocently at him and Harry gave her a flat glare.

She giggled. "Just trying to persuade your girlfriend to let me join your relationship," she said happily.

Harry just stared.

After a while, he murmured, "Gabrielle, it takes more than a bit of sex to form a relationship."

"Indeed," Gabrielle said as they twirled around, "And I feel it."

Harry opened his mouth to reply, but Gabrielle hugged him tighter as she continued to spin with him.

"Arry," she said firmly, "I know you don't love me yet, but I do. I just… know, myself. You helped me transform. We made love for an entire night. And we connected. My magic touched yours. We connected on a level far deeper than the bond you share with your girlfriend."

Harry sighed. "Yeah," he admitted, "I suppose that's true. But I'm not letting go of Ginny."

"I know," Gabrielle said and smirked, "Which is why I am trying to persuade the stubborn girl. I need your permission though."

"My permission?" Harry asked, puzzled.

After a beat, he continued, "Wait… how, exactly, are you trying to… persuade… her?"

"I'm seducing her, of course," Gabrielle replied immediately.

Harry gaped. "You're… uh…"

"You do know your girlfriend is bisexual, don't you?" Gabrielle asked.

Harry continued to gape and the half-veela sighed.

"Oh," she said meekly, "Well, she is attracted to women. Don't get me wrong – she's also attracted to men… and especially you. And I'm not competing with you. I'm just trying to persuade her so I can be with you."

Harry was stunned at her bluntness.

"So… you want to make this… some kind of true ménage a trois?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Fine," he said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but sure… I guess you could… uh… work on Ginny if she's open to a third person in the relationship."

Gabrielle smiled and kissed his cheek with a naughty smile. Then she let go of him and sauntered away, her lustrous hair shimmering as she walked towards her parents, who were at a table nearby. Harry stared after her. I'd have to be crazy to say no, he thought happily.


His conversation with Hermione was far more enlightening, despite its short length.

"So, uh, the thing at the dinner table," Harry began and Hermione just raised an eyebrow as she sipped a butterbeer across the table.

They were in a corner of the tent, away from prying ears. By now, he had taken her around the dance floor several times. Ron was dancing and laughing with Padma Patil, but the surprising thing was – Hermione wasn't even looking.

"Just a prank, Harry," Hermione said and giggled, "Don't get your panties in a twist. Not that panties will fit around that monster anyway."

"Hermione!" Harry said, "I… Ron… are you going to tell him?"

Hermione sighed and looked away. "No," she said.

"Then…" Harry prodded.

"Harry," she said, looking straight into his eyes, "I don't think I'm in love with…"

She trailed away and Harry stared, completely taken aback.

"… Ron?" he finished for her.

She nodded. Then she got up, face entirely flushed and practically ran out of the tent.

Harry was about to follow her, but then Ginny came by and cornered him.

"What did that little French whore say to you?" she demanded.

Harry kept his face studiously blank.

"Nothing", he said quickly. Too quickly, he thought and cringed.

Ginny just huffed and held out her hand. Harry smiled, held her hand and got up, heading out to the dance floor with her.

"Harry," Ginny said suddenly, "Promise me… I'll always be your last dance."

Harry just kissed her worried face and said, "If you so desire it, love, you can keep me all to yourself forever."

Ginny blushed and smiled. Merlin, Harry thought, she's beautiful.

"Well," she said, "I don't care if you… dance… with others, as long as you keep saying things like that to me."

Harry grinned, then hugged her close to him as they started twirling around in tune with the music.