

My consciousness finally returned to the present. I realised that I might have overused some of my mana. Invoking my mind's Memory Room took its toll on my frail body.

As I sat on the ground to recover my strength, I checked for my vitals, the lower healing enchantment I cast earlier was taking effect. My limbs were a little sore but it was now bearable. While resting, I rummaged through the remaining items the attacker left behind.

'The shortsword is worn-out but might come in handy. The poultices are useful, I should keep those. The coin pouch is bulky with coins. This pocket watch seems to be working fine as well, I better hold on to this.'

I summoned my spatial inventory and chucked the coin purse, sword, and poultices inside while I slipped the watch on my right pocket.

The cloak that the man wore was too large for my 13-year-old body. So I cast miniaturization enchantment on it and cleaned it a bit with a cleansing spell. I then wore it over my white nightshirt and breeches to conceal my clothing, then propped the hood up and covered my face. I cast an illusory spell on my body to change the colours of my clothes and to hide my emerald irises and silver hair.

'I need to find my parents, and escape from here. It is a bit risky to stay within Anima any longer. We should leave before sunset comes.' I took out the watch from my pocket and saw that it was already half-past eleven.

'I only have a few hours left.' I stood up, gathered my energy, then left the narrow alleyways, and went towards the main road.

I walked for a bit until I reached the main thoroughfare, leading to Anima's Central Plaza. The streets ran abuzz with noise as people dawdled along.

The cloak I wore was helpful as it was easier to move around without attracting attention. The main roads were littered with Seditio's officers and my disguise was convenient. The only thing I need to be cautious about is, are the Fae. It was only them and us Moirais who were able to perceive mana users and see through the spells and enchantments.

'I just hope that the Church of Arbor has nothing to do with this mess.'

─── ❖ ───

There were three factions that governed the continent of Jumana. They were the Palace of Anima, Church of Arbor, and Seditio.

The Palace of Anima worshipped Fate. A divine principle by which the order of events has been inevitably predetermined. The proxies of the Palace were the Moirais as they were blessed with precognition, great mana talent, and high affinity with Fate.

The Church of Arbor revere Conscience. A moral principle that inhibits or influences the thoughts or actions of a person. Their advocates were the Fae, children born from the Tree of Truths. An ancient, sentient tree who bore the Fruit of Good and Evil.

The third, Seditio.

There were no written records nor clear information about this faction yet as it was founded no more than two decades ago. But one thing was certain, Their influence on society was as great as the Palace due to the numbers of their Brethren that were scattered throughout the Continent..

It was rumoured that Seditio was established by the Enlightened One. A peculiar individual who ate the Fruit of Good and Evil and lived to tell the tale. Seditio members come from all walks of life as they believed that comradeship was thicker than Fate. However, in order to be a member, a blood oath must be performed with the Brothers. Who were the direct disciples of The Enlightened One.

─── ❖ ───

I was able to spot the Central Plaza from a distance, however, it seems that the number of Seditio's officers had doubled on the streets.

'I guess I need to tread carefully from hereon.' A frustrated groan escapes from my mouth as I observe the people around me.

I took out the watch once more and checked the time. It was already noon, it seems I still have a couple of hours left to locate my parents and escape.

As I tread along the main road, I noticed that Seditio's officers looked thoroughly prepared. They had a full set of armour underneath their cloaks and were marching through the streets in groups.

The patrolling officers held an intimidating aura as they were roaming the streets with their weapons drawn out. I saw a couple of pitiful residents that were being beaten up along the sidewalks. There were also some officers and brethrens looting and vandalizing shops along the main street. Some of them were savouring the moment as they ransacked high-value items from defenseless stores.

"These are all that I have left, I don't have any more coins to give you! Let me pass, I need to buy my daughter's medication urgently. Please!" a desperate man shouted at the officer.

"Hey buddy, if you can't afford to pay the sidewalk fee, you can't pass here!" the officer arrogantly barked. "Go back and bring the proper amount, then we'll let you pass." the officer smirked.

"You all are no different than the thugs in the slums! Since when do we need to pay you just to walk the streets?? The Palace would ha-"

Suddenly, the officer wallops the pitiful man on the head with a mace. The blow was too fast, and the man wasn't able to finish his sentence. The victim fell hard on the ground and I saw a small pool of blood ooze from his head on the cobbled road.

"If you can't pay the fee, then pay it with your life!" The officer then kicked the helpless man on the ground. "All those who resist servitude to Seditio will have to pay with their lives!" The officer exclaimed to the bystanders.

Instilling dominance by means of fear, the Seditio were ruthless. If this is how they normally operate, then subverting the Palace in a short amount of time was plausible. But that required ample planning and time on their end. And we the Moira would get wind of it with our Foresight.

'But, why wasn't I able to see this? Fate would endow us Moirais with a Misfortune Dream should a tragedy were to befall our kin. However, I never received such a thing in my life. Is the Church possibly involved with this? Or did something interfere with Fate? I just barely escaped from the Palace a few hours ago and people are out for blood.'

'Mother, Father…. please be safe.' I prayed and continued to walk inconspicuously.

Clearly, the balance of power was slowly tilting to a single side.

As I walked further down the main street, I overheard conversations from some of the officers.

An old man spitefully remarked.

A man asked his younger sibling beside him in a cocky manner.

the youth replied.

The conversations I overheard were preposterous. I swallowed my anger and I numbed myself at their words so as not to arouse suspicion from the people near me. It was very alarming to hear that public opinion has been turned against us overnight.

Particularly, the one about the Panacea.

Head butler Turris and head maid Sagitta were the ones who led the development of it. Prior to father ascending to the throne, Turris was the Palace's Royal Doctor while his wife, Sagitta was the Royal Pharmacist.

Fifteen years ago, there was an outbreak of White Plague in the capital. The couple treated the infected and focused their energy and research into the disease. It took them more than a decade and a lot of trials to finally create the cure. The Panacea.

It was very potent and it only took a small dose for it to cure the patient. Afterwards, the resistance of the body against other forms of diseases will be strengthened. The only disadvantage was, it had adverse side effects that caused a patient's body to rapidly deteriorate if taken without proper precaution.

Hence, it was strictly regulated.

To neutralize it, a Moira must channel mana into the patient's body once the Panacea has been ingested. A necessary step to inhibit the strong side effects. Whenever a patient contracted the White Plague, the Palace dispatched a Moira Doctor to respond to the afflicted individuals and help mitigate the risk of infection as it prevented the ill to spread the disease further.

'Now that I think about it if they did try to distribute the Panacea to the general public and without any Moira aide… then they will have the capacity to use it as a wea-'

My trail of thought was interrupted as I felt a faint mana presence from behind. It seems that someone or something noticed my mana and started to follow. I walked for a bit through the crowded street hoping to lose the tail. However, it was relentless, it was advancing at a rapid pace.

My legs started to skip faster, as I turned away from the main street, I made a run for it. There was a path leading to a narrow back alley on my right, I entered it and quickly took out the sword from my inventory.

My hands trembled as I held the heavy sword with both of my hands. I didn't expect that such a short sword would have such weight or maybe because my stamina has yet to recover.

I gathered the mana in the surroundings and imbued the sword with a sharpening enchantment and readied my strike, I pointed the blade towards the direction of my pursuer.

"You must have a death wish to have followed me here!" I shouted at the hooded man who was now just a few steps away from me. I raised the sword to strike the man, but the cloaked figure swiftly crouches to the ground.

"Please put the sword down! My prince!!" The hooded man shrieked pathetically then prostrated himself on the ground.

"This voice…?" My grip loosened and my hands dropped the sword in shock.

The kneeling man raised his head and removed the hood covering his face.

It was Omri, my attendant. A man who served my family for more than two decades. It was comforting to know that one of your close confidants survived the palace siege a few hours ago.

"My Prince..." He then knelt properly before me. "I am thankful that you are safe." I saw his face swell with relief, his eyes wet with tears.

I picked up the sword I dropped and shoved it to my spatial inventory. Then, I held out my hand to help him stand.

"Be at ease, Omri."

Omri was wearing a slightly tattered Seditio cloak, underneath it was a torn, black dress shirt and black trousers. It looked like the remnants of the uniform he wore back in the Palace.

His usual energetic voice had become bleak. Small abrasions were visible on his arms and several bruises on his face. His long brown hair usually was tied up in a neat fashion, but looking at his state now, he looked like a veteran who escaped from a violent skirmish. Looks like he cut off his hair in haste as it was uneven on one side, his fringes were covering his pale green eyes. As if he was hiding it on purpose. He also had a long, dried-out cut on his left cheek.

Omri grabbed my hand and stood up. He wiped his tears like an orphaned child. Most of the servants in the Palace were not used to the sight of violence, so he was probably traumatized when I pointed my blade at him earlier.

I stroked his back to relieve him of his troubles. When I noticed that he had calmed down, I asked him the burning question.

"Tell me, where are my parents?"