

"Help me find my parents and let us escape from here."

"My Prince, if that is what you wish, then allow me to be your shield."

Omri recalled the conversation he had with Athos earlier. He was relieved to see his master back in his usual spirit despite having the odds against him. Athos was visibly tired as he was still recovering from mana exhaustion.

'I must atone for failing to protect their majesties. I shall do everything with my utmost capacity to keep you safe, my prince.' Omri clenched his fists in frustration.


"Yes, my prince?"

"I can feel my parents' bonds are getting weaker, we need to know their whereabouts first." Athos sighed. "Do you recall where and when did you last meet them?

A bitter frown appeared on Omri's face, he paused for a bit and replied in a worried voice.

"My prince, we were able to reunite with their majesties at the emperor's study room. I believe it was a few minutes after they secured your escape-"

"Wait! Sshh!" Athos cut off Omri's reply and covered his mouth.

Both of them felt an overwhelming mana presence creeping swiftly through the alleyway. Athos hastily cast a stealth enchantment and activated telepathy while Omri reinforced his protection barrier with a concealment spell.

They witnessed the shadows in the alleyway gather up into a large dark mass then transformed into a small cloaked figure, it was as tall as a toddler and its aura was ominous. It held an obsidian pole axe with both of its hands and its gait was slow.

It was a Calamity.

Calamities are sentient apparitions that Fate conjures when divine punishment is invoked from broken Bonds. Calamities would also manifest if there was a large amount of stagnant mana. This was Fate's mechanism in order to balance the circulation of mana in the world line.

The Calamities are impervious to physical damage and are highly resistant to spells and enchantments. They also prey on objects or living things that possess mana.

The Moirais avoid them as they have the capacity to influence or corrupt a person's Threads of Fate.

Omri stared at me with an urgent expression.

[My prince, do not move an inch, do not make a sound, and do not look at its head! Else we'll be detected by it.] Omri stared at me nervously.

I held my breath and stared at the ground as the Calamity by-passed through Omri's reinforced barrier, thankfully the stealth enchantment I applied earlier was in effect and made us invisible through its eyes. I heard the figure drag its heavy weapon as it got near us. It stopped just a few steps away from Omri and then suddenly, it spoke.

Its voice was terrifying, with a few words spoken, I felt goosebumps crawl on my skin and my ears felt a dull pain. The Calamity looked around the alleyway and sighed at the empty space.

Slowly, its figure retreated back into the shadows and eventually disappeared along with its mana presence. Omri and I sighed in relief after the ordeal.

It was fortunate that I had the blessing of Fated Protection and the recoil from the Calamity's cursed voice was a lot less. Realizing this, I quickly glanced at Omri and saw him coughing blood and his nose profusely bleeding. I reached out to cast a healing spell at him, but Omri shook his head.

"My prince, do not worry, T-this is just a light wound." He then cast a high-level healing spell on his body and composed himself.

"Prince Athos, there is no need for you to waste your mana please conserve your energy."

I looked at him with a worried expression."Alright then, I'll give it a rest." I disabled the stealth enchantment surrounding us and retained the connection for telepathy.

"It is risky if someone or something hears our banter from here on. We need to get moving now, I fear our location has been compromised by that Calamity earlier." I let out a sigh and sent out a telepathic message to Omri.

[So once we leave this alley I need you to act casual, let us talk over using telepathy. Walk beside me and act like a brother alright?]

Omri nodded obediently, he quickly wiped off the dry blood from his face and wore his cloak. He canceled the barrier and cast a close-proximity illusion spell on the both of us, causing my silver hair to turn brown just like Omri's hair.

We then exited the alleyway and headed off to the main road. I felt relieved, I finally found an ally from this mess.


Omri Fidelis a half-blood born from a commoner father and the Duchess of the House of Fidelis, one of the prominent Sword families of the Palace of Anima.

Despite his parents' differences in rank, both of them treasured Omri and raised him amicably during his infancy.

The House of Fidelis and its vassals, however, was not pleased with his existence and voted to exempt him from the succession line of the dukedom.

Fearing for their son's safety, The Duchess and his father sent Omri to hide under the care of Turris Cura, a dear friend and the Palace's Royal Doctor. Turris and his wife Sagitta Cura, were unable to bear children, hence Omri becoming their adopted son was met with joy by the couple.

Omri flourished under the couple's tutelage, he showed great interest in the medical and healing arts and was able to fully master them before his coming of age.

He followed his adopted parents' paths and was able to obtain fame in the Palace as a Healer at the age of fifteen, which was an unprecedented achievement.

Unfortunately, House of Fidelis's vassals caught wind of the reappearance of the bastard child.

Turris, using his foresight, saw a bloody tragedy befalling Omri which was orchestrated by the vassals. Fortunately, Turris and Sagitta managed to impede their plans, causing the ruin of the House of Fidelis. And in turn, lost their noble ranks to appease the public who were in support of the duchy.

The Imperial Family witnessed the blood feud amongst their subjects. Crown Prince Lucis Regius Ferre, then stepped in as he lamented losing two of the most valuable individuals of the domain, and the only blood descendant of the House of Fidelis.

Lucis offered the Cura family protection and peerage in exchange for their loyalty and servitude. The couple accepted the gesture, and gradually helmed the household affairs of the Imperial Family.

When Lucis was crowned Emperor, Turris became the Head Butler while Sagitta became the Head Maid of the Ferre Imperial family.

Two years later, on the 12th day of the Month of Spring.

Empress Florestella Nocte Ferre, then gave birth to the new crown prince. Athos Dimitte Ferre, it was expected that Omri will be assigned to become the prince's attendant.


There were a lot of thoughts going through Omri's head. He recalled Athos telling him to act like a brother as they walk through the streets.

It felt foreign for him to walk by at the same pace and at the side of the prince. Palace etiquette made his habit of walking behind Athos the norm. He felt a bit of nostalgia as he noticed their difference in height. Omri then recalled his first day of serving Athos.

Omri met the prince on his 3rd month anniversary.

As he saw the prince lying down on his cradle, He initially felt joy seeing the child's vibrant face. But his eyes had a hint of sadness as it reminded him of the time when his adopted parents informed him of his lineage.

"My Prince, you're so lucky." He whispered softly as he spun the mobile hanging on the cradle. "I'll be serving you hereafter." He gently caressed the infant's soft silver hair.

The little prince sensed Omri's dismay and looked at him with a puzzled expression at first. Eventually, the expression changed into a beaming smile.

The prince's vibrant emerald eyes were inquisitive and had an adorable gloss to them, his rosy cheeks jiggling as he waved his arms at Omri. It looked like the prince was begging to be carried.

Omri was smitten.

He gently assisted the infant's neck and head, then carefully picked him up from his cradle and allowed the little prince to lean on his chest.

He glanced at the child and said with an endearing tone. "I guess it's okay to spoil you like this since you're so adorable." The prince showed a satisfied smile and was giggling in Omri's arms.

"My dear prince."


[Didn't I tell you to act casually and walk by my side? You're lagging behind again, Omri.] I stopped and looked back at Omri.

[My apologies, my prince, got distracted for a bit there. It won't happen again.] Omri stared at me with apologetic eyes.

[Alright then, remember to walk beside me, not behind.] I sighed and held onto Omri's right hand. [I need to hold on to big brother so I won't get lost.]

"Brother are you tired?" I gave Omri a cheeky grin.

"N-no, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me… l-little brother, let's head home." I saw Omri's ears flush a bit.

We had to act like siblings so as not to arouse suspicion from the people around us. Omri's illusion spell gave us the perfect disguise but we had to act our parts as commoners and as siblings to make it convincing.

[Earlier, before we got interrupted by the Calamity you mentioned that you met up with my parents in the study... Can you tell me what happened after I left?] I gave Omri a look of anticipation.

Omri settled down from his blushing and then took a deep breath. [The majesties urged us, servants, to evacuate after informing us of the loose fate threads. As you know, Sir Turris and Miss Sagitta tried to stop them but…]

[I don't blame you or your family for not being able to stop them Omri, it was no one's fault, it was their choice.] I gave Omri an apologetic stare.

I then felt his grip tighten and his face darken.

[We were betrayed, my prince. It wasn't just the Seditio who attacked the Palace last night…]

[What do you mean by betrayed?] I stopped walking and stared at Omri straight in the eyes.

[The Church of Arbor attacked us]

I was shaken.

Six years ago, the Palace and the Church had entered a Bond of Non-Aggression after the Great Northern Strife. I remembered it well because my father almost missed my 7th birthday if he hadn't returned in time.

I scowled and clenched my fists in anger.

How were they able to stab us in the back like this and remain fine? Violating Bonds would accrue divine punishment and sometimes death. Lastly, the one who voided the bond would face the backlash of it.

Then, I recalled the Calamity we encountered earlier.

Like a helpless rabbit being cornered by a hungry wolf. My hope for escape vanished.


To be Continued.
