
Escape Part 1

Athos winced in pain on the cobbled ground, his hands gripped his chest, and the bonds he shared with his parents were violently beating down on his heart. He felt the bonds constrict and pull his insides and his breathing became labored.






"Ugh… It hurts…"

Athos struggled to catch his breath, the pain on his chest was so intense, he lost track of the dreadful event that was unfolding before him.

[No…No! Their majesties!]

The sound of Omri's telepathy snapped Athos back to his senses. He immediately looked up at Omri who was standing beside him.

Omri's face had gotten pale, his eyes reflected despair, his mouth quivered with shock, and his fists trembled with anger. This was the first time that Athos saw Omri in an agitated state.

A feeling of dread slowly crept Athos' body, he took a deep breath, and gradually got back up. He followed Omri's gaze towards the center of the plaza.

At the platform, a man and a woman were bound tightly on a stake. Surrounding the couple was a platoon of heavily armed men, all of which wore a set of black armor and blackened swords attached to their waists.

The heads of the bound man and the woman were covered by a black cloth, their hands and feet were shackled by heavy chains, their bodies showed signs of torture as their limbs and arms were littered by cuts and bruises, their wounds were fresh and was oozing blood, which stained the white robes that they were wearing.




Athos squirmed as his bonds throbbed violently. He recognized the robes that the pitiful couple was wearing. It was no doubt, the ones his parents wore last night. His eyes dilated in shock and an overwhelming rage started to fill his thoughts.

"Let us start the trial of these treacherous creatures!" Docere grabbed the headcovers of the two pitiful beings, exposing their bruised and bleeding faces.

It was Emperor Lucis and Empress Florestella, the couple was unconscious and their heads limped when Docere uncovered them.

"It's not that dramatic if both of you are asleep." Docere scratched his head and sighed at the unresponsive prisoners. "Hey, wake up you fuckers! Help me entertain the audience!" Docere slapped both Lucis and Florestella on the cheeks. "Come on!" He repetitively smacked the couple until their mouths and noses drew blood.

The audience laughed and admired the display, to think they would see Anima's powerful leaders fall from grace and be manhandled by one of the Brothers.

Seeing Docere's attitude towards his parents, angered Athos, while Omri winced as he witnessed Seditio's cruelty. Both men found it difficult to restrain their emotions, it wasn't wise to be swayed by Docere's taunts. They were surrounded and were clearly outnumbered by their enemies, blowing their cover would surely lead to their demise.

Irritated by their unresponsiveness, Docere raised his staff and cast an electrocution spell towards Florestella and Lucis.

"I said wake up!"



The couple was violently woken up, blood dripped from their nose and mouths as they coughed and gasped for air.

"Good! Still alive and kicking, it's too early to lose you both so soon." Docere chuckled with a satisfied expression on his face.

Something snapped inside Athos, seeing his parents being helpless and being tortured by a deranged man triggered his rage further. He then started to gather mana around him.

[This bastard dares to…!] Athos clenched his fists in anger and his irises slowly turned to gold.

Athos was about to cast a spell towards the platform area when suddenly, Omri reinforced his illusion barrier with a repelling enchantment, dispersing the mana surrounding Athos.

[Prince Athos, please calm yourself!] Omri firmly gripped Athos' arm. [We are surrounded by our enemies, we can't risk getting caught here! Do not lose yourself!] Omri's hand tightened as he held onto Athos.

Docere felt a faint divine presence lingering from the audience before him.

"Hmmm, looks like we have some troublemakers here… we can't afford to have this festive day ruined!" Docere snapped his fingers, and half of the armored men from the platform knelt before him. "Find the intruders, and put them to their rightful places."

The armored men then scattered and started to roam around the plaza and into the crowd. Some of the Church of Arbor's sorcerers also joined in on the hunt.

Docere had a wicked smile etched on his face, and slowly the smile turned into chuckles as he thought of an idea that would bring additional entertainment.

"Everyone! Listen up, before we continue with The Great Judgement, let's play a game."

The audience before Docere was getting impatient, they were looking forward to the bloody fall of Anima's leaders, however, the schedule of events had been delayed by an impromptu game.

"Now, now, settle down my brothers and sisters! This is no ordinary game." Docere cackled maniacally. "It seems we have pretenders hiding in the crowd." Docere then took out a heavy coin pouch and shook it, the sound of coins grabbed the crowd's attention.

"I will provide a handsome reward to anyone who will be able to bring these pretenders to the stage… I really want to see them, dead or alive either way is fine!"

Docere then threw the contents of the pouch towards the crowd. "Consider this my downpayment."

The audience near the platform scurried towards the coins, one of the onlookers managed to pick up one of the coins and inspected it.

"A-a… a platinum coin!! I'm rich, I'm rich!"

Coins were the universal currency of Jumana, there are four types of coins that are being circulated throughout the continent. Copper, silver, gold, and platinum.

One platinum coin was equal to a million gold coins.

The crowd was stunned, greed started to encroach the onlookers, and slowly, most of the attendees gathered in the plaza started to scrutinize each other.

A man raised his sleeve, exposing a scar on his left forearm.

An older man showed his scabbing scar on his left forearm.

A middle-aged woman asked her younger sibling

The youth energetically replied.

[Damn this...If someone approaches us, we'll be caught.] Omri added a minor stealth enchantment on his barrier to hide Athos' divine aura and to mask their presence.

[I can only hold this for twenty minutes.] Omri was sweating buckets as he utilized a multitude of enchantments and spells. He was near his limit.

Omri noticed that some of the Church's sorcerers had detected Athos' Divinity, some of the officers and the sorcerers were now scrambling to their vicinity.

[My prince, we need to move. NOW.] Omri tried to drag Athos away from the plaza, his grip was firm and forceful however Athos refused to budge.

[But Omri… Mother and father… I need to save them!] Athos glared at Omri. His eyes were still golden and a burning rage was visible on Athos' face.

[I can't just let them die here!] Athos tried to pull himself away from Omri's grip.

Omri then noticed the suspicious gazes coming from the people near them. Athos and Omri's body language looked like an arguing pair, which was far detached from the sense of brotherhood that Docere insinuated with his game.

'If this continues… not one of us will make it out alive from this City.' Omri pondered in the worst-case scenario.

[If I was able to save Sagitta… Why won't you let me do the same for my parents?!] Teardrops started to flow uncontrollably from Athos's eyes.

Omri noticed the guards and sorcerers and inching closer to their location, the panic was now starting to seep through his morale.

[Prince Athos, saving my mother is different from needlessly throwing your life.] Omri groaned, his face was etched with a bitter expression.

[When I swore to be your shield… I swore to protect you... and to prevent you from self-sacrificing yourself.]

Omri then used both his arms to restrain the squirming Athos, he grabbed both of Athos' arms and cast a restraining spell on them.

[Let me go, Omri… please…! Let me save them.] Athos tried to free himself from Omri's restraints but due to their difference in physique Athos' attempts were fruitless.

[This time, I really won't let go.] Omri gazed at Athos' eyes with determination. He then activated a higher stealth enchantment on the barrier and lifted the restrained Athos on his shoulder. [Please bear with this.]

Omri quickly evaded the sorcerers and the guards. Thankfully, his over-enchanted barrier was enough to hide both of them. Omri stealthily snuck away from the crowd.

As they gradually flee the central area, Athos felt his bonds reverberate.




[Argh… the bonds, its… so painful.] Athos felt his bonds pulsate and constrict, the pain was excruciating and it made him squint and groan.

[[My… Son…]] A soft voice echoed from his heart.

Athos and Omri's eyes widened in shock.

[[Athos… Omri...]] A stern voice rang through his chest.

Athos recognized those voices. It was his parents, they were speaking to him through their bonds. Omri was equally startled as he clearly heard their voices ring through his head.

[[Ath my… child… it is not your time yet…]] Florestella spoke weakly. [[You must… Live… Live and survive for our sake.] Slowly, Florestella's bond faltered.

[[Run away Omri, as fast… as you can… Protect Athos…]] Lucis's voice trembled as his bond wavered.

[No! I refuse, don't… Don't leave me! I want to go with you.] Athos' tears fell relentlessly,

[I will follow your wishes… Your majesties.] Omri tasted bitterness on his mouth, he also felt his shoulder get drenched by Athos' tears. Guilt was clearly seen on Omri's face.

[[Our time is almost here, Athos, we're sorry… for not telling you of this…]] Florestella's voice was full of sorrow, eventually, Athos felt her bond fading.

[[Take... care of yourself, Athos… Please, live on… For us…]] Lucis's bond faded.

[[Do not blame yourself… Ath… Remember, you… are not… alone.]]

Athos felt the throbbing in his chest disappear. He also felt his parents' bonds vanish.


To be Continued.
