

My body ached as I felt a cold and hard surface against my back. "Ugh… why is it chilly and uncomfortable…" Then, I recalled the moment Sagitta stroked my face, an overwhelming feeling of drowsiness took over me and I seem to have fallen asleep again.

I pondered for a bit and the hard surface that I was lying on troubled me.

"Wait… wasn't I on a bed earlier?"

Upon realizing my predicament, I opened my eyes and to my astonishment, there was nothing before me, the pieces of furniture and the bed itself had disappeared. Omri and Sagitta were nowhere to be found and only an eerie silence greeted me in an endlessly empty, white space.

"...The memory room?"

As I looked around the space, I noticed a black, double door slowly materializing a few paces in front of me. Eventually, it manifested fully and It became an ornate one as its door frame, carvings, hinges, and knobs were gilded with gold. The ornate carvings had an insignia of a tree, a serpent, a tapestry needle, and thread. An unknown force was beckoning me to come near it, and I felt my legs move on their own towards it.

"Strange…" I scratched my head and crossed my arms as I skimmed through my memories. "I don't recall seeing this door in the past."

I brushed my fingers along the surface of the door, it was cold and it felt heavy. I used the door knocker to check for any response from the other end, but there was no response.

My hands stretched out to reach for the knobs, an overwhelming curiosity tempted me to open the doors. I managed to grab ahold of it and was about to twist and open them but an overwhelming mana presence suddenly flooded the room.

"YyyYoOouu AarrEe NnNooTt YyeTt CcoOmppPLletTtEee!!"

I turned my back towards the direction of the angry voice, and then saw the five masses of shadows I saw when I first got stranded in my Memory Room.

"IiIttT IissS NnOoTt yyEtt Ttimme! SSsTtoOppP!"

"NnNoO!! NnNoo!! NNoOo!"

"DDddoOonNntT OoOppeEnN!"

"GgoOo BbbaAaaCccKkK!! GgOoo BbBaaCCk!!"

"YYyyOouU MmUussTt NNoTt MmeEeeeTttT!!"

Their loud shrieks echoed throughout the space, their wails were too garish and it was painful to hear. I released my grip from the knobs and covered my ears instead. I tried to dampen their voices, but one of the shadows came close and passed my body, A sudden icy chill slammed through me as the apparitions walked through.

The shadows started to consume my body. It felt like I was thrown into a frozen lake to drown. I then heard the doors open, I tried to check who came out from it, but my vision was blocked by the masses of shadows.

"HHHhhiiiDdEee HHhHiiImMM!!"

"EEsSCCcaaPPee FFfrRoOmm HhEeRrEe!! GGgeeTtt OooOuUT!!"

"WwWAaAKkkeeE UuUpP!!"


"AAatTthhooSss!! WwWaAkKkee UuUpPp!!"

The empty space, then suddenly turned dark and my vision faded. Next thing I knew, the sensation of falling down woke me up.

I found myself awake, My body was drenched with my own sweat and I felt the smooth, stone floor beneath me. I looked around and saw a mana lantern on the side table that dimly lit the bedroom.

"I'm… back?"



A loud thud reverberated through the silent manor, it sounded like something heavy fell down on the floor and it grabbed the attention of both Omri and Sagitta who were hastily packing up their provisions.

"Mother... did you hear that?" Omri quickly got up from the ground and removed the heavy rucksack attached to his back.

"That sound… It came from the bedroom!" Sagitta's jade irises dilated and her face was etched with panic. She swiftly darted out of the larder and ran through the hall, Omri followed behind her a few paces back.

Eventually, they reached the bedroom at the end of the hallway where Athos was, they opened the door cautiously and saw Athos, sitting on the floor. His face was pale and sweat dribbled from his body.

Omri's face was etched with relief, he rushed to Athos' side to quickly check on his condition and his vitals. He then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Athos' sweat.

"My prince! Thank goodness, you're finally awake." He then wrapped his arms around Athos and embraced him tightly.

"Um… Omri, I can't breathe… your arms… Ugh…" Athos wiggled and prodded Omri's chest as he tried to free himself from his grasp.

"Ah… I'm sorry my prince! It seems my emotions got a hold of me." Omri released Athos quickly and bowed apologetically, his face looked a little dejected.

"Good to see you awake now… Little prince." A gentle smile was visible from Sagitta's face. Her eyes expressed relief and her face brightened.

"...Sagitta, I'm sorry for worrying you." Athos held a feeble smile, he slowly got up on his feet while Omri supported his back.

Their solemn reunion was interrupted when Athos' stomach suddenly growled loudly. It seems that his body was in need of food, after all, he was asleep for two days and the only sustenance he received was Sagitta's, Mana Ward. Athos' face flushed red in embarrassment and he clung on Omri's chest to hide his face in shame.

Omri and Sagitta chuckled softly as they saw the little prince back to his spirits. Both of them felt relief as Athos managed to wake up a few hours before their departure from Parte.

"I'll cook dinner first then." Omri walked towards the door. "Mother, please watch over the prince for the meantime. I'll be in the kitchen, food should be ready in thirty minutes… I'll bring it over." He then darted off the room.

Athos and Sagitta were then left alone in the bedroom an awkward silence briefly settled in, Athos went back to his bed and sat down then propped himself on the headboard. He then gazed at Sagitta with an inquisitive expression.

"Sagitta… You… probably have some questions in your mind." Athos let out a sigh.

"I do, and a lot of them, little prince." Sagitta scratched her head. "Then, first and foremost, your physical healing abilities and pain tolerance are outstanding."

Sagitta then crossed her arms and looked at Athos with a stern face. "When we reunited in the watermill, I felt the blessing you had was quite peculiar…"

"You probably felt a bit troubled by it, I'm sorry for keeping it from you, Sagitta." Athos did a shallow bow with his head, his face also had an apologetic expression.

"Don't apologize my little prince! It's just that I never expected that it would turn out to be the Empress' blessing." Sagitta then took a seat on a wooden chair next to Athos' bed. "Yes, this is actually the first time I saw the Fated Protection at work. I only read about it through the imperial archives… but seeing the genuine article in the flesh…" Sagitta's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Little prince, were you made aware of the full capabilities of that blessing that was bestowed to you?"

Athos' suddenly felt curious. "Well… Mother only told me in the past that it can block out all manner of curses and poisons… and also helped in healing."

Sagitta nodded. "But did you also know that it can also save you from sudden death?"

Athos' emerald irises dilated in shock and his jaw dropped. This was the first time time he has heard of it as his parents nor the Tome of Moirais did not elaborate more about the said blessing.

"...No, I wasn't aware." Athos's face paled.

"I see, then… I guess it is about time I tell you then." Sagitta then stood up, closed the door, and cast a barrier around the room.

Athos looked at Sagitta with a befuddled expression. "What's with the precautions?"

"Because this discussion is only going to be between us, little prince." A shrewd grin appeared on Sagitta's face. "We can't risk having this information leaked."

Sagitta then returned to her seat and inched close to Athos' side.

"Little prince, The Fated Protection is not from the Ferre Bloodline." Sagitta paused for a bit as she pondered. "It was actually from your Mother's bloodline."

"Is that the reason why it was only passed through the Empresses?"

"Yes… and no." Sagitta chuckled. "This might be a little confusing, but the blessing can only be bestowed to someone who has the blood of Ult running through their veins."

"Blood of Ult…?" Athos scratched his head in confusion.

"The Ult... they are a nomadic warrior tribe that lived in the southern deserts. They are Moirais like us..." Sagitta then stood up and adjusted the light on the mana lantern by the bedside.

"The Palace calls them the House of Nocte… does it ring a bell, little prince?"

Athos then realized that the name Sagitta had mentioned was from his mother's maiden name. Florestella Nocte Ferre.

"Mother… was an Ult?" Bewilderment was etched on Athos' face.

"Yes, and she was a powerful one too… Every daughter of the Ult is born with an innate protection blessing, its ability varies. Fate would sometimes grant Ult infants with physical protection, or strong mana protection, but the common ones are poison resistance or curse resistance... Your mother was born with a rare kind of protection." Sagitta then returned to her seat and her face darkened.

"Your mother, the empress, was born with Divine Protection. Her blessing… Also allowed the beholder to avoid death but for a price."

Sagitta then disabled the barrier inside the room.


To be Continued.
