
Twins Part 3

The soft humming of nocturnal creatures echoed through the forest. Mist and dew-covered the trees and the bushes and a gentle breeze course through the treetops.

It was two hours before the break of dawn, the embers of the campfire had died down and the forest was dimly lit by the stars shining brightly in the night sky.

Sagitta jerks up awake as she senses a Mana presence approaching the camp. Her irises turn golden as she activates the Wards of Protection around their tents.

'It's fast… Who… or what is it?'

She quickly pulls out a knife from her spatial inventory and goes outside her tent to confront the incoming intruder.

As she emerges, a cold wind passes her by, Sagitta's hair sways along with the breeze, as an emerald falcon descends from the dark sky.

It was Tuerri's mana.

The falcon's eyes locked onto Sagitta and it gradually transformed into a sealed envelope. Sagitta reached her arm out to catch the letter with her hand. The letter had an insignia of the House of Monte and the initials of 'T.S.' was visible on one corner.

Sagitta's eyes blanked and her mouth gapes in disbelief, she did not expect that she would receive a prompt response from Tuerri. She hastily opens it and reads the contents.


{I give you my sincere condolences and I would like to thank you for letting me know of what happened to Turris.}

A sigh of relief escapes from Sagitta's mouth. 'I guess attaching Turris' old sketches helped in getting a response from him.'

She wasn't expecting a tame reply nor aid from Tuerri, especially after her relationship with Turris' family deteriorated after their elopement. She then continues to read the letter.

{However, due to unexpected circumstances, I can't commit a warm welcome nor safe passage for you and your companions into the City. Sequi is currently being plagued by senseless murders, especially against Moirais. There is discord amongst the Council and I can't guarantee your safety if your group wishes to seek shelter within our city.}

"Against the Moirais?" Sagitta's eyes squinted in annoyance. "The Council is in discord?" She then scratches her head in frustration.

'If that's the case, then… it is likely that Seditio had already infiltrated Sequi's politics. This is going to be difficult.' Sagitta groans, she knew that entering the city without any preparations would bring them trouble. 'Seeking asylum to the eastern continent will be tricky.' She contemplates for a bit and proceeds to read the last paragraph.

{Although, I wish to know more about what happened to Turris during the fall of Anima, and I would like to speak to you personally about it. If you agree to meet with me, please reply to this swift letter and I shall provide you with temporary refuge, courtesy of the Orto Mercantile Group.}

{Tuerri Monte}

A feeble smirk forms on Sagitta's face. She knew that meeting Tuerri would allow them to escape the clutches of Seditio.

"Looks like I have no choice but to meet him when we arrive in Sequi." Sagitta pulls out Turris' signet ring and activates the enchantment on it.

"I'll need to meet him as soon as possible to help the Prince and Omri escape..."


Tuerri's eyes were sunken, there were dark rings under his eyes due to lack of sleep. The sunrise outside his window blinded him as the light gradually seeped through the glass. He had burned the midnight oil after receiving correspondence from his siblings in Orto. His elder brothers and sisters were shocked to learn of Turris' demise and wanted to learn more about the fall of the Palace of Anima.

A steady stream of Swift Letters flew out from Tuerri's balcony and the sounds of birds of prey knocking on the glass windows resonated through the room.

Tuerri clicks his tongue in annoyance. "I should have told them to send only one letter at a time… Ugh, these damn letters!" He slammed his fist on the study table.

An exhausted sigh escaped from his mouth after being overwhelmed by the constant arrivals of letters. Tuerri was about to discard the newly-arrived mail, however, he hesitated as he opted to wait for a particular falcon to arrive.

"That woman… will she reply? Tuerri scratches his head. "If she and her companions managed to survive from the Palace, they might know something about Seditio… Those damned fanatics."

The man was also bothered by the recent entry of Seditio's officers into Sequi. Although the Agnoscere was still in place, Seditio's followers, the Brethren have been steadily increasing since the past week. Their propaganda efforts bore fruit as half of Sequi's residents opted to adapt with Seditio's beliefs. Seeds of animosity and hatred towards the Moirais had started to sprout.

Tuerri notices a blue light shining by the windows, he quickly turns his head and sees a blue falcon land on the balcony. Tuerri rushed to it while it transformed into a sealed envelope. He collected it from the floor, opened it and studied the contents.

{Tuerri Monte,}

{I'm grateful for your response. My companions and I are currently traversing the southwestern outskirts of Sequi, we are set to arrive at noon today.}

{Due to the sensitive nature of my companions, I can't risk them getting involved with the Council nor your Mercantile operations. And I refuse your offer of shelter.}

Tuerri's eyes were filled with curiosity, he was puzzled at Sagitta's apprehension towards his offer of refuge.

{Instead, I would like to request asylum to Orto for my companions. I'll speak to you about the details personally if you agree to meet with me alone. Please come at 7 o'clock in the evening to the ruins of the old Sequi Lighthouse where Turris' old laboratory once stood.}

{Kindly attend without your aides and don't disclose to anyone regarding the contents of this letter.}

{Sagitta Cura}

"Who are the people she's travelling with anyway?" He massaged his chin as he pondered. "Could it be… a survivor of the Palace?" Tuerri's eyes dilated in shock.

It was made known that the Imperial Family of Anima had gone missing after the day of The Great Judgement. The Emperor and the Empress had vanished alongside with the Crown Prince.

The Church of Arbor and Seditio sent word throughout the land to track down and exterminate anyone who was associated or involved with the Palace of Anima. The promise of generous rewards for succeeding in exterminating Moirais blinded the people, and this encouraged blood to spill the streets of Sequi.

Tuerri knew he could use Sagitta and her companions as leverage to regain control of the city.

"I guess we'll find out tonight once we meet." Tuerri smirks. "I should prepare just in case…"