Chapter Six: Alone In the Dark

" You fell asleep."

Harry turned around to stare at the blonde boy. They were alone in the hall and Malfoy popped up out of no where.

The Gryffindor was on his way to the quidditch pitch. Ron and a few others were meeting him there for a quick game. It was Saturday and no one had to be up early, but they wanted to get the game in before it got too dark, so Harry was in a hurry.

The sight of the blonde, as well as the fact that he had spoken out loud, left Harry in a moment of confusion. He continued to gap at the boy, his arms dangling at his side, his broom loose in his fingers.

They haven't used words to talk in what seemed like forever, even though he knew it was only a few weeks. Unless you counted when they were in their group but even then they never made eye contact when doing it and it was short questions or responses.

Harry almost didn't understand the Slytherin now.

" Didn't you?"

Malfoy stepped closer and Harry matched him with every step, backing up until he hit a door.

" Errr." Harry managed to get out. He swallowed trying to dislodge the lump in his throat and to buy time to think of another response.

" That was a very rude thing to do, Potter."

Harry found himself staring at Malfoy's mouth. He took for granted how beautifully simple it was to form words. It was almost an art. How Malfoy's pink tongue touched his teeth when he said the letter 'T' or the way his lips pressed together to form the begging of his name.

They were close now and Harry felt himself leaning towards the blonde instead of away. His back was no longer resting on the wood behind him as he stretched forward. He licked his dry lips.

" One could take that as a rejection."

" No." It was said quietly because it wasn't what he meant to say, but it managed to come out anyway. Malfoy's lips twitched, possibly holding back a smile at Harry's quick response.

He took a step closer and leaned his face in. For a wild moment Harry thought he was going to kiss him. His heart lept into his throat, where it erupted into a tango of erratic beats. But the Slytherin side tracked his face and went for his ear.

Harry never gave him the chance to speak.

" This is the spell."

It was supposed to be the bucket of cold water, the cruel hard truth, the reality of things crashing down on the hyped atmosphere around them. And when Malfoy didn't move right away, Harry got scared for the first time.

They both knew it was the spell. He didn't doubt that. The words were meant to be a reminder. A warning so they could get things under control again; over power it and suppress this.

But if Malfoy didn't try to fight it Harry wasn't sure he could do it on his own. It was strong and he needed help. This split second Malfoy was using to think was making Harry's stomach turn. What if the other boy ignored Harry's warning?

The door behind Harry swung open and sent the teen into the blonde before him. Green eyes met grey and the intense emotions swimming in Malfoy's sent a shock straight to Harry's groin. His hand went to Malfoy's chest. The handle of his broom hit the door, but he barely noticed the impact. Harry could feel Malfoy's heart thumping beneath his fingers.

The blonde's slender hand was gripping Harry's hip tightly. The breath Harry had been holding escaped in short shallow wisps. The door opened again, this time with more force and Harry grunted as it slammed into his body.

Malfoy finally stepped back. Harry moved to the side and a short first year nearly tripped over her self as she ran from the room.

The girl hardly glanced at Harry and Malfoy as she fled to the safety of her dorm.

She had heard stories about the castle and wasn't going to get trapped in one of it's crazy twisted mazes. Joan, a second year, informed her the castle could, and given the chance would eat her alive and that kids went missing all the time. She wasn't about to be one of them.

Harry had the urge to peek inside the room to see why she was in there in the first place.

" You going for a fly?" And just like that the spell was broken. Malfoy asked his question from his safe distance.

" Quidditch."

Malfoy nodded and shifted his weight from on leg to the other.

" Have fun then." He said, before turning and heading the opposite direction Harry was going.

The Gryffindor ran a hand through his messy hair as he continued to the pitch. Awkward and embarrassing moments were always part of his life. Most people couldn't avoid it, but it was occurring much too often as of late. He was beginning to become immune. Shrugging it off, he turned his focus to the game a head of him.

I've found it.

Harry didn't hesitate as he threw his shoe onto the floor. It was an hour before dinner and he was alone in his room. He planned to organize some of his things. He'd never been particularly neat, but even he could admit it had gotten out of hand lately. His books were haphazardly strewn across the room. Yes, room, not just his bedside.

When Neville found one under his pillow the night before, Harry made the decision to clean up.

He stared at the mess before him. Various objects, sweaters, shoes, and a ripped bag all carpeted the stone floor, there was an old licorice whip stuck to his bed post, broken quills and parchment, both used and blank, dotted the large pile of garments in the corner near Harry's chest. He winced at how bad it had gotten.

Ron sympathized, but wasn't going any further then that. He offered no help and Harry was relieved he didn't blame the other teen. It was getting better between them. Almost as if Malfoy stopped wishing the red headed boy dead. Or at the very least avoided what ever had been causing him to get so angry. And consequently, Harry angry.

The red head was down stairs showing off his chess skills to any one who hadn't already seen them. Which left about four people. But it was enough for him.

Hermione had disappeared to where ever she had been going to lately. Harry was sure if he asked Malfoy, he would discover his dark haired Slytherin companion would be missing as well. He hadn't had the chance to ask Hermione about her meetings with Pansy, yet, and made a mental note to do so.

What did you find? He answered Malfoy's question.

Your dirty little secret.

And what is that?

You hate time.


Time. You wish to destroy it. You make no effort to cover up your hate of it. You laugh in it's face and I suspect you plan to over throw it.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about you're complete inability to be on time for things. Which thanks to this plight I'm in, I've been tardy to nearly every appointment I've had since the start of it. I don't even know how it happens. It's like I have some cosmic force preventing me from arriving on time.

Harry dropped his other shoe onto the floor and sat cross legged on his bed.

Well, then it's not my fault is it? It's beyond my control.

No, It's beyond my control. You, I'm sure just allow it to happen. I'm under the spell, you're just hopeless.


Harry picked at the petrified candy on his bed post. He couldn't recall how it even got there or how long ago it happened, but judging by how fused it was with the wood, he'd wager it been a while.

You just need to become more aware. But I suppose it's part of your charm. At least I have proof you're not all good. You have a rebel in you some where.

My being late tells you that?

Yes. You cast aside societies rules. You dare to make a stand against the preconceived notions. You are above schedules and appointments, beyond it's meaningless measure. Father time has no hold on you.

Harry fell onto the bed he was laughing so hard.

Okay. So maybe not. But there is hope.

Why are trying so hard to corrupt me?

I'm just trying to prove you aren't as wholesome as you appear.

Harry's mess was quickly forgotten as he settled into another debate slash conversation with the blonde. Before he knew it, it was time for diner.

This is ridicules, Potter.

Professor Nichol's hair? I know. I think her owl must have mistaken it for a nest.

No. I mean yes. Obviously. But that's not what I'm talking about. We can't ignore this.


Professor Nichol went on with her lecture, unaware of the conversation two students were having in her class.

She was a short witch with a big mouth and the only one allowed to talk in this room was her. Harry was grateful he adapted to their telepathic connection so well. He could now carry on a separate conversation in his head while the outside world was none the wiser.

It was useful in situations like this, as well as when he didn't want to bother his friends.

This new direction the spell is heading.

What do mean? Harry forced down the intuition that was telling him this wasn't something they should discuss.

Isn't it bothering you? Not being near me?

I'm kind of out of sorts lately.

Out of sorts? Do you know what people are saying about you? I've heard everything from your depressed- ready to jump, to you're possessed, to you're going to join the ranks of the dark lord.

What's your point? Harry didn't mention his recent bouts of anger were coming from the other teen.

We need to do something about it.

Like what? Again a nervousness inched it's way into Harry's gut.

I'm not sure.

Maybe we should go to Dumbledore.

And have him send us away with a pat on the back and a lemon drop? He's not going to tell us anything new.

She's eyeing you.

Harry looked up from the scribbles on his parchment to find the professor peering at him. He resisted the smirk he wanted to give her, something he had to do a lot lately, and waited.

Maybe he hadn't perfected it as well as he thought. Could she tell he wasn't paying her any attention?

A bell on her desk went off signaling the end of class. It was an addition she made after getting too many complaints that her classes ran ten to twenty minutes over. Not from the students, but other professors. She really talked too much.

Harry made his way out of the class with the rest of the students.

We'll talk more tonight. Try not to be late.

He was planning on arriving ten minutes before their scheduled time. Mostly to spite Malfoy. He ate diner early, told Ron he was heading out and went to grab his things so he could get to the library in time.

But fate intervened.

It was his turn to bring the parchment. He received it at their last meeting and finished up almost immediately, after which he left it on his chest, so it wouldn't get mixed in with his other classes work.

Panic seized him as he searched the mess, he never got around to cleaning, for the missing parchment. He could see the looks on everyone's face if he had to announce he had lost the report with only one more section to go. He didn't want to disappoint the group. Despite his mixed feelings toward them, he couldn't deny they had all worked hard on this.

He threw aside a bright yellow scarf, who's origin was unknown to him. It wasn't the first time he noticed something new in his belongings. He discovered a pink tooth brush yesterday sitting on top of his potions book.

He suspected his friends placed random objects in his pile of junk to see if he noticed. He was certain they were betting on him and once more made a vow to get it all straightened up. But for now he had other problems.

Tick Toc.

Quiet. This is your fault in the first place. I can't find anything in this mess. Harry turned over a book and leafed through the pages before discarding it.

That's rich. How is your lack of organization my fault?

I was planning on cleaning it, when you distracted me.

Harry rationalized that it couldn't have just disappeared. It had be somewhere. And it was. But by the time he found it, behind the chest, it was one minute until six. He relished in the relief and then booked it for the library.

Last to arrive, as always, Harry took his place at the table. At least there was only one more meeting.

Maybe next time, Potter. Malfoy said mirroring his thoughts.

" So? Potter, do you have the parchment?"

Harry nodded and pulled it out. Smoothing the crease in it's right corner. He handed it to Adam.

" That's it then. Adam can finish it up and we all have our own parts to work on. So I figure we don't need to meet any more."

Whittany didn't hide the urgency in her voice. She was already gathering her bag.

Harry looked to Malfoy.

Remember the guy I was telling you about? Pansy set them up. They have a date tonight.

Harry looked around the table. Jane's shoulders slumped. Adam shrugged and Whittany gathered her things and left.

" I think I'll stay here and work on the paper." Adam said, pulling out a quill and some notes.

" I'll stay too. I have some more research to do." Jane said, holding back a smile.

Let's let them be alone. I have something I want to talk to you about anyway.

Harry was curious.

" I'm nearly finished, so there's no point in me staying. I trust you can handle things Adam." Malfoy nodded to the teen, then turned to Harry.

" Yeah. Me too."

Malfoy raised a brow and gathered his bag. Instead of leaving he went deeper into the library. Harry assumed he was to follow and cast a glance at Jane and Adam. Neither of the two teens left at the table were paying any attention to him.

The great thing about magic was that it made anything possible. So the seemingly small library was larger then it appeared to be. With the lack of students due to the approaching weekend there were endless seating opportunities if one looked hard enough.

Of course some restrictions were set, so naturally some spots were more desirable then others.

To Harry's surprise and confusion Malfoy chose a place in the back, secluded and cramped. Two chairs barley able to fit two bodies in them were nestled in between two large book cases. A small table separated them.

Harry shrugged and went for one of the seats.

Malfoy grabbed the back of the second one, lifted it off the ground and placed it next to Harry. As he sat, his shoulder rest on Harry's. The Gryffindor swallowed.

" So, what did you want to talk about?"

Harry wondered how it was he could carry on full conversations with Malfoy in his head, but when ever he faced the boy in person he could never find the right thing to say. Maybe his tongue hated him and just plan refused to cooperate.

" You know what I want to talk about. Just as I know you don't want to talk about it. So let's just sit here and work."

As he spoke he brought out a stack of papers and slid closer. Now his leg was pressed into Harry's. The brunette didn't move. He knew what the other boy was talking about. Harry was fighting the urge to tug Malfoy closer right now.

It had been getting stronger. The sudden craving to be nearer to Malfoy. To feel him and have close by. It wasn't sexual in nature. He just wanted to feel the other boy's presence more concretely. In any way he could.

A small touch, a light brushing of their hands, their feet touching under the table. Not that they got much opportunity, but some times it was enough just to find Malfoy in a crowd. He felt calmer having the other teen in sight.

It was building up subtly. He was half afraid they'd been feeding it and some how morphing it into something more sinister. But he never fully developed that idea.

Harry sat in his seat and stared at the brown book on the shelf across from him. He was trying to guess what it was about. A potions book perhaps. It was too ugly to be anything more.

Beside him, Malfoy was engrossed in his work.

Once in a while he would shift, adjusting his weight, but other wise he kept working. It was only five minutes in when Malfoy practically threw his quill onto the table.

After an exasperated sigh he spoke.

" Really, Potter? Are you going to pout all night? Am I going to have to tie you down?"

Harry snapped out of his daze and blinked at the blonde.

" Do you have to be so stubborn! I just thought this would be easier. For both of us. We can't let things get out of hand again."

He turned rapidly, like a snake Harry mused, and rested his hand on Harry's shoulder. His soft fingers sank into the skin exposed on Harry's neck. The warmth spread to other parts of Harry's body. From just one simple touch.

" You have to feel that too. We need to get a grip on this. You can't just ignore it."

Harry wasn't denying anything. But Malfoy must have taken his lack of work as a sign he wasn't cooperating. When really he just had nothing to work on. He required a book to work on the project, but that prospect seemed dull. He still hadn't found anything to write about. In reality he was enjoying just sitting.

He was letting the comfort he got from Malfoy wash over him and was allowing his mind wander. He felt more relaxed then he had in days. Maybe Malfoy had the right idea by letting them quell this urge they had.

Harry looked into the other boy's face, ready to explain. But when he met grey eyes all thoughts flew from his head.

They sat there looking at each other, as the tension built up around them. Not a bad vibe, but far from the soothing atmosphere they had moments ago. Some one had to break soon and move. Until that moment happened, they stared.

Some one coughed.

They turned to find a smirking Pansy staring at them. Harry was startled to see Hermione emerge from behind a book case a second later.

" Hi, Harry. Malfoy." Hermione greeted them.

" And what are you two doing?" Pansy skipped the pleasantries. Her eyes shifted between the dark and light haired teens.

" Studying, Pansy. You already know Potter and I have an extra credit assignment due soon."

Your hand. Harry reminded him.

Malfoy retracted his hand from Harry's shoulder much to Harry's relief. It was short lived however, when the blonde placed it on the Gryffindor's knee. The brunette avoided Hermione's eyes. Pansy followed the movement like a cat. Thankfully the latter part was hidden from her view.

" Just you two? In the most secluded part of the library?"

" You're right Pansy. Potter and I are sneaking around. And we just couldn't find a more private location then the library."

" Besides, I could ask you the same about Granger." He continued.

Hermione blushed, rolled her eyes and set the pile of books she had in her hand on the tiny table.

" We were studying as well. I told you about our group." Pansy answered.

" Harry, I meant to tell you about it." Hermione said. She spotted two chairs from a near by table and levitated them to the tiny one Harry and Malfoy shared.

Move your hand.

Harry was worried Hermione would see something. Malfoy just squeezed his knee.

Hermione and Pansy, with some difficulty, sat in the chairs. They were so condensed Hermione had to put her legs to the side so they could all fit.

" It's actually lucky we ran into you. And great to see your getting along. It'll help me with Ron later. Pansy and I have decided to put together an inter house study group. Every one's welcome to join."

As inconspicuously as he could, Harry slid his left hand under the table. He grappled with Malfoy's while trying to look like he was listening. When the blonde pinched him, he gave up.

" And I hope you two will come along. You both would be fine examples of how any one could over come their differences and become friends."

" Now wait a minute, Granger."

His hand left Harry's.

" I don't know what you think is going on here, but Potter and I are just trying to survive this. We're not announcing to the whole school that we're best mates for life."

Harry frowned at the table. Hermione frowned at Malfoy. Pansy outright scowled at him.

" No. But you are getting along. And I thought..." Hermione fell short. She didn't expect that.

" Stop being such a tenacious ass. Forget about your reputation, Draco. I know you've changed your mind about Potter and I know you don't really care what other people think. You're going to be part of our study group. And you will be at every meeting. You may be able to fool them, but I know you."

Harry's eyes widened when Malfoy didn't respond. He'd never heard any one talk to the blonde that way before, with out them getting serious lip back. Pansy must have some sort of super powers.

" Fine, but I'm not talking to any one. And that includes Potter."

" Please. Who else are you going to talk to? I'll be far too busy and Blaise, stubborn ass as well, hasn't agreed to come yet. I doubt you can get such stimulating conversation out of Goyle."

Bloody bint.

Harry let out a soft snort of laughter. Pansy's eyes shot to him as if she knew what Malfoy had thought. She probably did.

" Great. It'll be less academics at first and more of an impromptu meeting. I'm sure people are going to be curious about it. Pansy and I are working out the details, but we hope to have the first meeting soon."

Pansy gave Harry a look he couldn't decipher before she spoke up again.

" Come on, Granger. That's enough for now. Let's get going. We've still got lots to do. You can explain it more later. Besides, you don't want to repeat it when you tell Weasley." She put a hand on Hermione's shoulder to encourage her movement.

The Gryffindor smiled at her new found friend and stood. They bid the boys goodbye and after Pansy took half the load of books from Hermione, they left.

" Well that was unexpected. I told you though, didn't I? They have something bigger planned. Study group my ass. They're trying to rid Hogwarts of houses. And if it were any other two people I wouldn't be half as scared."

Harry didn't give two licks about Malfoy's self indulgent whining. He wanted to leave.

He was hurt at Malfoy's vehemit dismissal at the idea of them being friends. Of course he didn't want to show off at Hermione's study group. It would just be more reason to have people talk about him behind his back, but he also wouldn't have been so admit about turning it down.

He was thinking of considering Malfoy a friend, but it took him until now to see how stupid he was. They could never be friends. The blonde just made that perfectly clear. And if they weren't going to hang out then Harry didn't want to be around him any more. Period.

But he didn't leave. He couldn't. This stupid bond wouldn't let him.

Malfoy kept describing how he could picture the two girls over throwing the school in the name of justice, completely ignorant to the raging debate Harry was having. For someone who could read his thoughts, he could be pretty dense about what was going on in his head.

But Malfoy doesn't care about other people's emotions, Harry reminded himself. The thought settled him some how. It was the way he knew things to be. A constant that was always around, like ice was cold, fish smelled bad when you left them out for days, and Malfoy would always be a selfish git.

"What's wrong with you?"

The question startled Harry. He looked over to the blonde, who had stopped his theories about Pansy and Hermione to do more work. Now he had all his attention on Harry. They were still touching from the waist down.

" I'm trying to think and your anger is getting in my way."

When Harry didn't answer Malfoy continued.

" Are you mad at Granger? That she didn't tell you, because I have to say that's kind of hypocritical of you."

" No. I... I'm not mad."

Malfoy just raised an eyebrow.

" I don't want to talk about it."

" What? Did I hear you right? You don't want to share your feelings? I must be rubbing of on you."

" This has nothing to do with you."

Malfoy looked like a cat who caught a mouse.

" So, it's about me."

He smirked.

" Just drop it Malfoy or I'll leave."

And to Harry's shocked amazement the blonde did.

" Fine, Potter. But could you try and calm down? I really can't concentrate."

It was Harry's turn to stare. The blonde stared right on back and Harry averted his gaze.

He took some breathes and relaxed the muscles in his neck.

Malfoy began scribbling a few minutes later. Then he starting reading his essay out loud, asking Harry to listen for mistakes. The Gryffindor let his head rest on his folded arms as Malfoy told him about the importance of wand movement during a transfiguration spell and before he knew it he had fallen asleep to the sound of Malfoy's voice for a second time.

" What do you think happens after school? When there are no more houses, no way to tell each other apart? Are you going to ask every one you meet what house they were in before you talk to them?"

Ron sunk further into his chair. Hermione was introducing her idea for an inter-house study group. But unlike Harry thought it was a meeting for the entire common room, not just him and Ron. The room was filled mostly with seven years. There were a few six years and two five years.

Harry was sure the second years were just looking to see why every one else was gathered together.

" In the next few years we'll all be venturing out into our work fields and that may contain some people who we don't agree with. This experience will help build our communication skills. It will teach you how to solve problems and get past our differences."

" There is a representative from each of the four house. I'm the one for Gryffindor. You'll meet the others at our first meeting. Now, it is intended for studying, but the other representatives want it to be more of a relaxed environment, so we will be having group activities."

Harry could see she was losing people. It was sounding like an ad for a retirement home. One boy stood and walked out. Hermione pressed on.

" I've already gotten confirmations from several of you. Including Neville and Harry."

Ron's eye's narrowed as he gazed at Harry, who waved as heads turned to him.

Thanks, Hermione. He thought.

" We are almost out of this and it's time to start acting like we are ready to graduate. Let's show the other houses what Gryffindor's got. The meeting time and place is posted at various spots around the castle as well as near the portrait hole. This is a great opportunity and we shouldn't waste it."

She left her spot in front of the fire place. Her cheeks pink, her head held high, she took a seat next to Ron. Harry tried to catch snippets of the murmuring around him. The room burst into quiet side conversations as soon as Hermione sat.

" Are you going?"

" It sounds boring."

" Maybe Olivia will be there ? She fancy's you."

Harry switched his focus back to the conversation in front of him.

" Mione, you can't expect this to work."

" And why not? There's four of us going. If each house gets at least that many then it will be sixteen and that's more then enough to get this started. And do you remember the DA meetings we had? People can get along, we just need to try."

" I'm not working with Slytherin. They cheat!"

" Not all of them."

Harry spoke up. He knew first hand how hard Malfoy studied for his grades. Ron turned a funny color.

" He's right. This was practically Pansy's idea." Hermione added.

" Then I'm definitely not going. It must be some evil scam." Ron folded his arms across his chest.

" Grow-up Ronald! You are going. And you're going to talk and work with Slytherins and have fun. Now stop arguing with me."

Ron didn't saying anything more. He got up and left the room.

" He'll calm down, mione. And he'll be at your meeting."

" Oh, I know he'll be there." She stated before she got up to talk to a group reading her flyer.

Harry waited a few minutes to let the red head cool off before following him. All things considered Ron was taking this whole thing well.

Given the fact that at the start of the term insulting a Slytherin would have been a welcome statement, Ron's reaction wasn't crazy. Hermione and him had changed seven years worth of opinion in a matter of weeks. It required some time for some adjusting. Ron would come around.

The meeting was at six o' clock the next night. Enough time to plan for it, but not enough to back down. Hermione was expecting the signs she put up to bring in the wanders, who just wanted to see what it was, but she hoped they reached enough people to make it work. She didn't let her hopes get to high when she walked into the quad area filled with students.

The weather hadn't turned on them yet and of all the things they planned for they forgot a meeting place. Last minute, with just enough time to put it on the flyers, Jenny the Hufflepuff rep suggested this. It would do for now.

The outside semi-covered seating area, had tables and benches. It also had empty class rooms just inside the castle. Everything they needed for this meeting was right here.

Hermione was going to share the room of requirement with her fellow group members, but first she wanted to weed out the ones who weren't going to take this serious from the rest.

She meant what she said, four from each house would suffice, but secretly she wanted as many people as she could influence. Her cause was worthy and she wanted to help the teens over come their differences. She had a vision of this catching on and carrying into further generations. The idea that she could be a co-founder for something bigger then just this year made her giddy.

She reigned in her emotions as she stood with the other representatives.

" Hello, everyone. I'm sure you all have some idea of what we're meeting for, but we're going to explain it a bit more."

Harry half listened to Hermione's speech as he casually scanned the crowd. It was a larger turn out then he expected. A number of heads swivled to Hermione. Some Harry recognized. A lot he didn't.

He and Ron were in the front, showing support from Hermione, who's nervousness disappeared as soon as she realized people were actually listening to her. It was hard to look over the entire crowd from where he was.

I see you got Weasley to come. Harry instantly felt his agitation melt at the sound of Malfoy's voice.

Yeah, you should have seen what Hermione threatened to do to him.

" We won't be studying any tonight. But when we do, we'll have to separate into smaller groups, two from each house if there's enough, according to what subject you want to study and your year. Jimmy can explain the rest now." Hermione broke off and gave the floor to a short boy with thick glasses and ponytail of dark hair.

Probably the same thing Pansy did to Blaise. He's ready to kill, but he's here. Harry's heart sank at the mention of Malfoy's mate.

" Tonight, however, we have fun. This is, after all about getting to know your..."

What ever the Ravenclaw representative was going to say was cut of by a jet of blue light. It emerged from Harry's left and disappeared into the crowd. Some people screamed, some ran, others fell to the floor as if a bomb had gone off.

The light must have landed some where in the back of the crowd because that's were everyone who wasn't panicking was looking. Harry struggled to see, but there were far too many people in his way.

Can you see anything?

Yeah, some one was hit with a tongue twister curse. Nothing special.

" It was a tongue twisting curse." Harry informed Ron.

He wasn't sure the boy heard him. People all around him where asking questions all at once. The noise was growing as well as the uneasiness of the crowd. Had two houses gotten into a fight already? Who was it? Some people were throwing around speculations. Others plotting revenge.

" Enough." Pansy's amplified voice stopped all commotion.

" Someone get her to the hospital wing."

Two boy's help the speech-less, sobbing girl away. Pansy spoke again before any one else could.

" Now any one else who's planning on being an idiot, can go right along with them."

She let her eyes roam over the crowd.

"We won't accept violence, threats or insults against any members of this group. This is a place to put all that behind us. Those are the rules here and if you break any of them, you're out. No exceptions."

She moved from her place in the front and walked through the students who parted, some tripping over themselves to let her pass. When she reached a smirking boy she stopped. He held his ground, but the smirk left his face.

" That includes you, Conrad. Leave." The boy opened his mouth to protest then must have decided it wouldn't be worth it, because it snapped shut before he turned and left. Three people followed.

Pansy returned to the front of the students, now all eyes were on her.

" And again I say, any one who wants to follow. Go. This isn't a game."

I see what you mean about her.

Harry had a new respect for the dark haired Slytherin. When she nodded, Jimmy continued his earlier speech.

" Right. It's quite serious, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. As I was saying, this is an opportunity to get to know your fellow class mates. The idea of this... um.. Well, game." He laughed nervously and shot Pansy a look. The girl smiled back at him.

" The idea is to get to know people. Without judging them. And to work together. You will all be sent to a magically darkened room. You'll have only your minds and voices to communicate. The point is to figure out what secret items we've placed in your room."

" Several objects have been set up in the spaces already and the group who gets the most right wins."

" How are we supposed to figure out what the objects are?" An anonymous voice asked.

" Feel it, touch it, taste it."

" Don't taste it." Hermione shot in.

" Fine, so don't lick the object. But everything else is within limits. Use each other, draw from your common experiences. Have fun. Any more questions?"

" Why do we have to be in the dark?"

" Good question. To make it more challenging and so you don't know who's in your group. Hopefully, this will help some of you bond and you'll have something to talk about next meeting."

" Anything else?"

Somewhere in the distance an owl hooted. People were starting to fidget. A nervous energy rolled through the crowd. Harry noticed several students shoot glances at the exits.

" Great. We'll start counting off."

He pointed to one person and told them they were number one. Every one got a number, one through four. Harry got three and Ron got four.

When everyone was done, each representative from a house took their numbers into the castle. Harry was quickly hearded into a dark room by Jimmy.

He was disappointed when he didn't get in Hermione's group and slightly relieved not to be in Pansy's. The haste of the movement to the dark room didn't give Harry time to recognize anyone around him.

Even divided up and in the dark, Harry could tell there were a good number of people. He was happy Hermione got such a good turn out, but nervous now that he was alone. Harry listened to Jimmy explain the rules once more.

" This is a good group, I can feel it."

Potter, please tell me your in the room with this idiot.

You mean Jimmy?

Why on earth do you know his name?

" Now remember, you can do almost anything to figure out what the objects are."

" Where are they?" Some one asked.

" You have to find them."

How much do you want to bet there's one in his trousers? He strikes me as the pervy type. Oh, Jimmy you little minx. I knew there was a reason we were in the dark.

Harry laughed out loud.

You are in this room.

What? Did you think I was lying?

" I've found one." Some one shouted near the door. At least Harry thought it was near the door. He was rather disoriented. Another person bumped into him without so much as a sorry.

Harry stepped backwards, searching for a wall to get his bearings.

" Let me see it."

" I know what it is!"

" It's heavy."

" Kathy? Is that you?"

" No names!"

Harry sighed and counted the minutes until he could get out of this room.

Where are you?

I don't know. By a wall somewhere. Harry had found the wall and decided to perch there for the remainder of the game. He was leaning against it listening to the voices around him.

Someone grabbed his shirt.

" I've got another one." The person shouted.

" No you don't." Harry responded, tearing his shirt away from the boy's clutches.

" Oh, sorry mate." There was a shuffling as the person left Harry's space.

" Owww.' A girl protested near Harry's left.

Potter. How close were you to that?

It was right on my left. Harry responded, angling his body to the left.

Okay, I think I'm near you.

A hand found Harry's bare arm, shivers followed.

That you? The hand traveled up the arm to the shoulder, where the fingers sunk into the muscles.


Malfoy's hand left his skin and was replaced by his own shoulder.

" It's a muggle spatula!"

" Right-o!" Jimmy answered.

Malfoy and Harry snickered.

I can't believe Granger and Pansy allowed this to happen.

I think most people are actually enjoying it.

" All right, guys. I'll give you a clue. One of the objects is on the wall."

"Bloody hell." Malfoy voiced Harry's sentiments out loud. Their safe place was safe no more. They would have to move.

Just then finger nails dug into Harry's scalp. He yelped and tried to escape but they held strong.

" Get off." He told the attacker, trying to pry the hands away. It was either a female or a boy who had a fear of finger nail clippers.

" No. I found it first. It feels like..."

"...Hair?" he couldn't help but be sarcastic. He wrangled with the girl.

"Maybe. But it's too soft. More like silk. Is it silk?"

" No!" Harry wondered if the girl was toying with him. There was no way to she could still think it was something else.

" It's really soft." She dug her nail in deeper, massaging his head. It felt good until she jabbed him with one of her nails.

" Let go of my hair, you daft bint!"

Harry was thankful no one could see him. His anger snuck up, surged through his veins and then abandoned him, leaving a cold ashamed feeling in it's wake. All in a matter of seconds. It was the same anger he had been experiencing the past few days. Malfoy held a lot inside and it wasn't fair that it all came out through him.

He would never even think about speaking to another person like that. Where did Malfoy get of?

The finger's in his hair retracted and Harry hoped he imagined what sounded like a hitch in some one's throat.

" Sorry." Was all he got before the girl fled.

What's your problem, Malfoy!

What? Did you want me to come to your rescue? I'll remember it next time you're in a fight with a girl.

No. Why do you think you're better then everyone? You can't go around treating everyone like garbage!

What are you talking about? Did we have some conversation I missed out on?

Don't you think what I just said to that girl was rude?

" I've got it! It's a snitch!"

" No."

" A bird?"

I'll admit, it was a bit harsh. But I don't know, maybe your scalp is particularly sensitive. That would explain why you never appear to comb it.

A bit? I practically bit her head off! And it wasn't the first time.

Are you blaming your mood swings on me?

Well, I never made girls cry before this stupid spell!

You're an idiot.


You heard me, Potter. Or rather you didn't hear at all. That's the problem!


I don't walk around making people cry. I've never made a girl cry.

Then why do I all the sudden have an urge to chase away every girl who comes near me?

Harry waited in the silence.

I don't know.

Harry was expecting more. Some crack at how he really wanted to push girls away, Or that they just wised up and left him on their own. But there was something that laced Malfoy's thoughts. Something that made Harry want to drop the subject all together.

So he did.

Well, at any rate it looks like we've been evicted. Let's move before someone grabs something of yours.

Harry pushed off the wall and began taking little steps to what he hoped was the center of the room. Malfoy's shirt ruffled behind him and Harry felt a hand on the base of his back. The blonde was guiding him.

Harry tripped over something and went downlike a sack of potatoes. His face stopped inches from the ground, black glasses slid down his nose and his foot throbbed painfully. He turned and sat up reaching for the object he tripped on.

It had to be one of the things the students were searching for. He was tempted to throw it.

You alright?

Yeah, my ankle hurts. I think I found another object.

Quick, get rid of it!

Here. You take it.

Harry reached up to place the heavy object in Malfoy's hand. Only it wasn't Malfoy's hand he met. The object fell onto the floor with a clang and a faint ring. Harry jumped up from the floor. They both ignored what just happened.

You're hurt.

I'm fine. Harry payed no attention to the swelling heat in his lower leg.

I can felt it. You can't lie to me.

I'm fine.

" Who found the object? I heard it."

" Me too. It came from over here." The voice was next to Harry. He hopped to the side, lost his balance and cringed as the pain shot through his leg.

We're about to get trampled. We've got to move.

" Hey. Some one's hurt over here!" Malfoy tried. A body slammed into him.

" No I'm not!"

" I've found it."

" You're hurt!"

" I'm fine!"

" He's fine! I think it's a cow bell."

" Nope. Try again."

More voices where getting closer. Malfoy panicked. He could feel the pain in Harry's leg.

"Potter! Don't be ridiculous. Can you even walk?"

Malfoy reached out a hand and Harry leaned into him.

" Finally. Can you walk?"

" I don't think so." Malfoy swung an arm all they way around his back. The other supported his shoulder. Harry tried to hobble away from the growing crowd.

" It's a dog bowl!"

Malfoy gave up hope on the group. He would have to take care of Harry himself.

Lean into me.

I'll fall over.

No, you won't. Just lean. All your weight.

Harry sagged a bit into Malfoy. Some one's elbow caught Malfoy's side. He grunted but held strong.

Come on. We can't get through this if you don't trust me.

Harry wanted to cry when some one kicked his sore foot. He gave in and leaned fully into Malfoy. The other boy teetered, but they stayed up.

I was wrong. I can't do this, Potter. You weigh a ton.

Harry was shoved upright. He was going to protest the blonde's statement, when he was swiftly lifted off the ground. To his surprise Malfoy had swung his other arm under his legs, careful not to jostle his ankle, and began carrying him across the room.

Harry didn't have time to get over his shock before he was placed gently to the ground a few steps later.

" It's a pot!" Someone shouted and then light flooded the room.

Malfoy who still had one arm around Harry, jumped back. No one was paying them any attention however. All but four students were gathered around Jimmy near the door. Turns out Harry and Malfoy were in the back near a cupboard and a desk that was shoved against a wall.

Are you going to be okay?

As he asked Seamus spotted his brunette friend and quickly jogged over to him.

" Harry? What happened?

" I fell. I'm fine. Just need to see Pomfrey."

When Harry looked up Malfoy was near the door.

They lost. The other groups finished before them. When they exited the room, Harry hopping with the help of Seamus, everyone was waiting already. Hermione thanked everyone, reminded them of the next meeting and encouraged them to bring friends.

The group dispersed. When she spotted Harry, Hermione ran over to him. Her face in a frown and Harry stood up straighter as he assured her he would be fine. A quick trip the infirmary and he'd be good as new. Ron joined them and they hobbled along.

" That went well don't you think? I mean, besides your foot Harry. I think it did! It was Jimmy's idea to do something fun. He said it would get people hooked. It was fun, right? I'm sure people will come back. Maybe they'll even bring friends."

Harry shared a look with Ron as Hermione continued her excited gushing all the way to the hospital wing.

The next meeting was far less eventful, at least for Harry. He felt drained and wanted nothing more then to curl up under his warm covers and go to sleep, but Hermione had been working hard all week and Harry barely had a chance to see Malfoy.

At least this way he'd be able to be around the blonde, without making it obvious. Now that their project was over and turned in, they had no more reason to be near each other. Their lack of meetings left it's toll on Harry.

His skin itched occasionally and his mind sent a wave of pain to remind him it needed Malfoy's. Every once in a while he would feel himself walking somewhere only to stop mind step, realizing he didn't know where he was headed. But all that was easily ignored.

Or so Harry thought. It must have been building, because now Harry was really feeling it, after almost four days of nothing. The last time they got a chance to release this pressure behind their skulls that appeared when they let it get to long, was during class. By chance, professor Amor as the students called her, switched it up. She allowed them to duel each other.

So on the sidelines as Luna battled Goyle Harry maneuvered himself so his shoulder was resting just an inch from Malfoy's. Their shoes were touching and when one of them shuffled they bumped arms. It was enough.

But now he craved the blonde. His mind ached all afternoon and if it wasn't for this meeting Harry might have just sought the boy out himself.

. Less people instead of more arrived. Some new and others returning from last time. Hermione didn't hide her disappointment as well as she tried, but after a whisper from Pansy the brunette girl managed a smile.

Harry noted Malfoy was missing. It wasn't as obvious in the beginning.

They were in the rooms they used for the game last time. Some actual studying was going to be done. Each room took a major subject, in which two exams were looming. At least for them, the other years would just have to go along with everyone. Thanks to Hermione's hard work, the previously empty classes were filled with desks and chairs. Only two rooms were needed this time.

They met in the quad then divided up.

Harry went with Ron and Hermione in one. Pansy and their bushy-haired friend were the leaders. Harry was certain Malfoy wouldn't been in the other room. And after settling in and looking around he realized the blonde was missing. He reached out.


Not now, Potter.

Harry was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't remember ever being denied by the blonde. Immediately he knew something was wrong.

Malfoy sounded strange. Strained somehow and quiet, like he was far away. Without thinking he turned his eyes to Pansy. She looked tired. Dark circles were under her eyes and her hair was not as kempt as usual. The girl caught his eye, but Harry could never tell what was gong on in her mind.

He stood and walked over to her.

" Can I talk to you for a moment?"

The girl simply nodded and excused herself. Once outside Harry had difficulty findings his words. But Pansy beat him to the punch.

" Draco's mother is sick. I don't know much, but he was sent home this morning."

That explained a lot. Why he had been feeling scared and almost desperate all after noon. And why he was so tired now. He thought it was just the spell.

Pansy was watching him carefully, as if she just told him it was his mother in the hospital. Harry felt lost. He wanted to help, but had no clue where to start, or if the blonde would even want anything from him.

" Is he talking to you? Has he said anything?"

" No."

" Can you... Do you know if he's okay?" Harry looked at the girl before him, clearly stressed about her friend. He wished he could help her. She regained some composure, when he shook his head.

" I'll let you know if I find anything out. I would appreciate it if you did the same."

With that she turned and walked back into the room. Harry stared after her. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to have his mother ill, but he could sympathize with Pansy. If Mrs. Weasley were in the hospital Harry would be right there with Ron.

Harry thought back to the dreams he had. Mrs. Malfoy was never shy with showing her son affection. A hug, a warm smile, a laugh inspired by love. She was what Harry always pictured a mother being.

He felt a pang of fear and sadness for Malfoy. The bond between mother and son was strong and while Harry couldn't fully understand it, he knew it would be devastating to lose.

He opted for retreating to the Gryffindor tower instead of returning to the study group. No wonder he felt exhausted. The pull of their minds and Malfoy's terrible predicament weighed him down. He felt dead on his feet. Once in the nearly empty common room Harry made his way upstairs. He sat on his bed to rest, before he knew it he was asleep.