The ball Part 3

RECOMMENDED SONG: Searching For The Truth By ISAMAR ~🖤


All the citizens left for the discerned spot that they were invited to go on. Though they all were frightened, scared to join a party hold by LM, they knew that denying their order would bring more misfortune on their fates. Thus a heart beating thunderously in fear, they proceeded for the castle of David.

Inside Sia's villa, the three of them continued dressing properly but Luke was nowhere to be found. Even though April badly wished his companion today, she didn't reveal in her expression too much.

After putting on the pinkish floral gown, she stood in front of the mirror before inspecting her figure from head to toe once more. Her round eyes were highlighted slightly that made her pale skin beaming more brightly. As her fingers brushed the hem of her gown, her gaze narrowed slightly.

Why didn't Luke go with them? Why did he need to go outside at this hour?