Mew meets Pokémon.

(A/N: [] are Mew's thoughts. Kind of like speech for Pokémon, though you'll only have Mew talking to himself, as humans don't understand him and I'm not going to write about conversations between Pokémon.)

It was dark all around him, but he found the darkness to be kind of fun. What would it be like when it isn't dark anymore? The dark was comforting, while the unknown was, well, the unknown.

Like that, he would occasionally tap against the hard wall in front of him, listening to the sound it made. It had always been dark, but it was also comforting to be surrounded by the usual blackness. What if it's scary when it isn't dark anymore?

He tilted his head and covered his mouth to stifle the giggling. It would be fun. It won't be scary.

He tapped at the hard wall again, but this time his surroundings slowly lit up.

He could feel warmth creeping up on him. The light became brighter and he closed his eyes on instinct. Once he opened them again, the deep color black had faded and he was surrounded by greenery.

There was green all around him.

Curious about his surroundings, he streched his little limbs forwards, only to see two fluffy little hands, or paws. Tilting his head again, he began stroke them in a trance. So soft.

Another giggle crept up and he covered his snout again. A snout. It, too, felt really soft. He pushed himself up from the ground and could feel the ground leaving from beneath him. Looking down, he saw he had begun to hover above the ground.

Finding the experience quite novel, he made a lot of salto's in the air as he chased after his long and slender pink tail.

[This is so fun!] he yelled, though all it sounded like was "Mew, Meeeew!"

His voice too sounded really pleasant so he started to hum and sing, just so he could listen to it a little more.

As if attracted by the sound, all kinds of creatures came out looking at him as he was singing and twirling around in the air.

They looked really cute and he knew, as if by instinct, what they were, what he was.

He was a Mew. A small pink cat-like creature. The creatures around him were Pidgey and Rattata. The term other creatures would call their species was apparently Pokémon.

Mew moved closer to the Pidgey and happily waved at them as he again began to giggle.

[Nice to meet you.]

The Pidgey waved their wings at him as if to return the greeting.

Mew circled around them, bouncing up and down, touching the feathers of the Pidgey. All these sensations were all so new to him.

[Ah, I really want to look like you too! You have feathers!]

As if reacting to Mew's thoughts, his form changed and he looked the same as the Pidgey around him.

[Wow, I have feathers too now!]

Mew flapped his wings around, hopping from one leg on the other, chasing after the Rattata as they scampered away.

[Don't go, I want to play more!]

Mew changed into a Rattata and chased after them.

They didn't run far and just ran beneath the bushes that were around Mew's birth place, a big white tree.

Getting tired and bored chasing the Rattatta, Mew changed back to his own form and grabbed some really delicious smelling berries.

Having eaten enough, Mew went back to the tree and went to sleep on its branches.

[Playing was really fun! I'm tired now, so let's take a nap.]

Deciding to give in to the heavy eyelids, Mew disappeared in the canopy of the white tree, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the smell unique to this tree.