Mew meets Ash 'again'

After leaving Wallace's company, Mew quickly found the group he was searching for. It was quite a surprise to Mew to see three known acquaintances of him standing in a group. It was the spiky head gym leader from Pewter city, 'Foolish' Ash and the blue haired girl, Dawn.

Dawn was happily smiling as she continued to glance at the ribbon. While remaining hidden, Mew followed the group to the place they were staying at, which was the pokemon center. As the trio and Pikachu were having dinner, Mew would snatch some of it when they weren't looking. As Ash was the most inattentive one of the three, he lost a decent amount of dinner, causing him to be confused when his plate was already half finished.

Still hungry and confused, Ash went back with the other to the room, munching on a remaining sandwich from his lunch. When the door to the room was closed and they were ready for bed, Mew decided to show himself.

When the lights went out and Ash and Pikachu crept beneath the blankets, they were surprised to feel someone else already occupying their bed. Lifting up the blanket, Ash was stunned to see Mew for the third time. The first time was in Brock's gym, the second time during the contest and now the third time.

Ash gaped at Mew with a wide mouth, while Mew just tilted his head.

'Why wasn't the human reacting? Is he still breathing?'

Waving his small paws in front of Ash's face, Mew was just in time with teleporting as 'Foolish' Ash tried to hug him with a big smile on his face.

"Mew! Why are you here?" Ash said with a gobsmacked face, ignoring he had just tried to hug him.

Scowling at the stupid question, Mew hovered above Ash's head as he was lost in thought.

'Why did I want to see him again? Hmmm.... because he's funny, I guess?'

Opting not to say anything, Mew began to talk to Pikachu, excitedly talking about the first time he met him and Ash. While describing the situation, Pikachu scratches his head in embarrassment.

[Can you do it again? He looked really funny.]

Not knowing what Mew was talking about, Pikachu tilted his head in confusion.

Letting sparks pass from paw to paw, Mew pointed at Ash who couldn't really follow the situation.

Now knowing what Mew meant, Pikachu shook his head in denial.

[He's my partner, I'm not doing that.]

Was what Mew surmissed out of Pikachu's reaction.

Starting to pout again, Mew opted with the second best way to express their first meeting. Making a decent sized block of ice, Mew sculpted it within a second in the figure of an electrocuted Ash with a goofy expression on his face.

Seeing the sculpture from up close, Ash was struck with enlightenment as he pointed his finger at Mew.

"It's from that time!" Ash yelled, waking up the barely asleep Dawn and Brock. As Ash was talking with Brock, Mew waved at Dawn, again sculpting an ice figuring of her stressing out with a bicycle in hand. As the sky was fully dark, the room was filled with funny sculptures of all their funny expressions in the time Mew had met them.

Leaving them all embarrassed, Mew left to say goodbye to Azelf as Mew really wanted to look for the Orbs they had lost. Meeting Azelf in the lake, Mew spent the rest of the evening sleeping with Azelf till his time of departure.


[A/N: my sister, a fellow reader of you all, was pestering me for updates, so here are another three. Hope you enjoyed them.]