Loki Familia

Having spent the same amount of time as the green haired woman in the library, the were soon joined by a blonde haired armored woman.

"Riveria. Finn is calling." The blonde said with a monotonous look in her eyes.

"Alright." Riveria said as she put away the book she had just been reading. Taking her staff, Riveria joined the blonde towards Finns room again.

"How was the fair, Ais? Was it fun?" Riveria said, a small smile on her face.


The blonde, Ais, didn't respond a lot, often nodding or shaking her head.

"I see. That's good."

Walking on, they were soon joined by a wide smiling elf girl. Instead of the green haired Riveria, this girl had brown hair. Her ears were also a bit less pointy.

"Ais-san! Loki-sama just updated my status board. My stats went up a bit!"

The girl said with the same big smile on her face. The staff in her hands was held tightly as she seemed to bounce up every now and then.

Mew watched it all from the side. They seemed like a happy family.

"Un. That's good Lefiya." Ais said as she patted Lefiya's head. Lefiya smiled goofily at Ais as the hand ruffled Lefiya's hair.

Mew absentmindednly touched his own head, remembering how nice it felt when Wallace patted him. Maybe the people here could pet him? Would it feel as nice as when Wallace was doing it?

While questioning the vague feeling Mew was having, the group along with Mew arrived in front of Finns office. Though Finn wasn't alone. The goddess called Loki was there as well, looking a bit exhausted as she lounged on the couch.

In front of Finn was another man, though he wasn't that tall, he looked a lot more grown up than Finn. He had a well grown out brown beard and long brown hair. He was a lot firmer than Finn, the mescles visible even underneath all those clothes and armor.

"Nice~ Everyone came. That makes it a lot easier. So, what did you think of these plant monsters?" Loki said as a yellow gem with black smoke inside it was placed on the table.

"Weird." Was what Ais said as they continued to talk about the plant monsters they had apparently fought.

Meanwhile, Mew was observing the stone, his curiosity peaked. Energy was radiating from it. Feeling this energy in more than one place, Mew tilted his head, finger placed to his snout. This stone was a lot more interesting than before.

Poking it around a bit, unnoticed by the Loki Familia, Mew could feel the dark energy from inside it. It felt corrupted, even more than a ghost pokemon. It felt almost unnatural. Losing interest in this filthy thing, Mew quickly left the room, not noticing the wicked grin a peculiar red head was showing as her slightly opened eyes followed Mew's figure leave the room.

"Really interesting."

"What did you say Loki-sama?"

"Nothing, you just continue what you are doing while I refill my Ais-Energy."

Loki said, her eyes still following the figure of an invisible Mew while her arms were firmly hugging Ais.