Mew meets Monsters? Pt. 2

Tilting his head in confusion, Mew spoke up to the green dragon.

'Etto, do you understand me?

The green dragon looked in surprise all around him, until his gaze rested at Mew's figure. He slowly nodded his head, still on guard.

'Can you speak?'

Mew asked, his confusion clearing up by the second.


The dragon said as it came out more like a croak.

As if enlightened, Mew started to giggle loudly as he finally cracked the mystery. This monster had a soul! That's why it didn't feel tainted at all. Now this was fun!

Hovering around the green dragon, Mew came up with the most crazy yet interesting idea he had gotten ever since he ditched Arceus and the other three.

'Do you want to go outside? Outside the dungeon I mean.'

The dragon seemed to think a bit as he lowered his guard a little. It seemed like it had lost the caution he had felt before.

"I do, but I can't."

The dragon responded as glanced at the tree it was guarding.

"I will die if I leave the tree."

Mew giggled at loud again.

'That's no problem for this great Mew-sama. Tell me, do you want to live freely outside without fear of dying?'

The dragon nodded again as yearning became visible in his eyes.

'The so be it!'

Not waiting for the dragon to respond, Mew grabbed the tree and the dragon and literally dumped them near the tree of beginning in Mew's garden. Following shortly after, Mew carefully planted the tree and settled the dragon in the forest. The pokemon living near the tree of beginning were very peacefull and didn't like to fight, so this would be the best place for the green dragon.

Finishing everything, Mew floated in front of the dragon again.

'There is one more thing. To live here as a non-human/person, you need to change. It is quite easy though.' Without further explanation, Mew stabbed the green dragon and drew a bit of blood.

The dragon looked at Mew as the wound healed slowly. Mew licked the drops of blood as the DNA of the dragon was recorded and adjusted in his body. Smiling brightly, Mew tapped the dragon's head as it began to change as well. It was still a green dragon, but the green scales softened a bit as they changed into a dense leafage. Its scales looked more like wood and his wings had become like the dense leaf coverage of a forest. The magic stone inside the dragon burst apart and vanished as it stopped being a monster and turned into a completely new species of pokemon.

'How do you feel? Better?'

The dragon observed the changes in his body and it nodded in confirmation. His body felt better than before and a sense of peace and calm seemed to come over him.

"Thank you very much, Mew-sama." The dragon said as it lay down on the ground and began to bask in the sun.

'I will bring some more friends every now and then if they have a soul as well. Get along will you.'

The green dragon nodded as it began to doze of.

Mew waved at the Graden Mew and left the garden and arrived back into the dungeon.

Seems like there is something fun to do after all, Mew thought. He really wanted to meet even more of the sentient monster, who knows if they wanted to come to his garden. It would be amazing if he could make some more pals for the green dragon, so he wasn't the only one of his species. Looking forward to the future, Mew placed another teleportation mark as he went further to the floors down below.