Mew has a day out

After spending his night in the warm embrace of Hestia, being drooled on as soon as he woke up was a new thing for Mew. He had once before slept in the arms of a person, Wallace. Unlike Wallace' good sleeping posture and pleasant mornings, Hestia moved about a lot, even trying to push him out of the humongous bed on which they slept. Seeing Bell already standing dressed on the side, Mew pouted as he had at least expected Bell to help him a bit.

Bell looked at the pouting expression of Mew with a bit of guilt. Looking away, Bell tried to act as if he hadn't seen Mew, hurrying out of the room.

'Not reliable at all.' Mew grumbled.

Using psychic to lift Hestia's vice grip like arms from his body, Mew moved towards the bathroom and refreshed himself a bit.

Joining the others downstairs they quickly left towards the tower of Babel, intending to shop in its confines.

Walking through the streets, they would stop every now and then when they saw something of interest. While the girls were interested in clothes from other regions, the boys were more interested in swords. That didn't mean that the girls weren't interested in weapons as well, as they were all adventurers.

Mew watched the group split up as he too went to move about to look for things that interested him. While moving around a lot, Mew lost sight of the others as he ended up in the more obscured and dark places of Orario. Seeing a man acting sneaky as he entered a guarded building, Mew was interested as well. Transforming himself in a Bisharp, Mew put a minor mirage over himself to appear more like a human. Coming closer to the guard, Mew uttered the same words he heard the man in front of him say, "One eyed demon", Mew was let inside pretty easily. He could ofcourse just use invisibility or teleportation, but where was the fun in that?

Waiting at the other side of the door was a small fat man wringing his hands together while a flattering smile adorned his face.

"What kind of merchandise is the customer looking for? We have a large supply which can all be adjusted to the liking of the customer."

Not knowing what they were talking about, Mew muttered, "Show everything to me. I have enough money."

Mew had read such line from one of the students of Koro-sensei's class and he felt like it fitted the situation perfectly.

"But of course. Please follow me. Please be warned, dear customer, as the living environment of the merchandise might be less than amiable to the eyes and the nose."

Mew nodded as he followed the man further inside the building, walking down a lot of stairs. Every now and then the small man looked nervously over his shoulder to see if Mew was still following. Nodding at the small man, Mew looked around at his surroundings as he had a faint feeling he might know what said 'merchandise' might be.