Battle against Ganondorf part 3/3

Link and Ganondorf locked blades over and over again. Link dashed around him, striking his sword at whatever opening he saw, but the armor around Ganondorf was too tough to even leave a scratch.

Ganondorf smirked as he struck down the sword once more.

Link blocked the strike, locking the swords in a fierce contest. Both pressed their blades against the other, aiming to overwelm the other with pure might.

Even if Ganondorf was bigger and bulkier than Link, Link was able to overpower Ganondorf, striking Ganondorf's sword sideways and landing a hit as a shining white crest on Ganondorf's chest.

Ganondorf groaned painfully, as the pain spread through his body.

Grimacing, Ganondorf tightened the hold on his sword and locked his blade with Link's sword again, the power behind his strike intensifying.

Link once again managed to strike Ganondorf's sword sideways, striking at the crest again and again.

This continued until Ganondorf seemed to become a bit sluggish. Link saw it as well as he continued to strike against Ganondorf, finally managing to let Ganondorf fall back. Not missing this chance, Link plunged the master sword deep into the crest.

Ganondorf groaned painfully, a deep roar coming from his throat as pain shot through his body when the blade struck true.

Link backed away from Ganondorf who was on his last breath.

Ganondorf slowly rose, gasps sounding as blood seeped from his lips and dripped on the ground.

"Do not think this ends here..."

Ganondorf painfully gasps for air as he continued to speak.

"The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!"

The light that had faintly come from Ganondorf's hand, a triangle shaped mark, faded. A sharp cracking noice was heard as Ganondorf's eyes rolled backwards and the shining crest on his chest faded as well.

Ganondorf died while standing on his feet, the Master sword still deeply embedded in his chest.

Link and Zelda seemed happy the menace was over, yet sadness ruled over them.

Mew tilted his head in confusion why so sad.

Mew just didn't understand.

Seeing the figures of the light spirits further up the hill, Mew witnessed them bringing back a shadowy figure of the little imp, Midna.

Midna started as a small imp, but she transformed into a grown up version of her.

Link and Zelda notice her as well as they both ran up the hill.

Link stared at the adult Midna in awe. He couldn't bring himself to speak.

"What? Say something!"

Midna said as a smile covered her face.

"Am I so beautifull that you have no words left?"

Link stayed silent, though a smile was starting to appear on his face.

'Midna! You aren't an imp anymore! Good for you!.'

Mew said. Unlike Link, Mew was all to happy to speak up. The silence was awkward.

"Ah, the little cat is here too."

Midna said, as faint smile on her lips as she poked at Mew.

'Hey! No poking! Anyway, where did you leave my treats?'

Mew said as he looked around in excitement.

Midna chuckled. Even if she didn't know what Mew was saying, she had an idea what he was looking for.

Waving her hand, the once broked fused shadows appeared before her along with her formed headwear.

"I did promise."

Midna said as the fused shadow moved towards Mew.

Mew happily bounced up and down.

'Thank you!'

Mew yelled. The fused shadow moved closer, though it also shrunk the closer it got to Mew. Not waiting for too long, Mew took a big bite from it, easily crunching through it and gobbled it up in a breath.

Licking his lips, Mew rubbed his little cheeks is delight, while a purple gem appeared in the centre of his tail.

As the others spoke, Midna and the others moved on to who knows where, while Mew followed closely on their trail.