"Hello wor---, Eh... Space?"

After his departure from Hyrule, Mew was again gliding through the space portal. It had become a lot easier as his speed was a lot faster now. Though it seems like his travel companion Gengar was a bit out of it, assuming from the shadow with spiral like eyes beneath him.

Laughing at Gengar's misfortune, Mew would poke the shadow from time to time to steer of the boredom of space portal travel, which was a kind of hell for Gengar as he couldn't come out due to the lack of air in space and in said portal.

He could only endure this misery in silence until the little ancestor arrived in the new world and found some other unfortunate soul to stalk and haunt around. Not that most were bothered by it as Mew always left them behind with happy smiles on their faces.

As Mew's jesting actions continued, Gengar was thrilled to notice the opening from the portal. Unlike before though, the other side of the portal wasn't brightly lit, as they ended up in the wide expanse of space.

"Ehhhh? Why are we here? I don't want this, this is so empty." Mew lamented as the only thing he could see was the many sparkling shiny stars.

Mew called out cutely in annoyance as he flew about in search for a planet of other inhabited plae that might seem fun.

He flew forward at a fast pace, a bit bored as the scenery didn't change at all even if he moved about for a long time. It was all black with colorful specks of light.

If he didn't find something soon, he might just move on to some other place to try his luck there.

Feeling a bit distured out of nowhere, Mew furtively looked around in search for the origin of said feeling.

Not seeing the source, Mew waited as the feeling of disturbance grew. Not long after, something finally appeared, though it was wholly unexpected.

In front of Mew were multiple metal ships flying through th air. They were massive. If he thought Arceus and the others were big, then they were completely dwarved by these mechanical... boats? Ships? Whatever they were.

Moving towards it, Mew flew to the highest point on the ship, the bridge. Flying invisible in front of the window, Mew spotted a lot of people inside of it. Among them were a lot of people wearing white buckets on their heads, while a man dressed in black stood in front of a hologram. Beside him stood a young girl with striped blue-white tails potruding from her head instead of hair.

Finding this a lot more interesting than the empty space he had been accompanied with, Mew teleported inside and looked over the young man's shoulder.

"We were unable to track down General Grievous, Master Yoda. It appears he has managed to slip away again."

The young man said.

"Unfortunate it is, General Skywalker. Missed our chance, we have."

A small, old, green man said. He had the same pointed ears as the elves Mew had seen before. In his hands was a wooden stick which gave the old man support.

"It seems our plans has been known to the enemy. Return to Coruscant for now, Anakin. There will always be a next time." A brown bearded man said. He didn't look very perturbed by the situation.

"Yes, Obi-wan, Master Yoda. We will return at once."

The hologram ended, followed by the man, Anakin, giving orders to the bucket men around him.

"Rex, take us back to Coruscant."

"Yes General. Set coordinates to Coruscant immediately."

One of the bucket heads with a slight color change in the design of his armor responded.

As the whole crew bussied themselves, Mew could feel the same discomforting feeling creeping up as the ship moved into position. In but a moment, the ship flashed forward and Mew witnessed the stars turning into stripes as they entered a route called by the bucket heads, Hyperspace.